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Sunday Stills Monthly Color Challenge: Not Too #Jaded

What now? You know me and my attempt at writing clever blog post titles. This week’s color challenge is not JUST green, but JADE. See the example.

Gemstone colors
Original Photo by Karolina Grabowska on

The example image of colors may help you with future monthly color challenges from March through June.

I do adore the color green and of course with St. Patrick’s Day celebrated on March 17th, Jade seems like a great color to explore this month.

“It is better to live as a broken piece of jade, than to live as a useless piece of clay.” Bruce Lee

Jade is a gemstone with a variety of green hues. I’m going more with the milky-white green depicted in many of the images.

“Jade is part of the green color ray, the most lush and verdant shade of green, a color that reflects growth and vitality. It is also a stone that stands for wealth and longevity.” Jade Meaning

Jade has other meanings besides describing a particular color of green. Oxford Online Dictionary defines JADED as “tired, bored, worn out or lacking enthusiasm, due to age or experience. Also, apathetic or insensitive.

Jade is also a woman’s name. She’s driving the car in the featured image (digitally colored by me, from Color Planet).

The color jade depicts anything in addition to the above definitions. I LOVE any color in the green spectrum. Green in all its hues surrounds us in nature, and I will never get “jaded” or worn out from seeing it.

Nine Mile Falls in Jade

Nine Mile Falls in its spring glory taken March 8. Just a few days ago, they let the water out of the dam and the water was mostly brown. Between the collected silt pushed through from snowmelt in the mountains, the water is flowing jade green!

Jade waters of Spokane River

Play with the color jade or the word “jaded” in any form and simply have fun. It’s a color challenge we explore once a month so please enjoy!

For more green inspiration, please check out my previous “green posts.”

“In life and art, it’s better to be an enthusiastic amateur than a jaded professional.” Robert Genn

LOL, if anyone reading this is a professional photographer, I assume you are NOT jaded.

A Wee Bit More Green

For Cee’s Flower of the Day and Dawn’s Spring Festival (coming March 24), I present my former hydrangea sporting jade blooms. It was rehomed before we moved away from Sacramento.

Jade hydrangea

Another former sunflower boasts its delicate shades of green as it reaches for the sky.

sunflower looks to the sky

Macro view of clovers.

clover and rain drops

I can’t get enough green!

“We are meant to taste of life…and drink the cup of it to the dregs, bitter and sweet alike.” ~ Jacqueline Carey

Macro view of green Margarita

Don’t forget to have a taste of a green margarita if you celebrate St Patty’s Day!

“Take life with a grain of salt…a wedge of lime…and a shot of tequila!” Unknown

Photo Challenges this Week

Each week I am inspired by my fellow bloggers’ photo challenges. I find it fun to incorporate these into my Sunday Stills weekly themes.

Sunday Stills Photo Challenge Reminders

  • Remember to title your blog post a little differently than mine.
  • Please create a new post for the theme or link a recent one.
  • Entries for this theme can be posted all week.
  • Tag your post “Sunday Stills.”
  • Don’t forget to create a pingback to this post so that other participants can read your post.
  • I also recommend adding your post’s URL into the comments.

This Week’s Featured Bloggers

Sunday Stills is a wonderful community of bloggers and photographers who enjoy connecting with one another. Below are this week’s links from bloggers who participated in the monthly color challenge. I edit these all week as new links are added.

Upcoming Sunday Stills Schedule and Themes

  • March 20 Daylight in Black and White
  • March 27 Urban
  • April 3 No Challenge

This week, enjoy the monthly color challenge and be as creative as you can with your photos, stories, poetry, and music. If you don’t have time for a blog post, remember you can add an image to the comments section with the URL in your image from the media library, or share an image on your social media and tag my post or my social media accounts on Facebook and Instagram.

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  1. I also love greens, Terri, and jade is a good writer’s word too for colors in nature. I wonder about the origins of the word “jaded” since it seems so opposite of the lovely gemstone. Beautiful quotes and photos, especially of the dam and water. Have a beatuiful week as the world turns green.


    • Thank you, Diana! I figured you would love green since you are surrounded by it, I imagine. It’s such a soothing color. Isn’t that funny about the word jaded? Makes me wonder, too. We’ve got green grass popping up on the property and we’re looking forward to our tree blooms in a few more weeks, too. Have a great week!

      Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you, Graham, I felt so lucky to catch the water just right. It looked brown a few days before but it was overcast. Caught the greens in the sunny afternoon light which made a huge difference. Definitely getting warmer–was 53 yesterday and wonderful. Misty rain today and tomorrow. That’s Washington for you as you well know.

      Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you, Kirstin! I was so happy to capture the green and jade of the water. I expected to use archived images (I did use some) but to capture the waterfall now is a testament to how much mountain snow we got. This time last year, the water didn’t get let out until near the end of March.


  2. Terri,
    LOVED the feature image! Green is my favorite color and we’re getting a hint of it now with our trees sending out leaf buds. As usual, your pictures are fabulous. I want to think we’ve been to Nine Mile Falls, but I can’t find a picture in my files, so maybe not. Anyway, great shot and great color. My contribution for the week is a jade green thermal pool from Yellowstone. I think the color is close to jade and the pools are fascinating! Joe


    • Thank you for those kind words, Joe! We’re still scarce on the tree buds, another few weeks, I think! Nine Mile Falls area is North of Spokane driving up Hwy 291 along the Spokane River. Stevens County borders Canada. It’s such a beautiful area here. Your contribution of the vernal pool is incredible, all the more reason to head to Yellowstone this year! BTW, I’m so happy for Helen’s good news!


  3. Hi terri, I like your theme this week and your greens here are beautiful and Jade really did fit so well into the month of March – my favorite photo of this post was the one from 3/8 of nine mile waters – wow – the colors and the entire vibe is so nice.
    Also, I will be joining up with #sundaystills on Thursday this week – I shall be combining this challenge with the Thursday Doors theme –
    so I shall see you then !

    Liked by 1 person

    • thank you, Yvette! Who can resist a shade of green for the March color challenge. I’ve been having fun choosing the color theme for each month and already have the rest of the year’s colors (taking a page out of Marsha’s book). I will look forward to your post!

      Liked by 1 person

      • Good idea to plan ahead (when possible, eh?)
        And I guess it depends on what you are planning for – because I know when I taught art, I sometimes felt stifled if I planned all of the lessons for the year. Because sometimes a current event, some donated supplies, or just a curiosity of mine would want me to not do what was planned. For example, one year I changed all of the January lessons and we did Picasso monochromes and had Spanish-themed lessons (lyounger grades made castanets and one class made crazy guitars)
        anyhow, planning really does anchor and structure, but at times it can stifle. But for challenges – I think it can be helpful = and by the way – I was really grateful you had the entire month posted because I was really curious this weekend as to what Sunday’s theme was going to be and there it was. I assume you have been doing that for a while but I just noticed – hahahahah

        Liked by 1 person

  4. Love all your greens Terri, and jade is a beautiful colour. I seem to remember I have a piece of jade jewellery somewhere but haven’t been able to find it. Your photos are superb and show the colour at its best!


  5. What a great take on green, Terri. This theme is identical to my WQW theme for tomorrow. Could I just cut and paste your post into my WQW New Post form and Voila, I’d be ready to press publish in the morning? Copyright laws? Uh-huh, I’m just green with envy? Hmm, aren’t leprechauns a little mischievous? I mean maybe they did it and not me? Okay, Terri, how about if we just agree that I love this post and WISH I could copy it? Hope you are having a great week, my friend. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Green is my favourite colour. Green is a good colour to wear if you have a tendency to be claustrophobic. I tried it many years ago, and it really does help! I always wear green on a flight.

    Liked by 1 person

  7. The colour of the water in the Spokane River is terrific, Terri. And I’d love to know what you thought about Wicked. I’ve seen the show at least five times and absolutely love it.

    For me, the colour green always means spring is in the air. It seems to take on such a freshness after the winter. Maybe the hard frosts and cold give it that look?

    I had a good look through my photos and was amazed by how much ‘Jade’ features. I had a tough choice of which photo to feature, but here it is.

    Hope you’re having a great week.

    Liked by 1 person

    • A little busy this week, Hugh, as I dash off to sub at the Middle school in a few minutes. Green is such a powerful yet soothing color. Love your photo of jade green. When I think of the UK, I think of images like this. I loved Wicked (my second time). Of course the book is much darker, but Broadway shows need to be uplifting and hopeful, right? Quite the talented cast in this one! Thanks for sharing your green this week!

      Liked by 1 person

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