recreational fishing on Hilo Bay

Sunday Stills: #Recreational

recreational fishing on Hilo Bay

This theme is right up this blog’s alley…that’s right, when you’re the host of a photo challenge, you get to pick them! I know you will love it though, since recreation and leisure are essential in our lives.

I bet you find yourself participating in something recreational or leisurely every day. Why not share what you do for recreation for the Sunday Stills photo challenge?

In the above photo, I watched as these two fishermen enjoyed their experience on Hilo Bay juxta-positioned against the backdrop of the apartments. It was a Friday, a school holiday, and these fishermen shared the beach with several young surfers.

And I’ll bet you didn’t know that today is also “National Take Your Parents to the Playground Day.” Playgrounds appear in parks and in swimming pools.

Pool Playground

I would be remiss (as a former aquatics director) if I didn’t include my annual plug for May is National Water Safety Month.

May is National Water Safety Month

For more information on keeping yourself and your family safe in and around the water, visit these links:

Together We Play

National Water Safety Month

and a previous post: Is a Life Jacket in Your Beach Bag

Speaking of Liquid, this is also submitted for the Weekly Photo Challenge! I love it when this happens!

Don’t forget to link up your fabulous recreational-themed photos this week! You have all week to link up and I will share your posts!


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  1. HI, Terri – Awesome photos (as usual) and great information. I never knew there was such a thing as “Take Your Parents To The Playground Day!” How cool is that?!

    Liked by 2 people

  2. Hi Terri they should also have a Take your grandparents to the Playground Day. I love going with my grandson and we both stay active and enjoy the fresh air. Thanks for the water safety reminder. Even though it is almost winter in Australia, Queensland, where I live is beach weather for most of the year so water safety is not just restricted to Summer. In winter there are not many life guards at the beach so extra care is required. I love the photos which capture leisure and recreation perfectly xx

    Liked by 3 people

  3. Wow, what a great topic for this week’s challenge, Terri. “Playtime,’ as I like to call it. Now you got me thinking about what I’m going to come up with. You know me – always thinking out of the box for this challenge.
    Great photo from you. I’ve never tried fishing but can see why many find it very relaxing.

    Liked by 2 people

  4. These are such simple, enjoyable moments and you always have so much great information. I love “Take your parents to the playground day” and while it’s for the children to have a chance to get outside and play, it’s important for parents to enjoy these special moments in their children’s lives. They grow up so fast.

    Liked by 1 person

    • My grandfather used to take us to the park on weeknights down in San Diego. He used wax paper to wax the metal slide which made it slipperier, then moved us at breakneck speed on the merry-go-round! I know he enjoyed that as much as we did!

      Liked by 1 person

  5. Terri, I’ve seen many of the “Sunday Stills” posts, but I had no idea you were one of the hosts. I somehow managed to miss that. I really liked the moments you shared. Thinking back of my own Sunday (yesterday,) it was very relaxing. Spring has been so so busy for me; moving, creating a new garden, buying another horse, homeschooling my daughter, it goes round and round 🙂 Yesterday I decided to just relax. I usually get up around 4.30, but yesterday I slept in until 6 (!) It was wonderful. I read a lot. I’m reading “The Tiger’s Wife” right now, it’s a great read. I also spent a lot of individual time with both of my horses. I had Fancy, my new horse, with me while working in the garden, and later reading in the backyard. She mows my lawn 🙂 It’s very relaxing to have her walking around there, chewing the grass, and coming up for some pets every now and then.

    Have a wonderful new week!

    Liked by 1 person

  6. […] I hope that your weekend is nothing short of wonderful ❤ I made an extra effort to have a relaxing day today. I needed it. This is part of the Sunday Stills Photography Challenge. […]


  7. I’ve had plenty of playground time with the grandsons for the past week or so. Their parents went on vacation so we had the fun time of taking care of them for most of the week. Also took them to a trampoline park where they jumped until they dropped. Good to focus on water safety as we are about to take to the lakes here in Maine and you can’t stress safety too much.

    Liked by 1 person

  8. Looks like you have a hit on your hands with this series, Terri. The lighting in that first photo is incredible. I’ll be taking myself to the playground, and if my folks want to tag along, they’re more than welcome! ❤️

    Liked by 1 person

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