dark eyed junco

Sunday Stills: February is Feed the #Birds Month

February 3 begins the official “Feed the Birds” month, (source National Today) and I enjoy posting about this each year while sharing my latest bird images.

Female Purple Finch
Female Purple Finch

“National Bird Feeding Month is a chance for bird feeders, watchers, and anyone else who is feeling in the spirit to extend a hand out to our flying friends.” ~ National Today

In the northern hemisphere, February is the last stretch of winter and wild birds need extra help when their winter stores start to run out. By February, seeds, grains, and other feed are buried under snow and mud or already eaten.

I keep two feeders stocked in our backyard, one for seed, the other for suet cakes. The Northern Flickers (a species of woodpecker) love the suet feeder.

“I don’t feed the birds because they need me; I feed the birds because I need them.”
― Kathi Hutton

Most of the winter birds found here in Eastern Washington tend to be ground feeders and scavenge seeds.

covey of quail
Covey of Quail
dark eyed junco
Dark-eyed Junco caught in the act

They especially like Black Oil Sunflower seeds which provide fat and help keep them warm.

Dark eyed junco in snow
Mr Junco likes the spread

I also try to keep our birdbath at least half full of water when the snow has all melted (like right now). Birds get thirsty in some climates that may be dry (like alpine and high desert) where we live.

The snow has melted for now, but we had a few inches of December snow.

Junco perches in the snow
Junco perches in the snow, awaiting his chance to feed

Since we added to the deck, the birds get closer to capturing the seeds, and here the quail keep a sharp out for predators and hide under the deck.

Male Quail
Male Quail Watching from our Deck

I didn’t snap as many pics of birds while we were in Arizona, but as Marsha and I sat on the patio at a Scottsdale restaurant, this cute little Grackle hopped onto a nearby chair and batted her eyes at us.

brown grackle
Begging Grackle at Scottsdale Restaurant
gray swatch

Blogging Has Taken the Wrong Flight Path with Anonymous Comments

While we visited Arizona in January, I used the Jetpack App on my phone almost exclusively except to publish new posts. During that time, I discovered to the nth degree that I struggled to comment on many bloggers’ posts whether read through e-mail notifications or directly through links posted for Sunday Stills.

Tell me, have you had trouble using the Jetpack App on your mobile? Many have, but when they’ve gotten through, their comment comes up as “someone” or “anonymous.” I was a “someone” myself on a few comments on others’ blogs. Many of these issues can be fixed in the settings.

I had a “someone” conversation with Carol from Light Words, luckily, I could see her link and knew who she was (I’m becoming a good guesser). I managed to grab a screenshot of our conversation and sent that off to the WordPress Engineers this week.

I also shared my issues with Hugh Roberts of Hugh’s Views and News, who has been instrumental in writing how-to posts these last couple of years as we bloggers struggle through so many changes and frustrations.

The fun of personal blogging is the engagement we enjoy when we comment on each others’ blogs.

Here is what Hugh e-mailed me this week: please read …

“I don’t want to change the settings on my blog so that everybody has to be logged into WordPress or leave their name and email details. I am going to ask those whose comments appear as anonymous the method they used to leave their comment. That way, I can build up a case to put to WordPress if it is that all anonymous comments are coming via the Jetpack app.”

We bloggers really need to take these glitches seriously, so we can continue with the serious leisure concept of blogging 😊 So please, if you are having issues leaving comments whether you are using Jetpack or a computer, make a note and let WordPress know.

As bloggers, we need to push for this flightiness to be resolved which can help feed our creativity!

gray swatch
Heron Statue Fountain Hills
Heron Statue Fountain Hills, Arizona (first on the card)

Inspiring Photo Challenges This Week

Each week I find inspiration from my fellow bloggers’ photo challenges. I enjoy incorporating these into my Sunday Stills weekly themes.

Sunday Stills Photo Challenge Reminders

The Sunday Stills weekly-themed photo challenge is easy to join. You have all week to share and link your post.

  • Remember to title your blog post a little differently than mine.
  • Please create a new post for the theme or link a recent one.
  • Entries for this theme can be posted all week.
  • Tag your post “Sunday Stills.”
  • Don’t forget to create a pingback to this post so that other participants can read your post.
  • I also recommend adding your post’s URL to the comments.

This Week’s Featured Bloggers

Sunday Stills is a wonderful community of bloggers, poets, artists, and photographers who desire to connect with one another. Below are this week’s links from bloggers who shared their photos of birds. I add these all week as new links are posted.

Hooray, I’m back at home and can add your links to my weekly round-up!

“Winter perches like a bird; wings tucked in, so the soul is heard.” ~ Angie Weiland-Crosby

Male purple finch
Chomping on a Seed
bimoji signature

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    • Thank you, Graham! Those flickers have red feathers under their wings, which is hard to capture. Quail are very cute! I’m glad to know that you have no issues with WP. Although, I just tested your link from my phone, and when I tapped “like” it took me to the log-in blank screen, but when I backed out I could leave a comment as normal. So strange!

      Liked by 1 person

    • Hi Ingrid! Check your settings on your discussions. Like Hugh, I left the top two unclicked so people can comment, but it still happens. I t might be our themes colliding in cyberspace–who knows? And yes, you are a pro and capturing birds and landscapes with your lens (my two favorite subjects as well).

      Liked by 1 person

  1. Terri, I love your bird photos!! Here in Michigan we’ve been asked to not feed the birds because of some strange virus that develops in the feeders. I don’t know more about the virus. It’s something for me research. Also, I quit using the JetPack app months ago because my comments got hung up in there. I couldn’t find the comments on my blog… they were in the app. As soon as I quit using the app, everything went back to normal. I too, get those anonymous comments. I bet they are using the JetPack app too. I’ve had several folks tell me later they can’t find my blog on there too. So, another WP problem. Good luck to Hugh. He seems to be able to get through to WP when many of us haven’t been able to. It’s very frustrating. xx

    Liked by 2 people

    • Thank you, Colleen! Firstly, I’ve read that certain geographical areas have concerns about feeding birds–sadly some people don’t change out the feeders and bacteria dangerous to birds an grow in the feeders. Most of my food this time of year I just throw on the ground and the birds that forage here are happy with that.
      Secondly, I am keeping notes this week for WP and for Hugh, how comments coming and going are working (or not). I prefer using my desktop especially if a blogger links, then I can take are of that quickly,
      Strangely, just a few minutes ago, as I commented on another blogger from my desktop, I got the same log-in request!! that’s a first and Jetpack had nothing to do with it. So I logged in and let her know. I also didn’t see the live chat option when I reached out for help although I am on WP Explorer plan. Weirdness! Happy Sunday Colleen!!

      Liked by 1 person

      • It’s a great idea to throw the seed on the ground. We live in an HOA and the rules won’t allow bare patches of grass, otherwise I would do the same.

        The WP chat feature is gone. Hugh didn’t believe me when I told him that. There are so many issues, that WP can’t handle them all. The bot helps with basic things, but otherwise you have to email them and wait for an answer. You used to get better service on the higher up plans. That’s not the case right now.

        Have you tried logging out and logging back in? That’s another reason I don’t use the JetPack app. I had to log in all the time to leave comments. No one has time for all of this. It never used to be so difficult to blog.

        I’ve looked at Wix. You can receive comments on their blogs. I know a few bloggers who use Weebly. They had to add comment functionality to their blogs. WP isn’t the only game in town. Yet, I hesitate to lose my community.

        Please share what WP says. Maybe something will change. ❤️

        Liked by 1 person

      • Egads, Colleen, WP is falling apart! I know you and Hugh have had multiple conversations with them. Although the HE assured me that they care about bloggers when I suggested WP doesn’t, the continuing glitches are astounding! If WP goes to HE!! is a handbasket, or makes it too difficult, I will just eventually end my side of the party. I won’t bother with other platforms.

        Liked by 1 person

      • I know what you mean. I’m still writing books, so a website is something I need. It’s so frustrating. We all had such a great community when we started, full of beautiful themes. Now, everything looks the same. The HE that handled my last money LOSS fiasco wanted me to rate my experience. I ignored him. I didn’t answer his stupid emails. I’m still not happy about losing all that money. But they blew it off like, “oh well—here’s some Blaze advertising (spam) credits” you can use to antagonize everyone on WP. 🤦🏼‍♀️

        Liked by 1 person

      • You have had one horrible experience after another, Colleen! I just discovered a WordPress meet up in Spokane this week that I’m going to attend. I am compiling a list of questions and issues to share with the organizer–cross your fingers I can get some real help out of this!


  2. I swear, your photography skills increase with every post. You are amazing. Me too–about the comments. I’m appalled to see my comment come through as anonymous, as though I’m afraid to share my ID. Sometimes, WP finds a very old ID I haven’t used for a decade and attaches that (Computer Tutor–really??). Looking forward to any solutions.

    Liked by 3 people

    • Thank you, Jacqui! You’re too kind. I think the birds here pose for me 🤣
      What’s going on with WP is perplexing. Weird that when I’m logged in and can comment on one post, like now, but later I’ll comment all from my phone, and I’ll be asked to log in again. I’m not sharing my ID when I log in. It will be great to get these issues fixed.

      Liked by 2 people

  3. I always love seeing the birds you have over there, Terri. I love the Junco and Grackle, what great names! I enjoyed snapping some new photos for this week’s challenge.

    As for WordPress, I’m having to log in to most blogs before I can leave a comment and that’s on my laptop. Sometimes it tells me I’m logged in and when I try to comment it still asks for my login! In a lot of cases I have to comment via the Reader.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Hi, Terri,
    Not much help with Jetpack since I don’t use it. In our neighborhood, we are discouraged from putting out bird feeders because the spilled seeds attract skunks. Two dogs got “blasted” recently, and one rushed back into the house and the owner’s bed! I love the Grackle. Do you have Stellar Jays there? They are so pretty. Have a great week!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Hi Joe! That would be the best reason to not feed the birds! Those grackles are everywhere in AZ. There is a black plume tailed grackle too that is quite stunning. I’ve seen a few stellar jays here in Nine Mile, but not as many as we did in Sacramento. Have a great week too!

      Liked by 1 person

  5. Aw, I’m jealous of your Quails, they’re so interesting to look at. We’re still feeding our birds too. I saw a few land in the snow that’s left to eat some, normally we have a slower melt and some water standing this time of year (or snow this time of year). I hope our birds are finding the water they need.
    Thanks for sharing the WP glitch info and what to do. I have seen the anonymous replies too and wondered what happened. I’m happy to help spread the word.
    Here’s my take on the prompt(s) for this sunny Sunday in February! https://www.quaintrevival.com/how-i-happily-stumbled-upon-my-word-for-2024-only-one-month-late/

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you, Shelley! The quail are so cute with their little bobbles on top! Plenty in AZ too. I hope WP can get these issues fixed–I was so insanely happy to see your link for the first time almost ever…it appeared in my dashboard comments!

      Liked by 1 person

      • You’re welcome! Yes, they are darn cute. We have them around here, but they’ve never come into our yard like the turkeys have.
        YAY – I’m so happy the link worked. I wish I knew what I did to make it work. I’m going to just keep my fingers crossed that it is finally fixed! 🤞🏻🥰

        Liked by 1 person

  6. I am definitely having the anonymous comments, and that just started recently.
    As to the birds we don’t feed them as we have 2 cats who are good hunters so it would be like putting dinner on their plates.
    My fav birds are the big ones in the sky here; Sandhill cranes. The meadowlark is definitely my favourite songbird.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thanks for weighing in, Bernie! I literally just discovered a Spokane-area WordPress meet-up this week that I’m going to attend. Automattic (who powers WP dot com) is one of the sponsors and perhaps I can find out what’s going on!
      I bet your sandhill cranes are amazing to see. We also have egrets and blue herons here.


  7. Lovely bird post, Terri! I love birds but some of my bird-watcher friends do so much research on birds, I hesitate to call myself a bird-watcher. I just love watching them. I got more and more comments that turned out to be Anonymous. One blogger caught it and made a second comment with her correct ID. Many more who didn’t, perhaps didn’t know. When I used my phone to comment on Jetpack, most of the time, I could reply, but I couldn’t click the link to another post. I still have the WP app on my phone. I’ll use it to see if it’s better.

    Liked by 1 person

  8. Hi Terri, our pond is dry right now, which means no birds visiting, but I did see a couple of Roseate Spoonbills and a Wood Stork in passing last week when out driving without my camera. Love all your bird photos.

    As far as the Jetpack/comment thing – I use Jetpack for making comments quite often and haven’t had any trouble. I don’t like that WP is doing the ‘sign in’ thing when commenting from my laptop. It even happens on my blog when I am responding to comments. Very annoying.

    Liked by 1 person

  9. So great Terri. I love the photos you captured. I don’t have any feeders right now, and didn’t have any new pics. The old ones, I’ve shared in other “feed the birds” posts. I ran down to my inlaws in hopes of capturing something in their feeders, but nothing was there when I went and I couldn’t stay long..lol. So, I may or may not post this week. We’ll see if I find something in the next few days worthy of capturing. I’m going to go on a walk with my daughter, so maybe I’ll spy some birds eating. I’ll come back and share my link if I do. I love the quail. Those would be fun to see.

    Liked by 1 person

  10. I am going to do two comments if WP lets me. This one is a “someone” or “anonymous”
    I always use my PC to comment. I am now using Reader to comment as it’s eliminates the log in crap. This only works for blogs I follow of course the others are painful. This is a comment direct to your site.
    I love the Quail and all the others as well.
    The Heron statue is so good even though it is the “Last Photo” 😁 I reckon it’s OK fro the challenge
    Thanks for joining in Last on the Card Terri 🙂 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  11. I am going to do two comments if WP lets me. This one is a “someone” or “anonymous”
    I always use my PC to comment. I am now using Reader to comment as it’s eliminates the log in crap. This only works for blogs I follow of course the others are painful. This is a comment direct to your site. This time direct on your post but doing the WP log in thing
    I love the Quail and all the others as well.
    The Heron statue is so good even though it is the “Last Photo” 😁 I reckon it’s OK fro the challenge
    Thanks for joining in Last on the Card Terri 🙂 🙂


  12. So much to comment on here! First of all I NEVER get a flicker at my suet, though we have them around. I do get downy and hairy woodpeckers and red bellied woodpeckers. Second, our juncos look nothing like yours! Well, ours are a similar shape, but definitely yours have lots more color. I don’t know how to put a picture in a comment…but I’m sure you’ll see a junco in a post of mine someday. I know he was in one of my bird posts pretty recently. I should go look and find the date. Third…I’ve avoided JetPack for months. Because I don’t like change. Change is hard. But I can’t even read many blogs on my phone, so just today I added it. I haven’t tried to comment via phone using it yet. I don’t know why they keep changing stuff on us. I still don’t like the block stuff they forced on us.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Hi Dawn! I just left a comment on your post (from my desktop). I loved all the birds in your post–so many varieties! I get that change is hard–umm, you blog about it, LOL!
      But good that you are exploring using a mobile to read and comment–that’s all I do. I use my desktop (or laptop while traveling) to post links, create posts, etc. I personally don’t mind change but in this case, WP needs to fix the buggy system its created of late–or we’ll sic our hungry birds on the virtual bugs. Sorry…LOL! Hang in there–I’m attending a Spokane WordPress meetup this seek and am collecting questions and issues people are leaving in the comments to discuss with the meeting leader. I’m glad you shared your post, Dawn!


  13. Terri, your Quail are so unique looking. And that Grackle’s intense eyes she was batting at you! I like the Dark-eyed Juncos – we do have them here, but I never saw them in the neighborhood until this Winter, but I’ve seen them at Council Point Park the last few years. They will see me putting out seeds and converge, sometimes 10-15 at a time. Then they all fly away in unison. I have a Dark-eyed Junco in my post in the platform feeder which is odd. We only have the ones with the white-and-gray plumage. The Heron statue was impressive, looking like a king surveying his kingdom.

    My post is a bit odd and I know it’s too-long, but it encompasses Fall and Winter bird feeding. I could not decide whether to put my “foe” at the top or the bottom of the post. I cut myself short on time this weekend and my boss dropped off all the stuff from my office before we close this office. I have worked from home since 2011 and he brought a lot of stuff and left it at my side door – it took me an hour to bring it inside. And, the only thing I watch TV-wise is “All Creatures Great & Small” a seven-week series on PBS which I stream every Sunday night as I don’t have TV. I was gone for hours earlier as it was the first beautiful day, as in the sun shining day, in three weeks. I went two places and saw birds and took pictures.

    As for the WordPress dilemma, I only use the computer for reading/commenting on other’s blog posts. I have had this issue of not being able to comment on someone’s post, except in Reader, for a while now. For example, I can only comment on Shelley’s (Quaint Revival) posts in Reader, not on her site, so I read the rest of the post, arrow back and comment in Reader. I leave myself logged into WordPress all the time. I hope I’m not inviting hackers. So, if I log out, log back in, I still can’t go on someone’s blog post to comment unless it’s in Reader, even giving all my credentials. That is too bad, especially if someone links to another blogger’s post.

    I noticed in linking to your post for the Challenge, it popped up where I could check “open in new tab” on its own (like it used to) which was better than hovering your mouse over the link, clicking it and checking “open in new tab”. I also was able to preview my post for the first time in ages – usually I get nothing there.

    Backyard friends and foes.

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    • Linda, I just read your email, I see I didn’t reply to your comment, it was one of those mornings! Thank you for sharing your difficulties with WP. I logged out of my WP account via my desktop, and relogged in for safety purposes.
      I am at the meetup right now. All three of us. The moderator knows very little about WP dot com, so when I described our various problems, he really couldn’t help me. Oh well. Thanks for reaching out with email, and again I apologize for missing this comment.

      Liked by 1 person

  14. We used to get juncos in Illinois. Grackles are so loud that I find them more annoying than cute, but that’s just me. The birds I miss are cardinals. As for WP, I do use Jetpack a reasonable amount and had glitches before, although not with anonymous comments. I’ve had other issues doing post when using Jetpack and not my laptop, so I often edit and upload photos from my iPad, then finish them on my laptop. I have had problems with a post done through JP not syncing properly with my laptop and losing content or having to redo the entire post.

    Liked by 1 person

  15. Hi, Terri. Lovely bird shots. I have been getting “someone” comments as well and wondered about it. I responded to a couple to see what would happen but don’t know if the sender received the reply. I’m glad I read all the comments on the post. I wonder if using the Jetpack (not sure about Jetpack, haven’t paid any attention to it, still using WP) double posts if you were using it. A couple of times recently your posts have popped up twice on my reader, once as anonymous and once as you. I hope that makes sense. I have noticed that comments from bloggers I follow have been ending up in the spam folder. When I approved the comment, it didn’t seem to appear in my comment list. Thanks for making the effort to work with WP on the “someone” problem.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you for your comment, Marie! That is strange to read that my posts appeared twice on the Reader as anonymous then under my blog name…this just gets weirder! Despite some issues, the Jetpack app works quite well and is seamless between my desktop (Windows) and the app. What you might be experiencing using the WP app could be what you describe with the double posts.


      • Hey. The double postings were actually on my pc reader. I don’t do a lot except read on my phone. The screen is so small. 😉 But today, when my Android operating system updated, I received a notice that my version of WP was created for an earlier version of WP and I should upgrade or could have errors. I suppose that means Jetpack but I haven’t really looked at it yet. Thanks again.

        Liked by 1 person

  16. Hi Terri, What a lot of interesting comments about birds and the WP issue. Your bird pictures are fabulous. You got a different chair than I did in the pic that I posted a couple of weeks ago. I love taking bird pictures here. In Prescott, we can’t have bird feeders because they attract wild animals. They come anyway. I’ve never heard of the virus issue that Colleen mentioned. The one we had in CA got moldy, so we quit filling it. Those birds don’t need much help anyway because it stays pretty warm.

    The WP issue is annoying. I thought I would be able to use my iPad instead of taking my computer when we go back and forth, but I have that same anonymous problem. I don’t think I have it on my phone, though. Have you noticed how pushy Grammarly is with your writing? It seems like it doesn’t like the way I word anything anymore. If I write, “it was very difficult.” and it wants to push about three “better” ways to say the word difficult. “tough, challenging, complicated.” What’s wrong with difficult? LOL I like to have a post and a comment with as few mistakes as possible, but AI is getting invasive to the point of annoying me. 🙂 Then, I just wrote the word touch instead of tough – typo – and it didn’t catch that. LOL I’m glad we don’t put computers in charge of everything! 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    • The WP issues are a flighty as the birds, LOL! I still feed our birds here because there are wild animals everywhere and nature will have its way (or Brodie will–who caught a baby quail once). The suet feeder gets a lot of use and doesn’t have time to get moldy and I throw seeds and feed on the ground for the ground feeders (again Brodie likes to eat it). There are very few cats around here but the biggest threat to songbirds are the raptors–Coopershawk, chickenhawk, owls, etc. I have yet to see an eagle swoop down–they mainly stick to the lake for fish.

      Thanks for sharing the issue about WP! So both major platforms Ipad/phone and Android seem to have equal issues with comments and other glitches. WP has a lot to work to do with the app. I used to have Grammarly premium, but stopped once I quit writing books. It still is annoying but helpful to some degree. I refuse to use AI although it is used on Duolingo for learning but its not invasive into my writing…yet. LOL

      Liked by 1 person

  17. Terri, we have birds that flock to our feeder all day. Our feeder is a flat tray that hubby attached to the rail on our balcony and he cleans it daily. We live in an apartment complex and are not allowed to have hanging bird feeders.

    I had issues with my blog last week because of the switch from an FSE theme back to a classic theme. I emailed the list of errors to the WP HEs and discussed it further using live chat. My problems were resolved in minutes and I feel I got stellar service from the HEs. I’ve not had any issues with comments except for a few blogs where it takes forever for the comment box to appear. I use a laptop for blogging and not the Jetpack app.

    Liked by 1 person

    • I like the idea of the flat feeder, Eugi. We don’t have squirrels here because our trees are young and my dog keep them away.

      I’m heartened by your WP comment. And you used live chat–several of us can’t access live chat with our Explorer plans. May I ask which plan you use? Glad they could address your issues!

      Liked by 1 person

      • I use the Creator plan, Terri, which used to be called the Business plan. I found that if I send the HE’s an email first and then use live chat, I get better results. I didn’t realize live chat is no longer available for the Explorer plan.
        There are plenty of squirrels in the tree right off our balcony, however, they haven’t tried to use our bird feeder. What is really cool is when we sit outside on our balcony to get some fresh air, the birds still come to the feeder.

        Liked by 1 person

  18. You are lucky to have so many different birds where you live. Sometimes I swear we only have crows and tree finches. Not exactly true, but they make themselves the most obvious.

    I had always associated quails with the desert southwest. Odd to see them in the snow.

    I get anonymous comments now and then too. I’m not sure why (I also have those two boxes unchecked) but I can only assume it’s the platform the commenter is using. I hope it gets fixed soon.

    Liked by 1 person

  19. Beautiful birdie pics Terri. I had to laugh at ‘feeding birds in February’ as the only birds you see around my neck of the the woods are the Canadian Geese who are very territorial wherever they want to hang out, get out of the way. That includes crossing roads, blocking entrance doors, they love parking lot hangouts too. Lol. But about the anonymous and someone comments. I was getting a lot of them these past two weeks. I kept asking to leave their name if they didn’t see their gravatars. I was none stop email back and forth with WP support for two months. It’s still not perfect, but bearable. Many blogs (yours was one) I couldn’t even leave a comment on. So here’s to hoping this one goes through. ❤

    Liked by 1 person

    • Yes, I got it Debby! Thanks for trying. I rechecked my settings for Comments, but a few bloggers are having trouble leaving them. Hopefully I can get some answers at the WordPress meet-up on Wednesday.
      I’ve been on the unlucky end of the Canadian geese when they wintered in Sacramento years ago. They’d chase me on the jogging trail….mean buggers!

      Liked by 1 person

  20. Hi Terri, I’m late, but better than never, yes? 🙂 You have a real flair for nature photography and I enjoyed the bird pics. Until recently, we always had a house full of dogs, so we never got into the bird feeding habit. (Some dogs like to eat birdseed and it’s not good for them.) Thankfully, many other people, like yourself, are doing this. As Debby mentioned, we have a plethora of geese hanging around all year now. They used to fly south for the winter!

    Regarding comment problems, my site is self-hosted WordPress, and I’ve had problems with some WordPress.com blogs recently (not yours) but it seems to be okay now. I also tried using the same comment system you have, but that was a technical nightmare and nobody could comment at all! The bloody Jetpack app tells people my comments are closed, because I don’t have it activated. Hopefully, not that many people are reading from there. 😒

    My bird photos: https://thedogladysden.com/birds-sundaystills-on-a-wednesday-photography-ww/

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you for the compliment, Debbie! And thank you for weighing in on commenting. I hope to learn something later this morning at the WP meet up in Spokane, at least pick the coordinators brains in person about all these glitches.
      Self hosting has its own fun, and I’m glad you’re not having issues with mine. Have a great week!

      Liked by 1 person

  21. Thanks so much for linking to my recent post about ‘anonymous’ comments, Terri. There is so much to digest within the comments section of your post about the commenting problem. However, I have heard on the grapevine that the problem with not being able to leave comments on some blogs has now been sorted providing the user leaving the comments has the latest updated version of WordPress. We WordPress.Com users do not need to worry about that as updates are done automatically. However, those using the old WordPress app or those who have not updated the Jetpack app, may still encounter problems.

    Of couse, it goes without saying that if a blogger has closed off comments on a post, then nobody will be able to leave a comment.

    As for the ‘anonymous’ problem, it’s an ongoing issue, and those (like me) who have the two settings switched off so that you do not need to be logged into WordPress or have to leave your email address and name will still get ‘anonymous’ comments if whoever is leaving the comment is not logged into the browser they are using on the device they are using.

    Now on to your feed the birds photos – it’s great to see the different types of garden birds you have. My favourite is the quail. I love what he/she has on its head. We don’t feed the birds here because it’s mild and wet, so our garden birds have plenty to eat. They are also difficult to photograph, as they take flight as soon as they see me with my camera phone.

    I also saw some comments about live chat. Here’s what WordPress say about live chat and who it is available to. It may clear some issues up –

    ‘Chat is available 24 hours a day for customers with the following annual plans:

    • Explorer (Monday – Friday)
    • Creator, Entrepreneur (Monday – Sunday)
    • Legacy Pro plan (Monday – Sunday)

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    • Commenting on blogs is the lifeblood of blogging, Hugh, as you know well. I was happy to share your link and your expertise with readers, as I know many are dealing with the issues. This past week beginning with Wednesday’s post, I didn’t see or leave anonymous comments using either the computer or app. Thanks for sharing the WP live chat info. I look forward to anymore information you might explore.

      Interesting that birds in your area rely on nature– for food–as it should be really. In my case, as long as Brodie the bird dog is inside, the birds here are pretty brave and get close enough to our deck and slider door for me to capture a decent picture.

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