summer's end signs of autumn

Sunday Stills: Signs of #Autumn

The official start to fall begins with the Autumnal equinox on Monday, September 23 this year. Not much in the way of fall leaves just yet here in Sacramento, Northern California, as we are still experiencing our normal warm temps (upper 80s, low 90s). Luckily, the heat only lasts a couple of hours each day. In fact, we had some rain last week which IS unusual. By mid-October, trees begin to blush their fall colors and the weather begins to cool.

What we don’t want are the mountain thunderstorms that ignite the dreaded and devastating wildfires that are more common this time of year!

Around town and in my own backyard, the signs of Autumn are subtly making their presence known. To celebrate the coming Fall here in the northern hemisphere, this week’s Sunday Stills’ theme is “Signs of Autumn!”

I said an official good-bye to summer as one last sunflower peeked out with the beautiful orange and red which made me smile!

summer's end signs of autumn

Other signs include more traffic on the roads as students of all ages settle into the Fall semester. And turkey traffic? …suburban turkeys are back, walking obliviously through our neighborhoods.

Urban Turkeys taking a walk

Another sign of Autumn or at least a sign that summer is coming to an end here is shown in this image of the Bee Blossom or Gaura lindheimeri.

I am always hopeful when I see a few golden leaves amidst the riot of greenery in the trees.

Green autumn leaves

Or on the grass.

Autumn leaves amid clovers

Because I still must wait a few more weeks for Autumn to show her pretty face in my area, here is a gallery of some of my favorite Autumn images over the past years.

Your fellow bloggers are showing off their Autumn scenes as well.

Cee Neuner continues her various photography challenges, adding Fall foliage to her flower of the day challenge.

One of my favorite photo prompts is “Festival of Leaves” is back, hosted by Dawn at The Day After.

I just joined Flickr as another way to show my photography. Please follow me if you are on Flickr.

What signs of Autumn can you share with us this week?

Autumn SIGNature

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  1. “Trees begin to blush their fall colors.” As poetically stated as your gorgeous photos. Those turkeys, oblivious of the coming holiday, are hilarious. I’m sure they’ll be marching soon for peanut butter and jelly sandwiches to celebrate Thanksgiving. My favorite leaf ever is the ginkgo and your photo is superb. Ah, autumn. Now let us see some heavenly rain. It’s always welcome at my parade.

    Liked by 2 people

  2. Very nice photos and post, and yes the turkeys are a great funny addition!

    *I’ve been on Flickr for a very long time (not too many uploads though), but haven’t visited it for a while, so now I cannot log in – ha 🙂

    Liked by 2 people

  3. We truly do not get many signs of fall. Pumpkins in the grocery stores and at Lowe’s. That’s about it. Not sure what I will use for my subject for this prompt. Glad to know the name of those yellow leaves…ginkgo. We had ginkgo trees growing up in Memphis. Such a lovely yellow.

    Always so impressed by your photos. And varied subjects. The leaves against the concrete is one of my favs. Great contrast.

    Liked by 2 people

  4. Fall was definitely in the air in northern WI and we were ready to head south in search of warmer weather. With overnight temps dipping into the upper 40’s, we needed to run our RV furnace in the mornings. Yep, that was the perfect indicator that it was time to migrate. Fall is a beautiful time of year but I’m not ready to let go of summer just yet.

    Liked by 2 people

  5. My favourite season of them all, Terri. And today we can officially welcome Autumn back to the northern hemisphere. The signs are already evident in the UK. Leaves changing colour, and even the pumpkins in our back garden are ready and waiting for Halloween.

    This is my favourite photo of Autumn, which I took several years ago.

    I hope Autumn arrives with you a little earlier than usual.

    Liked by 4 people

  6. Beautiful beautiful photos Terri! Not many signs of fall here either. My daughter and I was just talking about that we would like to go on a road trip somewhere with lots of aspens, or birch trees. I was thinking that maybe Utah is our best bet? We’ll see 🙂

    Liked by 2 people

  7. I’m used to fall arriving a bit later in the year – like you – but, being this far north this year, the leaves are turning fast in Quebec and Maine! I’m so sad summer is gone. I think we will follow fall south this year, experiencing the burst of colors for many weeks in a row.

    Liked by 2 people

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