Purple radish frames a spring delta sunset

Sunday Stills Monthly #ColorChallenge: Finding Diamond, Quartz, Crystal, and/or Purple

If you are a fan of Sunday Stills monthly color challenges, I hope you will enjoy reading this or you might be challenged to find all of these “colors” or just one. Are crystal, diamond, and quartz actually colors? Read on and discover what I found.

Crystalline Views in Portland, Oregon

Having spent most of last week visiting family and friends in Portland, Oregon, we engaged in plenty of activities. In a few short days which included dinners with my cousin (who is a busy high school principal), we managed to shop at the Woodburn Outlet Stores (no sales tax), visit a fellow blogger, spend a few hours at the Tulip Farm, then drive to Multnomah Falls and explore the Columbia River Gorge, before we drove back home on Friday. Whew!

Portland’s Purple Flowers

purple tulips reach for the blue sky

Last week on the blog, we enjoyed viewing spring flowers, especially those we can see in the month of April.

Not only do we have family living in the Portland area, but there are also a few bloggers living there that we can visit. When I knew the dates we planned to visit Portland, I reached out to author/blogger Miriam Hurdle, who moved to the area over a year ago. Miriam prepared a wonderful salmon lunch for me and my husband.

two women
Terri and Miriam

“Like a precious gem embedded in a rock, your friendship shines brightly and adds value to my life.” ~ Unknown

A little later, Miriam and I walked around her beautiful Beaverton neighborhood to gawk at the neighbors’ beautiful yards of tulips, daffodils, and purple pansies.

Purple pansies

Thanks to Miriam’s post, we discovered we were only a few miles from the Wooden Shoe Tulip Farm near Woodburn, Oregon. I’ve wanted to visit a tulip farm and this was the ticket!

Purple Tulips!

purple tulips

“I think it pisses God off if you walk by the color purple in a field somewhere and don’t notice it.” ~Alice Walker

Inside a purple tulip
Inside a purple tulip

The Wooden Shoe Tulip Farm is a popular spring attraction. We got an early start (we love being retired) and arrived before the crowds. There were acres of every kind of tulip you could imagine. I have a LOT of pics which I will eventually share. Below are two iconic views of the fields framed by the diamond peak of Mt Hood in the distance.

Tulip Farm, Mt Hood Oregon
Mt Hood looms over tulip farm
Mt Hood and tulip farm

In my cousin’s neighborhood, I discovered dahlias galore in September 2022.

Purple and cream Dahlia
Purple and Cream Dahlia

Crystal Waters and Falling Rocks

Multnomah Falls and Sign

Multnomah Falls, located 45 minutes by vehicle from Portland’s city center, is a must-see for visitors to the areas surrounding the Columbia River Gorge Natural Scenic Area. These falls are the second-highest year-round waterfall in the United States. Its crystalline waters rush over a 620-foot drop into the Columbia River.

Multnomah Falls
Multnomah Falls

A relatively easy hike to the Benson Bridge is less than a mile from the parking lot, where you’ll experience stunning views of the Falls and surrounding area overlooking the Columbia River.

Do take care and heed the signs–the incredible power of these falls can dislodge rocks from the cliff face.

Warning sign Multnomah Falls
Watch for Falling Rocks!

A final moment as the sun breaks through at the top of the falls.

Multnomah Falls sunburst

During my last visit to Portland in 2022, I found a Kindness Rock on a local urban trail.

mysterious trail rock
A Kindness Rock found along Tigard, OR’s Fanno Creek Trail

Closer To Home…

Rocks and crystals abound.

A treasure trove of gems (quartz and “diamonds,”) was found alongside Lake Wenatchee in Northwestern Washington.

“I am built of snowflakes with your touch; a million storied diamonds in the rough.” ~ Angie Weiland-Crosby

early spring crystal waters
Crystalline Waters along the Centennial Trail near home.

“In a state of grace, the soul is like a well of limpid water, from which flow only streams of clearest crystal…” — Saint Teresa of Avila

autumn crystal clear reflection
Autumn’s Crystal Reflection along the Centennial Trail
purple brushstroke

Inspiring Photo Challenges This Week

Each week I find inspiration from my fellow bloggers’ photo challenges. I enjoy incorporating these into my Sunday Stills weekly themes.

Sunday Stills Photo Challenge Reminders

The Sunday Stills weekly-themed photo challenge is easy to join. You have all week to share and link your post.

  • Remember to title your blog post a little differently than mine.
  • Please create a new post for the theme or link a recent one.
  • Entries for this theme can be posted all week.
  • Tag your post “Sunday Stills.”
  • Don’t forget to create a pingback to this post so that other participants can read your post.
  • I also recommend adding your post’s URL to the comments.

This Week’s Featured Bloggers

Sunday Stills is a wonderful community of bloggers, poets, artists, and photographers who desire to connect with one another. Below are this week’s links from bloggers sharing their photos showing the colors of quartz, diamond, crystal and/or purple. I add these all week as new links are posted. Please comment on my post if you link your post to Sunday Stills and wish to be included in the listed round-up.

I can’t wait to see how you interpret the various shades of crystal, diamonds, quartz, and some purple thrown in this week! Join me next week as we explore Mother Earth for Earth Day.

signature purple floral

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  1. Wow, Terri! Such a colorful post. You’ve also captured several views of one of my favorite waterfalls. On our last trip, there was no parking available at Multnomah Falls, and we had to miss it. I was really disappointed.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you, John! When we drove by the falls last Sunday about 3pm, I could see the parking was full from the highway. We went on Thursday at 10am and it was perfect conditions. It’s been 20+ years since I stopped and visited. Maybe you’ll get it next time, fingers crossed.

      Liked by 1 person

  2. What a wonderful trip Terri, and to meet Miriam in the journey is a turn gift. A gem indeed. I enjoyed the memories of your “tiptoeing though the tulips”. We lived not too far from there for a couple years. A great post.

    Liked by 2 people

  3. A super busy week, Terri, and it looks like you had no end to beautiful scenery to capture on your camera. Purples, waterfalls, tulips with Hood in the background, reflections. Loved it all. And so glad you connected with Miriam. She’s wonderfully gracious and kind. Looking forward to more tulip photos!

    Liked by 2 people

  4. Wow, your floral pictures are professional to say the least. They make me wish I had wall space here! Gorgeous! I’m envious of your tulip adventure. We had one two years ago in CA with Jason. I’m sure I can find lots of pictures for this great challenge. I also want to do Donna’s rock challenge. What could be more abundant in here in Prescott than rock formations? I’m so happy that you had a chance to see Miriam. I love hearing about your trip experiences. 🙂

    Liked by 2 people

    • Thank you, Marsha! The tulip[ farm was amazing! I squatted down a LOT to get those different angles (my knees were mad). I can’t wait to share some more over time. I’m sure you have a good choice of rocks there in Prescott and purple wildflowers growing on them, right?

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      • No purple flowers on these rocks. I can’t squat – and get up! LOL At least I would not try it in public. 🙂 I tried it as a photographer at one of the last big Woodlake Banquets. I walked up to the front row to get some good pictures of the honorees. I squatted in front of my chair, and I couldn’t get up! And the ceremony kept going. I think I just stayed there until it was over. That was the last time I ever squatted in a public place. I’d make a terrible squatter! 🙂

        Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you, Jo! I was so glad to be able the tulip farm–the timing was perfect for us. Cee isn’t terribly far from there but she says her allergies are too much to visit this year. I loved seeing Miriam in her new home and neighborhood!

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    • Hi Jo, Cee lives a 30-minute drive south of my home. The Tulip Farm is not too far from Cee. I haven’t had a chance to meet with her yet. It was fun meeting with Terri and walking around the neighborhood with her.

      Liked by 1 person

  5. Fun post and challenge Terri – although I must admit your Multnomah Falls image really annoyed me because when we visited there was a drought and it was hardly a trickle!!! Your image is much more what I expected/hoped to see!! And the other thing you annoyed me with is the tulip farm. I’m DYING to see one in bloom! So in all seriousness, loved your post this week. Hope you’ve had a lovely weekend.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Don’t you hate when others steal the thunder you were hoping for, Tina? LOL! Thank you! I’m sure I’ve been skunked before on some trips, too. Both visits were so much more than I expected and one of the reasons I love being retired so we can visit on the weekdays and avoid crowds and traffic. 2023 and 24 have been really good years to see some amazing sights in the west, so I’m grateful. Happy Sunday night and have a wonderful week!


  6. Terri, the tulip farm astounded me. I’ve seen pictures of Holland, Michigan for their Tulip Time Festival, but it is unremarkable next to this tulip farm with row upon row of beautiful tulips, all blooming at precisely the same time. I looked at Miriam’s post and that one yellow bench seems overwhelmed by the tulips. I like seeing the hulking presence of Mount Hood in the background. It looks like you picked the perfect time to go, even though the festival doesn’t close for another two weeks per the link you gave us. Your purple tulips and pansies are beautiful as well. What a breath of Spring loveliness you had in your visit to Portland. That was a nice hike at Multnomah Falls as well – how picturesque this is and lucky you saw the warning signs to be aware of falling rocks. It sounds like a wonderful trip and you still had a little icy diamonds when you returned home.

    I was hard pressed to find diamonds, but ice is a great substitute for diamond or crystal. Here is my post, my last pictures from Winter.

    Some days are diamonds, some days are stones.

    Liked by 2 people

    • Thank you, Linda! Apparently timing is everything with this trip. Although we helped my cousin, who really just needed moral support, we did not get to see my uncle.

      It was all for the best and serendipity won each day with several adventures and fun things to do that opened up quite by accident. The last time I was in Portland during spring was when I was 9 years old. I’d forgotten how green it gets. It’s so gorgeous there, and along the Columbia River Gorge. Most of the days we were there were a tad overcast, except the day at the tulip farm. It was a clear blue sky but a bit hazy out by Mt Hood, but it worked–An iconic shot for me and a bucket list to visit the tulips. You will be seeing a lot more tulips (kind of like how you saw so many pics of Antelope Canyon), LOL! Have a great week, my friend!


      • You never know with tulips – they might have bloomed early with a heat wave. So you did luck out. Such beauty all laid out before you. I once took a week’s vacation to see the colors in Northern Michigan. The leaf peepers say they rival New England. But despite the predictions for peak Fall colors, they were off by mile and the leaves were still green! I’ll look forward to seeing more tulips Terri!

        Liked by 1 person

    • Hi Linda, I took the photos of the Tulip farm this time last year. No Mt. Hood but muddy everywhere because it had been raining dogs and cats. The rain stopped for half a day for us even though our boots got sucked several inches into the mud. I’m hoping to go before it closes for the season. I hope Mt. Hood waits for us!!

      Liked by 1 person

    • It had been over 20 years since I actually
      stopped to visit. Its a short hike and gives you great views. I went a little crazy at the tulip farm, thank you! I think I have enough tulips to cover all my color challenges for the rest of the year 🙂 Yes–soon you will be enjoying your avenue of jacarandas!


  7. Wow, Terri, you went to Multnomah Falls also? You came in the best time to have the sun in your favor. Lynton’s sister will visit us the week of 4/20. I hope to go to Multnomah Falls with her and maybe stop by Crown Point. Thank you for tagging me. I’ll have four doctor’s appointments from Monday to Wednesday. Hopefully, that’s the end of appointments other than routine checkups. When you come again close to summer, you have to go to the International Rose Test Garden. The Dahia festival will start soon and last until September. We were going to meet up with Cee to go to the festival but didn’t work out, remember?

    Liked by 1 person

    • Yes, Miriam, our Thursday opened up, and we decided to drive the Gorge, with a stop at the falls. We got there while the falls was still in shadow and as we prepared to leave, the sun was just cresting the cliff! Tons of water coming out too. It had been over 20 years since I hiked there. Marsha and I went to the Rose Test Garden in 2022. It had some amazing roses! I remember that things did not work out with Cee, but down the road from my cousin’s house a neighbor had a whole yard of blooming dahlias. I hope you get your appointments over with and out of your hair so you can enjoy spring! Thank you for being one of the subjects of my post this week. An honored guest 😉

      Liked by 1 person

      • I haven’t been to the Rose Test Garden yet, Terri! That’s one place I want to go close to summer when the roses bloom. The lunch I made was the easier to do. I made a veggie casserole for Diana but it takes longer to make. I’ll make salmon again when you come. 🙂

        Liked by 1 person

  8. Hi Terri, your photos are superb especially the tulips! How lovely to meet up with Miriam too. 
    I’m away helping with my granddaughter who is now on school holidays and when I arrived she gave me these lovely purple flowers. Isn’t she sweet?

    Liked by 1 person

  9. I loved your colorful post Terri. And how awesome you and Miriam got to spend such fantastic time together, and a salmon lunch! And of course beautiful purple colors. Hugs xx

    Liked by 1 person

  10. Wow – the purple tulips are so stunning. Your photos remind me of when I’ve seen pictures of the tulip farms in Holland. I’m always in awe of the efforts we humans take to feature the flowers like a tulip that last such a short time each year. And all happen to burst into their glory at the same time. The waterfall is breathtaking too! Ah…the simple joys of pops of color are represented so well in your photo choices for the prompt. Yay for connecting with Miriam too! Congrats on taking another whirlwind adventure! Happy Spring to you and yours. 

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you, Shelley, the visit to the tulip farm was happenstance and lovely. Our visit to the Portland area to help my cousin led to a lot of fun activities. We enjoyed hanging out with Miriam. Did I miss your post? Hope you can join me for the Earth Day theme this week 😁


      • You’re welcome. That’s wonderful that your adventure was filled with so many fun adventures. It’s okay if you miss my posts, WP is creating new adventures for me so things are hit or miss. I’m pondering what to share for the Earth Day theme, see you back here again soon!

        Liked by 1 person

  11. How lovely to meet up with Miriam, Terri. I’ve been talking to her over on Marsha’s blog this week as she has a story up for Marsha’s story chat feature. Such a lovely lady to speak with. And her neighbourhood with all those spring flowers sounds amazing ( as does the lunch she served you).

    The tulip farm looks like an amazing place to visit. Good job you got there early and before the crowds. I can’t imagine how long it must have taken to have planted all of those bulbs.

    So pleased you had a great visit to Portland. The weather looked very springlike. Sadly, our spring bulbs are all but done now, but we have had a good display over the last three months.

    Liked by 1 person

    • If it wasn’t for my cousin needing some assistance and family solidarity, we wouldn’t have made the trip to Portland (a 6-hour drive from Spokane). Miriam lives just 10 minutes away from my cousin and from the home I lived in as a kid. I always make a point of getting together with any bloggers who live in a town we visit. Miriam is one of a kind and Hans got on well with her husband, too.

      She was the one who mentioned the tulip farm and the timing was perfect to visit. Crazy your tulips are already done. Portland is warmer and more humid than Spokane so their tulips and many other bulb flowers are almost done. It was nice to get an extra spring in Portland, as ours is finally making an appearance. We still have frost warnings for another few days! Thanks for reading Hugh!

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  12. Terri,

    You are very gifted with a camera! I love the purple and yellow-ish pansies. Dahlias are my favorite! Thanks for sharing! Sorry I’m late to this week’s post. We’re in Charleston babysitting, and it’s been busy. Looking forward to this Sunday’s Stills. Enjoy your weekend! Joe

    Liked by 1 person

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