San Diego's Harbor View

Sunday Stills: An #Urban Approach To Travel

Traveling in urban environments offers a unique experience, filled with culturally diverse attractions and bustling city life. Although I live in a rural environment, I still enjoy seeing an urban center’s unique sights, especially when we travel. People-watching is also interesting.

Urban Salt Lake City
Urban View Salt Lake City, Utah

Urban Centers

San Diego, California

Beach Bike Touring San Diego
Beach Bike Touring San Diego
People Watching Mission Beach Boardwalk
People Watching Mission Beach Boardwalk

Having been born and raised in San Diego, I feel a special affinity for my home-“town.” With family and friends still living in San Diego, mostly in East County, we often visit.

Sunny Downtown San Diego
Sunny Downtown San Diego

While the East County communities have their own suburban appeal, San Diego’s downtown, beaches, and harbor areas are known for their music, art, and restaurants, and inspire countless activities.

“I know a pretty little place in Southern California, down San Diego way.” – Bruce Springsteen

“There’s something about San Diego that is quite different than Los Angeles.” – Donal Logue

Waikiki & Honolulu, Oahu, Hawaii

“The city is a giant melting pot, where cultures collide, and creativity thrives.” – Jay-Z

Waikiki taken from the top of Diamond Head on Oahu

“Hawaii is the only place I know where they lay flowers on you while you are alive.” ~ Mark Twain

I always dreamed of visiting Hawaii, having read Michener’s Hawaii when I was a teenager. I had to wait until my mid-40s to visit Honolulu, where we stayed on Waikiki Beach. My brother and I traveled for the occasion to celebrate my youngest daughter’s 18th birthday in 2006.

I was surprised by the urban surroundings of Honolulu and Waikiki, but hey, I was in Hawaii and really enjoyed it all!

Breakfast in Waikiki

It was strangely comforting to wake up early and see people already out walking along the boardwalk.

Aston Waikiki Circle Hotel fronts Kalakaua Ave
Aston Waikiki Circle Hotel fronts Kalakaua Ave and the beach!

Since then, my hubby and I traveled to the City of Hilo, the government heart of Hawaii’s Big Island.

Hilo Surfers
Hilo Surfers (probably not government workers)

“Hawaii is still the single most frequent fantasy destination, not because of political stability or conveniences, but because Hawaii seduces the imagination. It’s the perfect postcard, no props, no fillers.” ― Robert Wintner

Western Urban Scenes

We’ve seen some interesting urban sights while traveling by road through various Western US states.

“The city is a labyrinth of streets, each one leading to a new adventure.” – Langston Hughes

From “my street” in San Francisco, California, across one of many Portland, Oregon bridges in the rain …

… or through the snowy streets of downtown Coeur D’ Alene, Idaho, and downtown Spokane …

… perhaps comparing the complex urban view to views of quaint small towns that emerge along the way brings you closer to home.

“Living in a city shouldn’t make you cynical and living in a village shouldn’t make you vulnerable.” ― Amit Kalantri

Sharing this week for Johnbo’s Cellpic Sunday and Lens-Artists: People

As you may know, last week, the Lens-Artists challenge theme was Cityscapes, deftly demonstrated by Patti. My Sunday Stills theme, “Urban Sights” was announced on my Sunday Stills page in advance during March. If you posted your cityscapes for the Lens-Artists challenge and would like to add your cityscapes link to this post, I would encourage you to do so. Sometimes photo challenge themes don’t always line up. 😨

purple brushstroke

Sunday Stills Photo Challenge Reminders

The Sunday Stills weekly-themed photo challenge is easy to join. You have all week to share and link your post.

  • Remember to title your blog post a little differently than mine.
  • Please create a new post for the theme or link a recent one.
  • Entries for this theme can be posted all week.
  • Tag your post “Sunday Stills.”
  • Don’t forget to create a pingback to this post so that other participants can read your post.
  • I also recommend adding your post’s URL to the comments.

This Week’s Featured Bloggers

Sunday Stills is a wonderful community of bloggers, poets, artists, and photographers who desire to connect with one another. Below are this week’s links from bloggers sharing photos of urban sights. I add these all week as new links are posted. Please comment on my post if you link your post to Sunday Stills and wish to include your blog’s post in the listed round-up.

Due to somewhat of a family emergency on Sunday afternoon, I may be slow in replying to comments and links. Please bear with me.

I am taking a short break from Sunday Stills on Easter Sunday (March 31) for church and family activities. Please join me on April 7th as we explore April flowers—I hope I have a couple! 😉

TErri Signature

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  1. I enjoyed your urban photos – all places I’ve never been so it was fun to see the places through your camera lens. I imagine Hawaii less urban, but that’s ‘cuz I watched Magnum PI show years ago. 🤣 The quote about postcards is so fitting, this photo “Aston Waikiki Circle Hotel fronts Kalakaua Ave and the beach!” looks like a vintage postcard to me! I love it. And seeing your smiles in Hawaii made me smile too. I hope your family emergency is minor and that all is well. Happy Easter to you and your family, enjoy your festivities and gatherings. 🤗🥰 I was thinking about the two weeks in a row of Urban/cityscapes, so my post this week and last do work for your prompt. In case the pingback doesn’t work, here’s my link for this week.


    • Thank you, Shelley. Honolulu is a huge metropolitan area and hard to distinguish from Waikiki. That little hotel is a throwback to the 50s. I thought maybe it was torn down, but it’s still there.
      Happy Palm Sunday and Easter! We’re about to walk out the door. I’ll be back to read your post!

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    • Thank you, Darlene. I remember as a child taking bus trips with my grandmother to downtown San Diego. It was pretty seedy back then but the city upped its game in the 80s and became a model for downtown revitalization. It’s just too crowded now and the cost of living is one of the highest in the US. Good place to visit though.

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  2. Wonderful urban photos, Terri. San Diego looks fabulous. I haven’t been to a city for a good few years now. I used to spens a lot of time in London and havve visited cities abroad but now I find them too crowded and fast paced, much prefer quieter places…but that might change again, who knows.

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  3. Fabulous photos, Terri. I never made it to San Diego. My husband grew up in Long Beach. California is so different now than it was long ago. Too much congestion, now. We used to drive from Phoenix to Seal Beach. It took hours to get there on the freeway. In the 90’s we lived in the high desert, east of Lancaster near Edwards AFB. 💟

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  4. I’m sorry to hear about the family emergency. Fingers crossed whatever the issue it settles quickly, but if you have to step away, rest assured we will still be here. So, no worries about instanteously getting posts linked up. Yes, Waikiki is definitely tropical and urban, and that’s also what I remember about San Diego. Beach and city together. I’m rural through and through but can do short stints of urban travel.

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  5. Bummer about the subject disconnect Terri – good idea to invite our respondents to repost to yours. Glad you found some people in your urban travels! Fun images, fun travels. Your beautiful Hawaii images took me back to paradise 😊.

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  6. So much variety in your US climate, Terri. It’s nearly 30 years since we were in San Diego so I guess things will have moved along. I thought it was beautiful, but hated LA. I never did make it to San Francisco though. Or New York! You never know….

    Hope the family visit goes well.

    Liked by 1 person

    • The US is vast in size and I don’t know how many climates we have, Jo! San Diego is still quite lovely even if expensive overall. I have no problem visiting. Good day with the family, and I appreciate you acknowledging it. Not sure if I’ll blog about it but it may be something I post on FB.

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  7. I enjoyed seeing your photos as many of these cities I have never seen. Great shots!
    I have been to Hawaii and Waikiki. They have busy cities just like the mainland.
    We have been to San Diego, and it’s one of our favorites to visit. It, too, has gotten way too crowded.
    I guess I may be a country bumpkin, but I’m not fond of crowds and traffic. And it’s all starting to inch north here outside of Phoenix. I love the desert, but it is slowly disappearing due to its growth.
    City architecture is what fascinates me. I do enjoy seeing the contrast between the old and new in many cities. You shared that. Well done!
    Happy Easter week to you!


  8. Very impressive photos and narrative, Terri. I love living in these hills and, I’m a big fan of the small towns and the calm pace of life found here. I tend to go dormant in big cities and not inclined to explore. We will be in San Diego for two weeks in June, and I agree with the Logue quote “San Diego is quite different from Los Angeles.” Your pictures prompt me to do a little exploring. Thanks, and have a great week! Joe

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you so much, Joe! Having spent years in San Diego, then 2 more as an adult in the mid-80s, I often wonder how many hours I spent driving in its traffic and how many years it took off my life due to stress. I learned how to drive in SD and no one anywhere else drives the way they do, except on the I15 to and from Vegas! LOL. Give me those small towns and rural highway commutes any day!


  9. Terri, I prefer quiet towns to bustling cities, but places like London, New York, Chicago, Miami, and Paris definitely get my attention. Beach towns are the best, and San Diego rates in the top 20 of the ones I’ve seen first-hand. Wonderful photos, as usual. All the best to you and your family.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you, Suzanne! Those cities you listed are must-see and have been to…NONE–egads! I love beach towns and I’m sure you have seen so many in Florida alone. All is OK for now with the family. A family member is in hospice and its just a matter of time, probably a few days. When she passes into the hands of the Lord, it will be well with my soul.

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  10. Terri, what a nice collection of urban memories you have here. I like the palm trees lining the street in sunny downtown San Diego. Is the view you featured of the beach homes in San Diego the back or side of them? I gather they are close together as they are such prime real estate. I have never been to Hawaii. The view of Waikiki from Diamond Head – what a contrast of nature versus a cosmopolitan city. I am like you in that I would have expected a less modern city and more rustic. Talk about stereotyping! I like the Mark Twain quote about Hawaii. You were lucky to find “your” street and get a photo of it. The city where I live is only about six miles square but would not be called quaint. I would love to live in a quaint, small town.

    Here is my post, a slightly different take on an urban versus nature setting.

    Hangin’ out at Humbug Marsh.


    • Thanks. Linda! San Diego must have over 100 types of palm trees! Those homes were near Ocean Beach boardwalk–yep, very close together, but that’s the charm of them and the make a great community, as least in Ocean Beach where it isn’t as touristy as Mission or Pacific. Yes, you have to hike Diamond Head to get that perspective and that was in 2006, so who knows how much the skyline has changed since then. Hilo has more of the rustic, old fashioned charm as you might expect in Hawaii. I think Maui does too.

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      • That’s amazing that there 100 types of palm trees – wow! A friend of mine suffered from SAD and when looking to retire and leave Michigan, he was researching the U.S. cities with the most sunshine-filled days per year. I had always heard San Diego, but he surprised me by saying Las Cruces, New Mexico had that honor, so that is where he and his wife retired. Succulents instead of bushes and plants and gravel instead of dirt or mulch which he said it was quite a novel way to live after living in the Midwest for 70 years. That close quarters would make for lots of friendly neighbors and a close-knit community. Okay, now I understand – the other venues are more rustic then.

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  11. Terri, all the best to you and your family. 💖 I was born and raised in Florida and lived in cities from one end of the state to the other. I visited the west coast several times for business and enjoyed it immensely.

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  12. Terri, I absolutely LOVE this post! San Diego was my second home for a long time and your photos brought back a lot of memories. Thank you for that. 🙂 My entry for this week also showcases San Diego. And Hawaii looks wonderful – another bucket list item. The surfing shot is fantastic! 👌 We have visited a few small towns in New York state and Michigan and found them all charming. The ones you showcased look interesting, especially the Bavarian-style one. Also, the big cities. San Francisco is another bucket list item.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you, Debbie! San Diego has always been a beautiful city to visit. I have fond memories there. Notice I have no images of LA, except maybe the UCLA area (somewhere), where my daughter attended college. I always enjoyed areas of San Francisco, until the homeless took over every doorstep in the downtown. 😦

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      • I only visited L.A. once and enjoyed it, because we did all the touristy stuff. 🙂 Wouldn’t want to live there, though. Another time, I drove up the coast to visit a friend in Santa Maria. Getting through L.A. traffic was pretty wild and woolly, but Toronto is just as bad. What a shame about San Francisco! 😟

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  13. I’m definitely a country girl, Terri, but I do enjoy spending a day in a city. Haven’t been to Spokane yet, or San Diego, but I got to Honolulu and Waikiki Beach a couple of years ago. And I’m looking forward to getting up to Leavenworth this year. Wonderful photos, my friend. Makes me long for summer!

    Liked by 1 person

  14. Great photos of urban environments, Terri! I’m used to seeing people and skyscrapers. We love San Deigo. My daughter and family are in Hawaii. It makes me want to go. I laughed at Mark Twain’s Quote. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  15. Looks like you’re challenging Marsha for number of challenges in one post. :-) I’ve only been to San Diego once recently, although I may have been there while growing up. I went with our older daughter and husband and we had a blast. They just took our grandson to the zoo for his second birthday. He was more interested in playing than in the animals, but they all had a great time. I’ve not been to Hawaii, but our younger daughter has and loved it. Maybe one day. Anyway, have a blessed Easter and I’ll see you on the other side of it.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Lol, thanks, Janet! Urban as a theme is a little a you never know what sparks another’s creativity. I left San Diego for Sacramento in 1980 and went back for 2 short years a few years later. In 4 years, SD really changed. We used to go to the zoo when I was a kid, what an amazing place. Spoiled me for all future zoos. Happy Easter to you, Janet!

      Liked by 1 person

  16. Two days late, but better late than never I suppose. Haha. I loved your choices and thoughts. I agree, there is so much culture in cities and that is one thing I love. Love what you did with the beach bike touring photo. Remind me again what app you use. I forget. I found a photo of my mom with all her sisters and their mom that I thought would be neat to do something like that with and send it to them in frames. Only when I was really little did I live in a city. The rest of the time it’s been small town living. Fun, now that I’ve been to Oahu and those places, I recognize the area in each one..

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  17. Such awesome quaint small town photos, Terri! There’s something about a city or small town framed by mountains or even the colorful fall foliage that sets my heart a pitter patter; your pics were great especially with the snow. I’m also a huge fan of San Diego, CA; it was a regular escape location for my younger self and my younger family. One of my pics is also of the SD view from the harbor! Post coming soon. 

    Liked by 1 person

  18. Hi Terri. What terrific memories of these cities. I can see why you love Hawaii. I’ve never visited it… except for a layover at the airport. And San Diego is wonderful, too. Thanks for your whirlwind tour of cities near and far! I’m sorry I just saw your link this morning. My apologies!

    Liked by 1 person

  19. This is a great post, Terri. I love both San Diego and Hawaii. I love the two harbor views. Those look professional. You’ve got a great reflection picture there, too. I rarely went downtown. I don’t think Dad liked to drive there when I visited him. I also don’t remember the Mission Boardwalk, but I don’t know how I could have missed seeing it in all the times I went there. Your pictures are beautiful. The snow in Spokane is a nice picture, too – but give me beach any day!

    Sorry, I’m so late to visit. My blood is still coursing with adrenaline. I did something dumb this morning. I rescheduled my post this morning for ten instead of nine because I wasn’t done with it. I totally lost Monday as a blogging day due to the Board business and emotional upsets, so I didn’t believe my Chronological Bible that today was the 27th – WEDNESDAY! I hurried in to finish up my post, and I forgot to update the publishing time while I was working and so it published totally unfinished! Oops!


    • Thank you, Marsha! And I’m sorry I’m late to reply. Gone all day Wednesday. We left from P & Js house at 3:30. Sondra passed at 5pm, peacefully and finally by herself in her bed. I’ll tell you later. Clingy family 😦 Needless to say, we’re emotionally exhausted and on to our next adventure.

      I have so many pics of San Diego for obvious reasons. I don’t think I’ll be back there this year. Thank you for your kind comments. I’m excited for our upcoming road trip to Portland–lots of photo ops to be had.
      I will be by soon to read your post! We feel we can finally rest our brains.


  20. I’m very much a city man, Terri. Having lived and worked in London for 27 years, it’s still my favourite city in the world.
    I’ve also visited San Diego and we enjoyed our visit there. It was lovely to see your photo of the Hotel Del Coronado. I remember walking past it on the beach. We also had a look around the hotel gardens which were lovely.
    How nice to have a street in San Francisco named after you, too. Having visited San Francisco four times, I wonder if I have walked down that street? I hope so.
    Here’s my photo of another city I love to visit. I won’t name the city, but the clue is in the photo.

    I’m sorry to read about your family emergency. I hope all is well.
    I wish you a happy peaceful Easter.

    Liked by 1 person

    • London is one of those cities that claims top 5 in the world in my book, Hugh. One I would love to visit someday. I’m glad you’ve visited some of the US cities. I always thought San Diego was so unique and still do. And I love Coronado. That street sign is in Chinatown if I remember correctly.

      Great shot of NYC! Must have been damp which makes the reflections pop!

      Thank you for your well wishes. My BILs partner/friend of 20 years was in hospice and she passed peacefully Tuesday. We’re off to Portland OR in 2 10 days to help my Uncle. Oy.

      Have a happy Easter and enjoy the holiday!


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