Water fall on the Feather River

Sunday Stills: Your Favorite #Landscape

We all love landscape photography. When you first began snapping photos, perhaps you naturally gravitated toward landscapes (or waterscapes—same thing), due to their ease of accessibility. Who doesn’t stand in awe of a wonderful vista and wish they had their phone or camera handy?

This is an easy challenge this week as you share your favorite land- or water-scapes, but the twist is to tell us why the image or images are your favorite, and something about the place. Since most of us are travel-restricted, let’s brag about our best or favorite landscapes as we all travel virtually along with each other!

Winter Wonders

For several years, my hubby and I traveled in December and January when we both could take extended time off from work. We enjoyed two winter road trips in our RV, both times visiting San Diego, Arizona, and Nevada.

We got snowed on in Sedona in 2019,

Snow on Red Rock of Sedona
Snow on Red Rock of Sedona

and visited the Grand Canyon in 2020. It took two attempts to get here!

South Rim of the Grand Canyon in snow
South Rim of the Grand Canyon

On our way home to drop off the RV, we enjoyed a misty morning along the Sacramento River. This is one of my favorites.

FLoating Dock Reflections
“Floating” dock on Sacramento River


Moving now into warmer winter climates, our first visit to the Big Island of Hawaii was on the Hilo side where we watched surfers skirting around the volcanic reefs on Hilo Bay. This particular image was created as a 40-30 canvas print I hang in my house.

Hilo Surfers
Hilo Surfers

I had to throw in a Painnted (filter) version of this image as we drove UP the Hamakua coastline on the northern end of the Big Island.

Hawaii Big Island Hamakua Coastline
View of Hamakua Coastline

*My grandmother pronounced Hawaii “how-ah-ya,” for which I endlessly teased her, good-naturedly, of course. Though she was an English teacher, her Midwest roots shown through in her dialect.

Baja Bound

Staying with our warmer winter climates, I was fortunate to visit Baja California, Mexico three times in the last 10 years. On the Sea of Cortez side in La Ventana just south of La Paz, mornings saw calm waters and fabulous sunrises, perfect for a morning stand-up paddle session or enjoying a cuppa jo.

Baja Sunrise
Early Baja Sunrise

During afternoons, the wind came up and windsurfing was the only way to enjoy the water. Photo credit to my husband.

Windsurfing in Baja
My turn to sail

Spring Greens

Because I love the color green, I’ll stop for a landscape of cool greens like this one taken in the Sierra Nevada foothills in March, 2016. This area is near the town of Sutter Creek, originally populated during the California gold-rush era of the 1850s.

Mountain Greenery; Green Sierra foothills
Green Sierra foothills

In late March, 2017, we stayed a few days in Yosemite Valley and captured this iconic view of Half Dome with Bridalveil falls in the foreground.

Yosemite Valley with Bridalveil Falls
Yosemite Valley

Fall Foliage

This image got a lot of hits on Facebook and Instagram. This is the Dishman Hills area of Spokane and this particular area looks spectacular in any season.

Winter Scene Spokane

The above version was taken in mid November, while the one below shows early Fall splendor. I am sure to collect images of each season now that I live in the area!

Spokane's Urban Forest
Spokane suburban street

I had to include a favorite autumn landscape titled Quincy in Fall, an image of a waterfall in the Feather River in Northern California. This is another image I had made into a large Canvas print.

Water fall on the Feather River
Waterfall at Feather River

Taken in 2010 with my first digital camera, I’m told by many this was prize-worthy. 11 years ago those compliments gave me much needed confidence to enjoy and explore photography.

And so it goes….

Honestly, this week’s theme couldn’t have come at a better time since we had to move again and I found myself super busy. No, not exactly what you are thinking. Our home is not ready yet, but the good news is that the interior will be worked on this week. Sadly, staying with my BIL in his toxic home environment was too much after 6 full weeks and we were fed UP. We spent all last week looking for another temporary home and I hurriedly put this post together. We looked for a house to rent for 1-2 more months, but nothing was available.

Plan C? Our 27-foot travel trailer has been parked on our nephew’s property, so we braved snowy roads and moved it to an RV campground on Thursday. This was the last thing my hubby wanted to deal with after the drama at his brother’s. At this writing, we are happily sitting in our warm RV in North Spokane enjoying our own space! He looks pretty happy in this pic and we are relieved.

A warm welcome to blogger Frank at Beach Walk Reflections to Sunday Stills last week. He shared a lovely post in response to “clouds and fog” at the suggestion of good friend and fellow blogger Marsha of Always Write. I’m so pleased more people are contributing to the Sunday Stills photo challenge. During January, eight bloggers joined the Sunday Stills challenge for the first time!

This is my last post linking with Becky B’s Squared Up Challenge as hers comes to an end. Some landscape photos do not square-up since they are from my archives. Thanks, Becky, for hosting your delightful quarterly challenge!

I am also pleased to share this post as a “photography journey” of sorts with this week’s Lens-Artists Challenge hosted by Amy.

I certainly look forward to seeing your favorite landscapes (and water-scapes)!

Remember you have all week to create a post for each week’s theme. February themes can be found HERE!

Until next week, stay safe!


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  1. These are landscape images are incredibly beautiful. Thank you for making a link.
    Sorry to hear that you haven’t found a rental house, but glad you and your husband are enjoying your own space! I can see his is happy. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Yeah, staying with family, even for a short time, can be stressful. Glad you are settled into the RV and enjoying your own space. Beautiful collection of landscape images. This would certainly be an easy challenge for me.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. I am SO HAPPY that you have your own space! Phew…I fell for you.

    During the pandemic I’ve really enjoyed travel photos more than before, beautiful vistas from all around the world. For me, I decided to take this pandemic as a warning, to think more about our environment and limit my travel some, try to avoid flying as much as I can etc. I am planning on enjoying marvellous vistas for the rest of my life though.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Good morning, Terri,
    I had a difficult time choosing an image this week, but I LOVED looking through yours. So glad you got the RV out and found a spot. The simplicity of RV life will make the stress of waiting for your home less stressful.

    I am submitting a view of the Tetons from the Snake River in Idaho for my contribution. Have a great week. Joe

    Liked by 3 people

    • You are so right about the simplicity of RV life. It would have been better during warmer months but it is quite lovely here and such a nice campground, Joe. Can’t complain with the exceptional wifi, showers and dog park. (We use our shower for storage and hanging our damp coats). Your shot of the Tetons is gorgeous and is practically in my new backyard!

      Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you, Graham, it all worked out in the end. We toyed with the idea of parking the trailer on the property but the ground is still in it’s excavation state. We’re prepared to stay through March if necessary, the monthly rate is great! I’ve heard some other campers are waiting for their homes, too.

      Liked by 1 person

  5. Oh dear Terri, I’m sure there is much more to the story of your move but I’m glad you landed on your feet and hope your stay in the RV ends quickly with your move to your new home. Enjoyed all of your landscapes, many of which brought back lovely memories. I read recently that the beauty of photographing landscapes, especially for beginning photographers (which clearly you are NOT) is that they don’t move LOL. Not necessarily true in the case of waterfalls and running water but often the case. Expect lots of responses this week!

    Liked by 3 people

  6. Hi Terri, it is so nice that you havd the RV a a backup. Nothing good comes of living in a toxic sitution. I enjoyed all of your photos and it makes me long for a trip to someplace warm- like Hawaii! While you are in your RV, you can be deciding on which lovely photos to blow up and frame as you decorate your new home!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thanks, Michele, we feel blessed to have this choice. I felt bad that my husband’s relationship with his twin brother was being strained. I think I will have more wall space in the new home and I know the one Fall image of Spokane could be a contender for the next print!

      Liked by 1 person

  7. I decided to push the ‘like’ button even though I didn’t like that you had to move again. But I really really liked the photos, my favorite is the Grand Canyon with snow. I think I want to go back out west sometime in the winter. I’d love to see Bryce with snow too. Enjoy your time in your own space, hope your permanent home is done soon!

    Liked by 1 person

  8. wow Terri, you have picked out some stunning landscapes and shared so many lovely stories – and also very happy so many of them are square. Thank you for being such a great squarer, and for helping to promote squares 😀

    Liked by 1 person

  9. Hi Terri, I was trying to find my photographs of the Grand Canyon but cannot find them anywhere – which is a problem I need to deal with. Your images are beautiful and yes I found this prompt a little easier. I hope you like my contribution and now to put my thinking cap on for next week. Hope life settles for you and your husband very soon but I think your own space is certainly the way to go. xx Landscapes can mean different things

    Liked by 2 people

  10. Terri, your grandmother’s pronunciation of Hawaii sounds positively lyrical compared to the Southern version. I’ll let your imagination proceed with that one. Anyway, absolutely captivating post and just what I needed as I sit home, dreaming about traveling again. Sorry about the family drama, hope that doesn’t spill over onto your life going forward. I will be back later this week to join the party. Still sorting through landscapes!!

    Liked by 1 person

  11. Sorry to read your stay with the BiL didn’t work out in the end. Sharing a house with family members for an extended period of time is tricky. I hope you’re staying warm in the RV, but privacy is worth a lot. You went from being a tad bored to being busy again… 🙂 Stunning photos as always, Terri!

    Liked by 1 person

  12. I love the way you did your post in seasons Terri and the snow on those red rocks is amazing! You have included such a variety of landscapes and seascapes, it’s a delightful way to travel via your images!
    Sorry to hear you have had to move into your RV but you sound happy about having your own space and you definitely don’t need any further toxicity!
    I’ve gone with a travel theme, as we can’t go too far away at the moment, and have taken a trip back in time looking at a variety of favourite images some of which include landscapes :). Cheeky I know. Always great to join you and your followers every Sunday.

    A travel photography challenge when you can’t actually travel

    Liked by 1 person

  13. Oh how wonderful! What fabulous shots. I’m so glad you were able to get your RV and get it parked. Superhubs and I lived full time (365) in a 30′ motorhome for 11 years and full time in our 29′ 5th wheel for the past 2 years. You’ll be surprised how quickly the time will go now that you have some peace and quiet. All my best to you and your hubby.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you for all that, JP! My husband’s other brother and wife stopped over this afternoon to visit us and “oohed and aahed” over our humble RV abode. It’s 24 feet of living space but is new and modern with plenty of storage. We are surrounded by shopping and closer to where they are building our home. Your RVs each sound spacious and peaceful as well. You wouldn’t have lived in your RVs if they hadn’t been peaceful and comfortable. Plus our dogs have spent a lot of time in ours, so they don’t mind when we leave to run some errands. Where we were staying, we took them with us for fear the roommate would harm them. Yeah, that’s how bad things were.

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  14. Terri, you really are talented. This post might be my favorite of favorites. I love landscape photography most of all. I love the variety of places that you highlighted. It much have been very hard to limit it to that many photos. Congratulations on getting 8 new people to Sunday Stills. It is a lovely challenge, and I’m glad Frank joined up. He is going to be a guest host for Writer’s Quotes Wednesdays on February 10th, so be on the lookout for his post. Anyway, I told him he would like you, and I’m rarely wrong about those things! 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  15. So it’s time for some winter camping! I know that wasn’t part of your plan but I’m glad you have a ready RV to live in for a while. Enjoy the peace and quiet till your beautiful new home is ready.

    Now your photos are marvelous! I love the waterfall surrounded by gold and I also love the deep green valley! The surfers in Hilo are wonderful too. I love Hilo but haven’t explored any beaches on that side of the island. My offering for the week is all in one area – the Canadian Rockies where I hope we will be able to go sometime later this year. https://catsandtrailsandgardentales.com/2021/01/31/incredible-landscape-of-the-canadian-rockies/

    Liked by 1 person

    • Heehee, thanks, Susanne! This isn’t our first snow rodeo, as long as the propane flows freely to heat the RV, I’m good to go. Those Hilo beaches are volcanic in nature and require some maneuvering to walk into the ocean from there. the Hilo side boasts a few black sand beaches there in the bay, too. I had a feeling you would like that Feather River water fall shot.

      Liked by 1 person

      • Yes indeed! I’m still learning how to get a good waterfall shot! It’s not that easy. 🙂 We usually visit the beaches on the Kona side for swimming; But I always have to go to Punalu’u black sand beach to see all those wonderful turtles!

        Liked by 1 person

  16. Hi, Terri –

    I’m so sorry to hear that you needed to make another temporary move I am glad that that move went well and that you are currently warm and cozy. I absolutely love your positive attitude!

    Your photography here is beautiful. It is very difficult to pick a favourite. That being said, I especially enjoyed your photo of the misty morning along the Sacramento River. I also loved the Green Sierra foothills!

    BTW – I also agree that today’s theme, #Landscapes, came at a perfect time. Selfishly, it allowed me to write about my virtual 300 km Cabot Trail hike that I just completed. Win-win! That post can be found here: https://retirementreflections.com/2021/01/31/sundaystills-parallel-landscapes/.

    Thank you again for your leadership on this linkup!

    Liked by 2 people

    • Thank you, Donna! I was around negativity these last few weeks. Waiting for the home to be finished is stressful enough and would try anyone’s patience. Better to move on. I’m so glad the theme worked out for you! I learned a lot from reading your post. So thank you!

      Liked by 1 person

  17. Hi, Terri. I can see why these landscapes are your favorites! Wonderful. I’m sure you’re relieved to be in a better living situation. It sounds like it was very stressful before your last move. Take care and stay well…


  18. Oh Terri, all the pictures were so inviting and spectacular. I was in Sedona 5 years ago in January staying at the Enchanted resort a – a gift weekend from hub’s daughter and hub. There was a snowstorm overnight. The redrock was covered. Spectacular! And so glad you guys took off and didn’t subject yourselves to toxicity. Just say no! ❤

    Liked by 1 person

  19. really good theme
    and live the misty morning and sedona ones most
    cheers and be back later with my link – will join later this week
    and wish you a great day Terri


  20. Wow, you have some great landscape shots here. If I had to pick out favourites I think I would choose the Grand Canyon in the snow (not only is it a wonderful photo but it brought back super memories of visiting the North Rim in a July blizzard!) and the lush Green Sierra foothills 🙂

    I’ll probably focus on just one landscape in my response as I have too many favourites to cover them all in one post! It’s one of my favourite subjects for photography, as it is for so many of us 🙂

    I was sorry to read about the trauma of your stay with family, but you seem to have settled on a great temporary solution. I hope the house build goes well and you can be in soon 😀

    Liked by 1 person

  21. I’m so sorry to hear about that toxic environment you found yourselves in, Terri. Family are great but spend too long with them, and the cracks start appearing. I remember many a Christmas Day where they can appear within a few hours.

    Your pictures and the layout of this post is lovely. Even the background colours are excellent. You’ve hit the right spot with the layout. It’s great to see the block editor working at it’s best.

    Here’s my favourite landscape photo. It’s my favourite because it’s only a short drive away from where we live, tey it took me years to find. 🙄

    Liked by 1 person

    • Wow, a lovely image, Hugh, and how nice it is so close! You make the perfect metaphor: spend too long with family and the cracks appear. Yep! We never intended to stay so long, but building delays are inevitable. We hope to meet with the electrician this week to connect power to the pole, and from there things will really move. Meanwhile, RV life isn’t too bad.

      Liked by 1 person

      • I’m looking forward to when you let us know that you’re moving in, Terri. In the meantime, living in the RV sounds very cosy, especially given that it is winter. Are the dogs with you too? What do they make of all the snow? I know they’ve experienced it before, but probably not for a long period of time.
        And I don’t know why, but I’m also looking forward to seeing how you decorate your new home for Christmas 2021! I expect you’ll experience many white Christmases.

        Liked by 1 person

      • It’s been a waiting game but getting to know our new areas has been fun, and so beautiful, Hugh! The RV is cozy, Hans has been fixing small random things in it and the dogs love it all! I’ll be sure to bore all of blogdom with our move in, and some more at Christmas time. When we packed to move last summer I discovered decorations I’d forgotten about.

        Liked by 1 person

      • I love discovering old Christmas decorations, Terri. When lockdown finishes in the UK, I’m hoping to find some from childhood days in my father’s home. They were always stored up in the attic, so I’m hoping they are still there.

        Liked by 1 person

  22. What a beautiful set of landscape photos with the stories shared too. I am sorry about the temporary housing thing being a challenge but at least in the RV it’s “your” space!!

    My selection is from Australia as you wouid know…and I found a variety of landscapes because I could not pick just one!https://www.denysewhelan.com.au/denyse-blogs/my-favourite-landscape-sundaystills-15-2021/

    Thank you for this space and lovely place to share.


    Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you, Denyse! I’m sure you, as did I, have hundreds of favorite landscapes, and it is quite difficult to pick a few. We’re doing fine in the RV, it’s really a lovely area and closer to our future home. You might have seen the pic I posted on FB.

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  23. Sweet Terri, I am so sorry you have to endure the stress of moving and then the stress of waiting until you can get into your own home. Hope being in your RV will feel more like home for the next few weeks.

    Had to click on the dock photo to enlarge it and take it in fully. That water is so still and reflective. I am reminded of a dock my great uncle had on a stocked pond. My sister and I were very young when we visited, and caught fish as fast as we could cast our line. Great memory.

    The yellows in the foliage of those trees is just tremendous. Like a light in the forest. I like the editing or filter of the Hamakua coastline photo. Looks like a painting. Thank you for sharing your captures with us.

    Try to catch your breath these next few weeks. Thinking of you.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Bless your heart, Leslie, for your sweet words! How wonderful the dock image brought back your childhood memories! We’ve been in the RV exactly one week and all is well. Family isn’t far so we have plenty of company.


  24. What wonderful photos and travels, Terri. My husband and I haven’t traveled much. We had planned to start our adventures when he retired at the beginning of 2020, and then BAM, covid hit. We do have plans this year for Yosemite and How-ah-ya (hee hee). Then Grand Canyon in 2022. 🙂 I’ll have to brush up on my camera skills. Sorry to hear that you’re “homeless” for a couple of months, but that RV looks pretty cozy to me. Take care!

    Liked by 1 person

  25. I don’t even know what to comment on first. I’ll start with the last. I’m glad you are settled into your new temporary home in your travel trailer. That is what Frank & I would have done in the beginning if we were in your shoes. All your landscapes are gorgeous and the ones you had printed are so worthy & I know you can’t wait to hang them in your new home. I spent time on the Big Island too but in Kona. We went to Hilo too but that was 1984. All my photos are faded out prints. 🙂 Been to Sedona but in April as I’ve shared a couple of those on Sunday Stills. No snow when we were there. This was my favorite challenge so far, except the birds. LOL!

    Liked by 1 person

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