Auburn leaf carpet

Sunday Stills: Fall Color Challenge—Shades of #Auburn

Auburn Color Graphic

Welcome to this month’s Fall color challenge. In October we explored the color ochre and its myriad interpretations. We aim to discover the various shades of auburn this month. In the image above you get an idea of the range of Auburn shades.

November, with its Autumn colors, seems like a great month to enjoy nature’s color schemes. Even if you are in the southern hemisphere, the rich tones of auburn may be evident all around you. While I would love to bore you with autumn leaves from this year and years past, I should set some different examples for the color challenge!

But who doesn’t love a tumble of leaves that have fallen?

Auburn leaf carpet

My sis-in-law always has a beautiful seasonal display in her dining room window. I caught this just in time for the late afternoon sun to peek through the tiny house window that illuminated the glow of the auburn leaves in the background.

Catching the light

Now for some other images of auburn created in nature. Within the past two years I was happy to be able to visit Valley of Fire State Park in Nevada and be surrounded by the auburn rock formation.

A walk through the narrows

I also visited Sedona in 2018 and the Grand Canyon in 2019 where vivid red rocks were the norm.

Winter View of Grand Canyon
A cold day at the South Rim!

Sunsets and sunrises also give us variations of auburn.

Some auburn photos are shared for Cee’s Flower of the Day and for Dawn’s Festival of Leaves.

I want to thank all the bloggers who have joined Sunday Stills for the first time in the past two months and shared their wonderful images. Please stop by and support their efforts!

Of course I must “leave” you with another auburn view of Autumn.

Glowing Auburn leaves

I am looking forward to how you interpret the color auburn!

Autumn SIGNature

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  1. When I was much, much younger, I used to have auburn hair, Terri. However, I much preferred calling it Strawberry blonde. I did have a look for some photos of me with auburn hair, but couldn’t find any. I’m thankful for that.
    As Stevie said, all our leaves are now on the ground, and the trees are bare. Enjoy your autumnal colours, though.

    Liked by 1 person

    • I’m a strawberry blond like you as well, Hugh. We are in San Diego this week visiting family before we move north for good. No fall colors here since we are enjoying 80+ degree weather. Fall should be in full swing in Sacramento when we get back later this week. Take care and thanks!

      Liked by 1 person

  2. I have to admit that I wasn’t familiar with the word “auburn,” except that I thought it meant brown. Lovely shades of color in your photos, Terri. I wonder whether my hair color is auburn as well. I’ve always called it “light brown,” but others (especially in the US) have called it blonde. I could go for dirty blonde, I guess?

    I’d written something in my manuscript about my “dirty blonde hair” and my editor suggested it read as if my hair was dirty, instead of the color, so I changed it to light brown. I had been looking for a better word, like auburn. Too late now!

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Your pictures of the Grand Canyon and Sedona with the snow are Arizona Highways stunning, Terri. We are now settled in the Grand Canyon State, and the weather and autumn colors are fabulous. Autumn colors are the very best, and like Hugh and Liesbet, I have had auburn hair as well as strawberry blond. Now it is looking a bit snowed on. 🙂 Loved your post, Terri. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

      • That’s a long drive. It’s about six hours to us and another three or four to you. Don’t you love San Diego? I have friends down there, but it’s been years since I’ve gone down there. My dad lived there for the last 7-8 years of his life. He did the same thing I did. Retired early, moved where he wanted to go and enjoyed. He adored the weather and Balboa Park, the beaches, the boats, and the driving around. Hope you had a fabulous time. Be safe. You’re probably home by now. 🙂


  4. Reblogged this on Marsha Ingrao – Always Write and commented:
    If you love autumn, this is your chance to show off those stunning auburn pictures. I drove ten hours yesterday to the Grand Canyon State where my husband, sister-in-law, 2 dogs and 3 cats and I are retiring. Autumn colors in Prescott, AZ today made us feel glad to be alive to enjoy them. It’s still not too late to join in Sunday Stills. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

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