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Sunday Stills: Wishing for Water, But #Droplets Will Do

My return to blogging was fun and satisfying after a tumultuous break! Thank you for welcoming me back last week. It was great to catch up with you!

If you are confused by this week’s Sunday Stills post, we are examining the world of water droplets. In my dry, still excessively warm part of the world, if I want water, I must turn on the garden hose. Artificially produced water droplets will work!

End of summer daisy

After the few weeks of turmoil I recently experienced, I find calm and peace in my backyard garden any time of year.

During our recent visit to Spokane, a few raindrops made their presence known by the end of the week.

Evergreen with water drops

After a long, dry spell, my current library of water droplets is depleted, so please enjoy a few of my favorites from the past:

House in a droplet

My plumeria blossomed last year but no blooms this year. I’m pretty sure I blew up social media and my blog with images of plumeria last summer. Here are a couple donning their droplets from daily backyard watering.

More flowers from my backyard include the Teddy Bear sunflower and the geranium in my deck garden.

Hint: I’m sure it’s no secret, but if you need an image with water droplets pronto, use a mister or spray bottle and create your own droplets.

If close-ups of water droplets aren’t your style, I included a couple of shots of suspended water drops:

Catching a wall of water drops in Baja Mexico.

Weightless water

I have to share this one again of Brodie romping through the river, stirring up loads of droplets.

Brodie's First Water Experience

No doubt, Spring has sprung in the Southern Hemisphere along with lots of opportunities to see water droplets in action. The calendar says that Autumn is here in the Northern Hemisphere, but we won’t see scenes like this in California until November!

Layers of drops on layers of leaves

As you know I also love taking part in other photo challenges and I love it when the planets align. I have wanted to join Lisa’s Bird Weekly Challenge since I recently discovered it. Back in August, my lens captured this cute duck family (common merganser) out for a swim on Grant Lake in the June Lake loop in the Eastern Sierra Nevadas.

Merganser Duck and Ducklings
Merganser Duck and Ducklings

Yes, it’s a bit of a stretch but my Canon Sureshot managed to capture water droplets on the feathers of the adult duck.

Today’s images are partly inspired by two other fab photographers: Cee’s Flower of the Day and Jez’ Water, Water Everywhere.

I’m hoping to live vicariously through your wonderful images of water droplets on flowers, plants, animals, whatever! Walls of water droplets cascading down from waves and fountains and other watery images also fit this week’s theme.

October themes are ready to view on my Sunday Stills page.

Original image Color Planet

I look forward to you sharing your images of refreshing water droplets in whatever form they might take. Have a great week!


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  1. An exceptionally beautiful post, Terri. The photo with the one water drop plus reflections is breathtaking! It literally took my breath away. My husband and I have been camping at Pacific Rim National Park, Long Beach and water droplets are everywhere. It has helped the smoke dissipate. Thank you for sharing the beauty on our planet.

    Liked by 2 people

  2. I love your choices, Terri, especially the relection in the droplet off the branch. My dog is scared of water and will only dip his toes in…if the hose pipe comes out we don’t see him for dust 😁

    Liked by 1 person

  3. It’s always interesting to read about the climate differences between the blogging community Terri! We are into spring down here and loving the hints of warmth every now and again although it snowed again (briefly) on the weekend! Your shots show a great variety of water droplets and the ducks is a particularly lovely shot and I love your flowers. I’ve never used a mister or spray bottle to add droplets instead just gone with nature. We have had lots of spring showers and I enjoyed sharing some new and old water droplet shots in my post. Thanks for having us over.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Excellent idea for a challenge Terri, yes I suppose it IS quite dry out there! We actually had several days of rain this week, rather rare for this time of year. Downtown Charleston actually had some flooding from our king tides plus rain. Interesting how different areas of the country and the world have such different experiences

    Liked by 1 person

  5. My favorite is the stem with the droplet. I had over 2,000 water pictures, but few of them were water droplets, so I just did a short post. I liked your tip of using a spray bottle. If I’d had more time today, I would have gone spraying. That would be fun. We had to show our house – YIKES NOT READY!!! I hope you do water droplets again. So here is my contribution for this time. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thanks Marsha, that was an oldie-but-goodie taken with my cell phone the odd rainy day in California 🤪 I have a ton of water pics, too, so fun to photograph. Wow you showed your house already! Hans just installed our new dishwasher. I love it. Haven’t had one in 15 years. We still have a few more fix-it projects to do but we are going to consult with a flooring company about our repairs. Some water damage must be fixed before we can do our preinspection. Let me know how things go with your house.


  6. I did a water droplet photo in one of the Sunday Stills posts I hosted last month, Terri. It was nowhere near as good as the ones you’ve shared on this post, but some of the comments said they liked it – although I think it was more to do with what I said about those droplets that got people talking.
    Living in Wales, we get plenty of rain all year long, so are never short of water. Here’s one of my favourite photos I’ve taken of water droplets.

    I hope you’ll get some water droplets falling from the sky soon.

    Have a great week.

    Liked by 3 people

  7. Terri,
    I have a great image of water droplets from our time on the Oregon Coast and tried to attach it here, but that’s above my skill level. Congratulations on the dishwasher…that will produce a few droplets for sure. The news about the wildfires is so sad. I heard another one broke out today in Napa. We’re looking for thunderstorms tonight in Tennessee. I’ll take it! Have a great week. Joe

    Liked by 1 person

  8. Gorgeous photos Terri. Thanks for the tip on spraying the flowers for droplet photos. No, I didn’t even think of that, so thanks. 🙂 Hope you’re staying well, and you must be packing? ❤

    Liked by 1 person

  9. I find this so refreshing. How can someone make water droplets sound like such a amazing creation which was totally unseen. I used to love staring at water droplets while splashing them in air to see the way they form a layer when touching the land. I loved the big drop of water too ! Check out my site as well ! ❤️

    Liked by 1 person

  10. Fantastic photos – If I had to pick one, I love that twig/branch with the dripping droplet reflecting its surroundings. Amazing how something so simple can be so stunning. My adult boys love to go to June Lake with their families – maybe one day I’ll get there with them!

    Susan Grace

    Liked by 1 person

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