Woman with Dog

Sunday Stills: You’ve Got a #Friend

Who among us doesn’t have a friend? Some have a larger circle of friends, while others have a choice few.

Sunday Stills asks us to share an image of “friend.” The featured image above shows my daughter with her best friend Gideon!

Here are some of my examples of “friend.”

A surprise wedding shower for me hosted by my windsurf friends 5 years ago!

A surprise wedding shower demonstrates the optimism of a new relationship.

“Friendship is the hardest thing in the world to explain. It’s not something you learn in school. But if you haven’t learned the meaning of friendship, you really haven’t learned anything.”
― Muhammad Ali

Two friends out for a stand-up paddle session.

No wind? No problem. Get out your SUP and enjoy!

Then there are our fur-baby friends who are also friends with each other. Aero misses Gideon (left) who lives with his mommy in San Diego (pictured above).

“Blogging introduced me to people from all over the world. I have met people who I now consider friends who live in Australia, UK, South Africa, Europe, Philippines, not to mention new friends in the states. My new friends, despite their distance, are as important to me as if they were my local neighbors.”  7 Ways Blogging Changed My Life

Bloggers became friends and spent a weekend sharing our tips and tricks for blogging.

We really do have fun while working!


“There is nothing better than a friend, unless it is a friend with chocolate.”
― Linda Grayson

Did you know today is National Friendship Day? according to National Day Calendar 

Link up here!

My continuing gratitude to those who faithfully post their photos each week!

Say hello to our new participants who shared posts in July for the first time!

Bushboys World
Indira’s Blog
Mama Cormier
The Nuthouse
Picture Retirement
Vintage Neon Signs
Wanderlust and Wonderment
Whippet Wisdom
Wind Kisses
Woolly Muses
Zombie Flamingos

Remember I gladly share your posts to social media! I just opened a new account with MIX, which replaced StumbleUpon. Check it out when you get a chance, as I will also share your posts to Mix via my Chrome Extension.

As always, I look forward to seeing your creative views of the theme for Sunday Stills this week.

Tiki signature


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  1. I found you through your post when you met up with blogger friends I think in Arizona (the photo just above the Linda Grayson quote)!

    My circle of friends got smaller when I left Venezuela. Even though we stay in touch regularly, it’s not the same. So now my best friend is my husband and then my dog. Blogger friends and Insta-friends are a lot of fun to have too.Your photos in this post look so familiar to me, like I already know you well.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. This was delightful. I remember hearing about your trip to meet your blogging friends in San Diego (right?) Glad to see that photo included. It is such a treat, to be connected to people who share similarities and are often halfway across the world. Thanks for including me on your list. I cherish your visits, and encouragement . But more then that, I love your blog, it one I learn from every time I visit. Donna

    Liked by 1 person

  3. I had a surprise visit from my closest childhood friend last month, and it was the final thing I needed to help me heal from my head injury. We spent time doing ordinary things, running errands, going for walks, taking naps, and preparing and eating fresh, fantastic food. It fed my spirit. Yes, friends are life’s treasures. I’m glad to count you as a friend, Terri. I hope I can see you in real life someday.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. A great subject for this week’s theme, Terri. And what a great photo of your daughter with Gidoen. I’ve had a few best friends during my life, but no one better than my partner, John. He’s rather camera shy, though. Still, at least I get to see him every day.

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Hi Terri loved reading this 😍 friends to me come in all types. I have one close friend who I don’t see regularly but when I do it’s as if we’ve never been a part. My partner Jon is my closest though, but then there’s family & of course my four legged friends 🐶 there are also other friends who we meet along the way in life, just as important, including as you say, blogger friends 😊 love your post & photos. https://lovingthefiftysomething.com/2018/07/12/a-slow-meander-to-york-part-1-a-bumpy-start/

    Liked by 1 person

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