Dragonfly nymph sheds into adulthood

WPC: Thanks for the Photographic Memories

The WordPress Weekly Photo Challenge has been a staple on my blog since January 2015, when I began submitting to its new theme each week. 

This is the last week that the weekly photo challenge will prompt bloggers like myself to stretch our imaginations and take a photograph that depicts the theme. The last theme, appropriately is All-Time Favorites, where we are to share our favorite images from past WPC posts.

This was one of my first entries into an amazing world of photo blogging! Expressive Dock Eagerly Awaits Visitors

Lake Dock

Not only did this photo pop, but it was one of my better attempts at a decent blog post title.

Here are a couple of fan favorites and one of mine:

Legs cast shadows and reflections
Reflections and Shadows
SpaceX Launch
SpaceX Launched 10 satellites into space from Southern California
Dragonfly nymph sheds into adulthood
Dragonfly nymph sheds into adulthood

These photos are different in nature but all seem to have unusual features: a downward focus to catch both shadows and reflections; a fleeting moment in space, or a macro shot of Mother Nature in action. This is the creativity the WPC inspired in me,  to think and see like a photographer every minute of the day.

The weekly photo challenge was responsible for providing me with hundreds of followers over the years and was instrumental in improving my photography over the last three years, and I credit it for linking me with so many other amazing bloggers who share their photos in posts each week. I will seriously miss this blogging event!

I must give a special shout-out to a fellow blogger and Northern California neighbor, Frank at Petaluma Spectator Blog.

Lumix cameraWhen I began shopping for a REAL camera, I reached out to Frank by e-mail asking what camera he used for the WPCs. Not only did he share the information on his favorite camera (Panasonic Lumix FZ300, which I purchased), he sent several messages with the links to good photography practices. And he even sent me a hard copy photography book!

Without Frank’s help and inspiration, this amazing world of photography I find myself in would not be the same. My photography has certainly leveled up all because I developed a relationship with a fellow blogger on the subject.


To me, photography is an art of observation. It’s about finding something interesting in an ordinary place… I’ve found it has little to do with the things you see and everything to do with the way you see them. Elliott Erwitt

Although I hate to see the WPC go, I thank the WordPress team at the Daily Post  for the support and prompts to help new and veteran bloggers stretch our wings and soar!

Stuck for ideas? Why not join these photo challenges hosted by your fellow bloggers?

Cees Photo Challenges 
Thursday Doors 
Tourmaline Jennifer Nichole Wells 
Sunday Stills (hosted by me)
Visit this WordPress Daily Post Community Event page for more blogging events!


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  1. I strongly agree with the Erwitt quote – it’s all about the way we see things. Your photography is outstanding, Terry. Just because the prompts are over doesn’t mean you can’t still challenge yourself. I look forward to seeing what you show us next.

    One of these days I’ll get a camera.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thanks so much, Shari! I’ve grown as a photographer because of the WPC. I’m hoping more will join my Sunday Stills photo challenge now. Many participants are sad and perplexed over this sudden move to end the WordPress Daily Post. Yes…moving on! Thank you for your support, I so appreciate it!

      Liked by 1 person

  2. I have grown to love photography, and I think it’s about seeing things differently and embracing different lighting!! I feel like I’ve grown so much, yet I still have so much to learn!!
    That dragonfly photo is so amazing—-it just makes you appreciate nature to the nth degree!!

    Liked by 1 person

  3. […] All-Time Favorites – Nick’s Blog Working from home – A Dog’s Life Interesting | WPC: Thanks for the Photographic Memories – Second Wind Leisure Perspectives 40again’s BlogAll Time Favourites – The Final Weekly Photo Challenge Top 3 – Hinuha […]

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Hi, Terri – Although I’ve never submitted any of my own photos to ‘The WordPress Weekly Photo Challenge ‘, I’ve loved seeing your photographs there, as well as the works of other photographers. This challenge will be dearly missed!

    Liked by 1 person

  5. I never submitted a photo to that challenge but I enjoyed the submissions of yours and others. I think we met via WordPress Photography 101, right? I know a lot of people are upset that the challenge is going away… not sure why they cancelled something so popular.

    Liked by 1 person

  6. I like your always positive outlook on the matter 🙂 I really enjoy your photography. The blogging community is so supportive. How wonderful that Frank helped you like that with your photography. I’ve met three of the bloggers, that I’ve met firs in the blogosphere, in real life. It’s been a great experience every time. I believe (hope) that most people blog about something they are really passionate about, and that is what makes it so awesome, and inspiring. Can’t wait to see the theme for this Sunday Stills. Have an awesome weekend!

    Liked by 1 person

  7. I have seen a number of posts about the end of these photographic challenges this week, Terri. A bit of a shame but there are a number of individuals, like yourself, who host challenges and maybe that will grow.

    Liked by 1 person

  8. If it hadn’t been for the WordPress weekly photography challenge, I’d never have come into contact with so many other bloggers who have a passion for photography, Terri. Although I didn’t enter it every week, I will miss the challenge, so thank goodness bloggers like you host other photography challenges (even if I do mix them up every now and again and throw in some of my flash fiction).
    Keep on taking those photos and sharing them with us. I don’t recall the ‘dock’ photo, but it’s a stunning shot.

    Liked by 1 person

  9. It feels like the end of an era, Terri, and I’m not even a photo blogger! Yet we still have you, and I look forward to many more years of your gorgeous photos. ‘Expressive Dock Eagerly Awaits Visitors’ is exquisite! ❤️

    Liked by 1 person

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