Doors to knowledge open here

The Doors to Knowledge Invite the Love of Reading

Doors to knowledge open here

What is your “one love?” As a writer and educator, I have to admit that the love of books and reading is at the top of my list of loves.

The above photo shows a sculpture of a woman reading in the lobby of the Sacramento State University library. I was surprised that I had not noticed her before. That is what photography will do–provide a new perspective while searching for the perfect shot.

What I love about this is she is reading near the doors, as if she had just checked out her book and couldn’t wait to start reading.

“The doors to knowledge invite the love of reading.” -Terri Webster Schrandt

teach love of reading

These are submitted for the weekly photo challenge: One Love  and for Norm 2.0’s Thursday Doors.  Feel free to join these photo challenges any time.

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  1. I also love books and libraries! Retirement has given me more opportunities to read and I’ve recently joined a book club so I can learn about and read books that I might have otherwise missed. That is such a great sculpture and I love your interpretation of it!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. I ❤ this sculpture! There are so many beautiful works of art around the country that tie in with books. Between writing them, reading them, and working in a library, books are definitely at the top of my list, too.


  3. Oh Terri, your BF Skinner quote touched my teacher heart! Can I have two loves? I’d put my love of reading right up there, but I dearly love playing my beautiful grand piano – for hours. until I develop “bench butt”. with no one else listening. THE.BEST.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. First of all you look way to young to be retired! I just had to say it because it’s my first time at your blog. Reading books is something I never get enough of. I’m starting to enjoy writing also. It does feel good to learn something new!
    Thanks for being a part of the Pinterest game!

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Not to be critical, but a thought regarding BF Skinner’s quote. Would you agree with the following: “We shouldn’t teach good food, we should teach the love of eating?” I love reading, I’m a retired Reading Specialist, I understand the importance of reading. I think I had the thought about eating because I am sitting here eating crackers long past the time I didn’t need to eat any more crackers. But I’m loving it! I believe reading is good for the soul in the same way eating is good for the body, but I don’t see the need to read garbage, nor to eat what is not beneficial to me. My perspective.

    Liked by 1 person

    • His quote mentions books, not food. So in that context, we can love books, but we need to really love reading them or they are useless. But I agree with you that we need to be taught about food–it’s proper nutrition and a healthy balance in our lives. Thank you for that perspective.


      • I comment partly because I allowed reading books like comics, joke books, and other light and rather simple books to try to make students love reading which was at least semi successful, but not very many took to nonfiction. Even fewer liked to read text books like science and history. There must be a bridge somewhere to teach love of reading “good” books. I don’t have answers and my teaching days are long gone, but I would like the chance to do it over. I have even tried to encourage reading synopsis of “great” books to try to catch attention and broaden experience a bit but again I don’t know that that helped much. One thing I certainly agree about is that they will never like a “great” book if they cannot read well and as you say they are useless if unread or only read to meet a requirement. Thanks for you response.

        Liked by 1 person

      • You raise such important issues here. Remember when we were kids, there was actually time in school for free reading? By high school we had to read literature, but by then, it felt forced and we were too busy to delve into great books. What grades did you teach?


  6. I have taught grades one through four in classrooms. I was certified as a Reading Specialist when I worked on my Master’s Degree. After that I taught in reading labs in Junior High, and Remedial Reading in Junior College. I’ve even taught adult classes. I had a sociology degree and asked to be assigned to the “disadvantaged” school and classes. I had a class of first graders one year and asked to be assigned to them the second year. That is the only class I ever had who I was able to achieve grade level scores with. I have written a few posts about past students. Precious little ones. I wish I could have helped more. But I never could get them past potato chips and pop, going back to my eating analogy. As a teen I also loved reading books, but World Lit was not my cup-a-tea! I think I managed to dodge Chaucer all the way, but got caught by Shakespeare.

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  7. The doors into knowledge (library), the statue and your quote are all fitting and speaks volumes. Thank you for sharing once again at Book Wino this week. I teach little ones to read and my first step in the process is to introduce them to books. Every kind of book or reading material I can get my hands on. Just to instill the love of reading into them early on.


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