Whitewashed world

Sunday Stills: A #White-Washed World

With winter still in full swing in the northern hemisphere, I wanted to challenge us all to look at and photograph objects that are the color white. If you live in or around snow, then show us your snowy scenes. If not, the color white is all around us. I’m still a newbie to living in snow, so I get that many of you are over it and don’t want to be reminded of winter white! Please indulge my rookie winter as I share a few images of snow.

A morning storm blew three inches of snow from every angle and created the white-washed view from my RV.

Whietwashed world

Despite living in an RV park, the white wash of snow makes just about any scene more beautiful.

Bare White Winter Trees

The powdery snow melts quickly in this high desert-alpine environment, leaving abstract snowy tracks from my own boot.

Making Snow Tracks

As March quickly approaches, I find myself longing for spring, now that temperatures this week are in the upper 40s. No complaints, but I do miss seeing random flowers on my daily walks. These echinacea daisies grew abundantly in early spring, while the paperwhites below grew in January in Northern California. Florals shared are today for Cee’s Flower of the Day.

white and gray flower
Vibrant paperwhites
Vibrant paperwhites

Since we are on the subject of “things that are white,” here is my lovely snowy egret captured with my lens during winter in San Diego a few years ago. Sharing for Lisa’s Bird Weekly.

Snowy egret stands in grace
Egret enjoying San Diego

This Just In…If We Were Having Coffee…

…I would tell you that as of 3:00 Saturday, we visited the property and saw that the interior crew has begun work on the inside of the house! Viewing from outside through the dining room slider door, this shows a “white-washed” view of the work being done. A little messy, but it will be gorgeous in a few weeks!

manufactured home interior work

Weird how things worked out timing-wise for the theme this week! I hope you enjoyed this brief coffee chat and I appreciate your indulgence and encouragement each week as I share our home building progress.

Sunday Stills Photo Challenge Reminders

  • Please create a new post for the theme or link a recent one.
  • Title your blog post a little differently than mine.
  • Don’t forget to create a pingback to this post so that other participants can read your post. I also recommend adding your post’s URL into the comments.
  • Entries for this theme can be shared all week.
  • Use hashtag #SundayStills for sharing on social media.

Bloggers and Their Feathered Friends

Sunday Stills is a wonderful community of bloggers and photographers who desire to connect with one another. Each week I will share the links from the previous post so you can continue to meet and support each other. And with that…join 37 bloggers who shared their fabulous bird photos and stories.

Please join me next week as we kick off March with the theme “Rainy Day.” For March themes, please visit my Sunday Stills Page.

Camera graphic

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  1. Terri, It’s exciting to see your home building progress. Your home will be gorgeous. I love your photos of the snow on the trees, the white egret and flowers. I’m glad I took photos of winter 2021 where I live because most of the snow is now gone after several days of above-freezing temperatures and sunshine. Thank you for linking with #WeekendCoffeeShare.

    Here’s my entry of all things that are white:

    The 9 Gifts of February

    Liked by 1 person

    • Yesterday was such a treat to explore the area, and we discovered a resort on the lake where my hubby can fish, only 10 minutes away! Then to see the work being done inside I almost died of happiness, Natalie. Enjoy your sunny week!


  2. Hi Terri – loved your snowy images – easy for me to say since we don’t get snow! Your new home looks so nicely open and welcoming! Can’t wait to see the finished product. You should link to A-C’s challenge with the one. Your snowy scenes are soft as could be!

    Liked by 1 person

  3. These are wonderful white shots Terri and such good news on your house being worked on. I’m away so not blogging all that regularly for a few weeks but enjoying reading and catching up on others. Thanks for the links, I love this addition.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Terri,
    I was sure that once the heat came on, that you would see some progress. It’s downhill from here. Ignore the mess…It comes with the territory. My contribution is a snow scene taken in Tazwell, TN, a little mountain town near the Tennessee-Virginia border. I used it for wallpaper for a few years. Very relaxing…Have a great week! Joe

    Liked by 2 people

  5. Hi Terri, I too would love to experience living in the snow although it would certainly be a culture shock to a Queenslander! Exciting news with progress on your house as each day brings you closer to your new home. Thank you for helping me to think creatively with the #SundayStills prompt and here is this week’s contribution:
    Don’t live your life like a blank, white page – fill it with stories of YOU

    Liked by 2 people

  6. HI, Terri – Having 37 fellow #SundayStills participants is awesome. From the list that you shared above, I already know 14 of them. I look forward to getting to know the others as well.
    I’m delighted to hear that your new home is progressing nicely. I assume that the electricity got done this past week. (?)
    Thank you for sharing your beautiful photography with us. You have captured the multiple shares of white brilliantly!
    See you next week at #rainydays!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Isn’t this a fun blogging community? I’m happy you’re part of it, Donna! Yep, that electrical was installed and the house warmed up enough to work on the interior. Drywall mud must be a certain temp to work. Next big project is the installation of the septic system so if if they are both worked on simultaneously, we can move in when both are ready.


  7. Love your white flower photos — so stunning. I found a few daisy photos and that was it. This theme was an excellent chance to use the archives and write poetry to reflect on the scene so thanks for the prompt. It’s awesome to see what direction everyone goes. I love winter so for me the white snow and the blue sky were no brainers. I hope you can enjoy the snow and still see progress on your house as I too well.
    Here is my link up.

    Flat white – my style

    Liked by 1 person

      • I saw that on The Weather Channel a couple of days ago about the La Nina. At least it isn’t El Nino. That causes us a great deal of pain in the south. Could be why our weather in unseasonably cooler too. We bounce from 30’s at night to 80’s in the daytime with a week separation. It’s all over the place. I’m not complaining, but my heat runs one day and air runs the next. LOL! 🙂

        Liked by 1 person

  8. Terri, I appreciate your enthusiasm regarding the snow. I would be equally enthralled with these scenes. Not sure I could live in it, but it’s nice to look at. Congratulations, on the progress of your new home. I know you are counting the days.

    I realized too late that I had a photo for this challenge that I could have included in my post this week. I watched a foursome play croquet on the lawn at Jekyll Island Club (where we visited last week), and they were all wearing white. Oh well. I will just enjoy what everyone else presented and catch up with you in March. Take care.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Don’t get me wrong, Suzanne, as much as I enjoy looking at snow, I don’t enjoy driving in it, shoveling it or sidestepping the mushy melting snow. Luckily, Spokane does not see a lot of snow, and what falls is so light and powdery. It melts quickly when temps rise, too. I do enjoy looking across the area at the panorama of snow-capped peaks towering above dark green pine forests, something my soul has longed for over the years. today is the first day of meteorological spring and its 53 degrees here, and most of the week. No excuses to prevent the home from being worked on! Thank you for checking in and I hope to see you along for Sunday Stills when you can jump in.

      Liked by 1 person

  9. Seeing your and other participants’ photos this week, I had no idea how beautiful the color white was, Terri. Who would have known the effect of white in one’s soul, especially seeing all these different representations? It’s soothing to say the least. I’m glad the workers are making progress inside your future home!

    Liked by 1 person

  10. I agree that the snow can make the world look even more beautiful, Terri. What a shame it does not last very long, though. It’s the same here because of the salt air from living on the coast.

    I’m so please that work has got underway inside your new home. I bet you can’t wait to start stamping your own designs on it.

    Here’s my picture for this week’s challenge.

    I didn’t go in but wish I had done.

    Have a great week.

    Liked by 1 person

  11. How exciting to see your new home taking shape right in front of you! Love the puzzle pieces created by the melting snow, and the branches of the trees blanketed with the white stuff. Oh, I do love snow. My favorite, though, is your cover shot. There is so much beauty in the simple things of the world. We don’t even have to trek far to find it, do we?

    Liked by 1 person

  12. Now that we’re living in Arizona, we don’t see snow without making a trip, so I greatly enjoy seeing shots of snow because I miss winter…although I do enjoy the weather here right now. Summer’s a bit rough, though. 🙂 I’m not sure about how your Sunday Stills works, but I have a white photo to link, although it’s from a few days ago. At any rate, I enjoyed your photos, whether snow or not.

    Sometimes details make all the difference.


    Liked by 1 person

    • I’m so happy you shared for Sunday Stills, Janet! My SS page has simple rules, but since it’s a weekly theme, you have all week! Thank you, and I enjoy photographing snow, but living in it more than a couple of days at a time is plenty.

      Liked by 1 person

  13. Heavens, 37 contributors, Terri! You don’t have time to move house 🙂 🙂 Glad it’s going well. I don’t mind looking at snow, so long as it’s someone else’s. Your images are really beautiful.

    Liked by 1 person

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