Pinnacle Peak

Sunday Stills: #Perspectives on …

Don’t you love photo challenges? Even if you are not a photographer yourself, I’m sure you appreciate the lovely images your fellow bloggers share. Over the years, I’ve been inspired by the perspectives and stories of their images.

This week’s Sunday Stills theme is “perspective.” Yes, I borrowed the theme from Becky B’s Squares July photo challenge and enjoy promoting her challenge to others (not that she needs it)! Plus, I love to be challenged too! Remember your main photo needs to be square!

squares photo challenge

This post is chock full of images for some of my favorite photo challenges! See the end of each section for which photo challenges I’ve linked to and where you can find more inspiration.

Did you know that “Perspectives On Leisure” was the name of my blog when I first started in Fall 2014? I later changed it to Second Wind Leisure Perspectives for a variety of reasons. It doesn’t really matter. I guess that’s MY perspective (wink wink).

Floral and Summer Perspectives

“There is that in the glance of a flower which may at times control the greatest of creation’s braggart Lords.”

John Muir

A summer mustard flower’s perspective of the Antioch Bridge in the Sacramento River Delta.

spring flower perspective

Spring is the time to plant sunflowers from seeds. But summer isn’t official until the sunnies burst into bloom. They bloom quickly in the warm sunshine, often in less than 48 hours.

Another floral perspective of Pinnacle Peak in Northern Arizona.

Pinnacle Peak
Pinnacle Peak

These perspectives are inspired by Amy’s summer theme for the Lens-Artists Photo Challenge and Cee’s Flower of the Day.

Perspectives of Point of View and Geometry

A warm summer day at Lake Natoma where I often enjoy stand-up paddling. At 9:30 am there were already many families enjoying the water.

Late spring on Lake Natoma

Armed with the knowledge of the upcoming square perspectives challenge, I made sure to get several POV shots. This next one shows the same boys at play.

Boys at water play

At least their life vests are close-by.

While out for a walk, I caught lovely shadows and geometric perspectives on the sidewalk alongside the City park.

Street posts in shadow

Becky B’s July Squares Challenge has begun. Read how to join here.

Summer is here and many bloggers take a short break. Perhaps you are in a slump and need more inspiration for your blog? If you are looking for more photo challenges, take a look at Marsha’s page of challenges.

What’s Your Perspective?

I am looking forward to seeing your images depicting perspectives. Show us in your images, stories, poetry, and other creative ideas!

Camera graphic

© 2020 Copyright-All rights

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Still Looking for Photo Challenges?

Since the WordPress weekly photo challenge ended a few weeks ago, many bloggers are still searching for photo challenges in which to showcase their photographic talents and images. The word “challenge” is a bit of a misnomer, as everyone is not necessarily in a photography competition, but rather, a showcase of our hobbies and talents.…

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  1. You have an eye for dramatic composition, Terri, and your photos are compelling for the stories they tell. I don’t have great mechanical skills, nor a decent camera, but I’m not too bad with a paintbrush. Everyone has a skill to be proud of and many others to admire in other people.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Well, dust those brushes off and snap some shots! Maybe one works with the upcoming themes! I would love to see them Shari, and thanks for your lovely compliment. I used to paint and draw, too, maybe one day I can get back into it.

      Liked by 1 person

    • Heehee! I thought about you when I used it this week, Ingrid. Turns out my brother just made an offer on a house in the Fountain Hills area of Scottsdale. I told him all about the Cave Creek area and Pinnacle Peak. He’s going to love it.


  2. Hi, Terri,
    Great photos as always! I just sent family off after a great time in Jackson Hole and I am enjoying some down time in West Yellowstone after a very busy week in Jackson Hole. I will have to pass on the challenge, but look forward to viewing all the entries. Good to know you enjoy paddle boarding. I have not tried it, but want to. Have a great week. Joe

    Liked by 1 person

  3. I love the ‘square’ editing option on photos, Terri. You’ve showcased them brilliantly with the block editor on this post.

    I joined Becky’s challenge last week (on Wordless Wednesday) and may join in again before the month ends. I need to start editing my photos a bit more because it brings a new life to many of them.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Hi Terri / how interesting to
    Hear of your first blog name – I like the change but both are good.
    And cheers to connecting with Becky’s squares theme this month …
    I am off to work on my perspective post…
    Wishing you a nice weekend

    Liked by 1 person

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