pink autumn leaves

Sunday Stills: Honoring #Pink

Pink Coffee

October has always been a reflective month for me.

For one, many family members share birthdays this month (more about this in next week’s Sunday Stills challenge).

Secondly, I enjoy the visible weather changes in October, with Autumn finally making a more-than-vague appearance, the cooler days and sometimes cold nights, and the overall feeling that another year is winding down.

October also has me hyper-aware that it is Breast Cancer Awareness Month, although I haven’t seen as many professional sports teams adding pink to their uniforms much this year.

One in eight women will contract breast cancer in their lifetime. That means realistically for every eight women you see walking down the road, one of them could be either a survivor or currently battling breast cancer. Something else a lot of men may not know is, while rare, it is possible for men to contract breast cancer. Roughly around 2600 men will be diagnosed this year.

In my small way, I dedicate this post to those who have succumbed and those who have survived. And both lists are long.

Enjoy my pink images inspired by the pink ribbon that represents hope for the cure.

The last blooms of my pink plumeria…

pink lines in plumeria blossoms

A bee enjoying the nectar of a pink flower…

Pink flower, bee and lines

Even the Autumn leaves blush pink for October…

pink autumn leaves

And a pink sunset to inspire yet another day for breast cancer survivors.

lines and pink clouds in delta

Images are partly inspired by the following photo challenges: Becky B’s Lines and Squares, Cee’s Flower of the Day, and Dawn’s Festival of Leaves.

I look forward to you all filling up the pages of WordPress with your pink images!

I am due for my mammogram this month. Off I go.

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  1. A lovely idea Terri, and beautifully represented by your images. We did a golf tournament to raise some money this week which was a nice success. So many of my friends have faced it and thankfully are all survivors. At least the percentages are going up as we continue to battle.

    Liked by 2 people

  2. I really en joyed your pink images Terri and the reason for your pink theme at this time of the year. As my sister had breast cancer and a lump removed earlier this year, this means so much more to me than ever before. I looked back at my post this time last year and enjoyed re-reading it, so this year I have included m y daughter’s photo of my granddaughter Dottie and her pink octopus, a different way of using the power of pink. Thanks again Terri and all the best for your mammogram, I’m getting better at having them but I still think they’re a necessary evil so to speak! Here’s my link for this week –

    Liked by 2 people

  3. Lovely photos that bring out such warmth and hope for the future, Terri. Thank you for the reminder that this month is breast cancer awareness month. Good luck with the upcoming scan.
    Of course, we mustn’t forget that men can also get breast cancer. In the UK, November is known as Movember – Prostate cancer awareness month. Many men don’t check themselves for lumps, or talk about it. I hope we can encourage our husbands, partners and male members of the family to check for lumps regularly and to seek medical advice if they discover anything.

    I hope your foot is on the mend? Enjoy the incredible season of Autumn.

    Liked by 3 people

      • Happy Birthday to your husband, Terri. My partner gets embarrassed when I talk to him about health issues. But, when talking to him, I tell him I’m doing it because I love him. He can then see why it’s not me annoying him, but making sure he is well so we can both spend even longer together.

        Liked by 2 people

  4. Thank you for reminding your readers about breast cancer awareness month and that breast cancer occurs in men as well, Terri. Few people are aware of this fact! Even we were oblivious to it, until it happened! So many women I know, as well, have battled with this awful disease! Cheers to pink.

    Liked by 2 people

  5. Pink leaves, my friend? Only you would find them with your keen eye!! Things are still very green around here. And then when one day in the near future they aren’t green any more, they won’t be anything near as dramatic as pink. They will be brown. Boo!

    One in eight women. That is a devastating statistic. I had a scare about 12-13 years ago. And my sweet, then 18 year old daughter discovered a mass in her breast in October 2002 and we held our breaths and prayed while she underwent surgery to remove it. Thank goodness, it was an adenoma and not cancer. We have been blessed.

    Will be joining with my Sunday Stills in a couple of weeks.
    Thank you for sharing your beautiful eye.

    Liked by 2 people

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