Withering sunflower

Floral Friday Favorites

I’m busy getting my cast off today, so I’m taking this moment to share two of my floral favorites! I suppose it is like sending flowers to myself to celebrate!

This first image is a stylized version of Teddy, who is withering a little each day. I know flowers don’t last long, but Teddy was my first one of this variety. The plant has several buds, so I’m sure more Teddies will bloom soon!

Withering sunflower
Filtered light on a tired Teddy Bear

I haven’t shared a lot on the blog this year about my sunflower obsession, but I have been posting on Instagram almost daily. Here is an IG post of my Tall Sungold, aka Teddy Bear, in all his golden glory!

My other floral obsession is with plumerias. After our last visit to Hawaii in March, I was determined to plant my own and grow these amazing flowers. When a friend on Facebook who lives in my area shared that her potted plumerias are thriving, my quest to plant my own began.

I found a Hilo vendor on Amazon who sent a four-pack of cuttings. I did my research, prepped the proper soil in large pots using the recommended rooting powder. All four were planted in late April.

I continued to fertilize them and water as scheduled. My research suggested that it would likely take up to three years for the plants to bloom.

This week, when I looked out my bedroom window, I saw a pop of pink. Thinking it was one of Brodie’s ubiquitous rubber balls that had bounced into the pot (oh, the horror!), I grabbed the crutches and raced out (as if) to check it out.


My first plumeria
My first plumeria!

Here is the Instagram version. Once I watered them (having a very hot week here), I saw yet another photo op!

Sharing for Becky B’s Blue July Squares and Cee’s Flower of the Day challenges.


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  1. Congrats on getting the cast off. I’m sure you are more than ready. I don’t think there’s a flower I don’t like. Seeing a field of sunflowers in bloom was delightful … wish I could remember which state that was where I saw sunflower fields 🤔

    Liked by 1 person

  2. I’ve been very much enjoying your Instagram feed. You really do marvelous floral (and pet) images. What a treat to have such a garden. Wonderful that the cast is coming off today. No stopping you now!

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Exquisite photos, Terri! I can almost smell the beautiful plumerias. I don’t know much about flowers although I appreciate them. I am calling posts with Stunning Photos a mini meditation. You are part of this meditation, Terri:) Good luck with the cast off today:)

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Beautiful images Terri. I enjoyed them on your Instagram feed as well. Water droplets on flower petals are irresistible to any photographer. I’m sure you must be excited about getting the cast off today. Congratulations.

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Hi Terri at last your cast will be off although I did like you improvisation with the bike. I love sunflowers as I’ve mentioned before and the photos are beautiful. The plumeria is such a vibrant colour and it looks very similar to a frangipani which we have here in Australia. Have a lovely weekend and don’t try running a marathon with crutches! Take care xx

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thanks, Donna, and yes the cast is off! No pedicure for another week, but I’m in a comfortable walking boot and just relieved! I think all this hot weather is powering up these flowers, but they do guzzle water.


  6. A teddy bear sunflower – what a magnificent specimen. As for plumeria: I’ve loved them ever since I lived on O’ahu as a kid. I may have told you that my dad built a small pond in our front yard, plopped in 5 goldfish including a black molly, and planted a white-yellow plumeria behind the tiny waterfall to shade the pond.

    When we moved to California, he planted a small slender twig of a plumeria that over a 25-year period grew to the size of a garage. It was often covered in vivid pink blooms, and your pink razzle dazzler reminds me of it. The best gift my dad ever gave me was a lovely pink plumeria lei that he strung from the blooms on his tree. I still have it, now dried of course, but reminiscent of my dad, the gardener. (He was a doctor also.)

    You keep at those plumeria in your pots and one day you’ll also be stringing fragrant leis.

    For now, I’m so glad you’re getting your cast off – YAY!

    Liked by 1 person

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