time for fitness

It’s #Time for Sunday Stills!

Oh boy, we are going to have a great time with the theme of TIME this week! A vague concept was chosen on purpose with multiple meanings for everyone.

Time for Fitness

exercise equipment

Do you allow time for fitness daily, weekly monthly, or…? I schedule it on my outlook calendar but I guilt myself into exercising enough that I don’t need a reminder. Although this image doesn’t scream “time,” I suppose the exercise balls represent the cyclical nature of time.

Daylight Saving Time

Finding Serenity in a Desert Sunrise

Here in California, Daylight Saving time ended today. It will be lighter in the mornings (instead of dark until 7:30am here in Northern Cal), but dark by 5pm. Many folks hate the end of daylight saving time, but I prefer my mornings lighter! It’s almost winter, it’s supposed to be dark in the evening!
Ironically Californians vote on whether to make DST permanent beginning next year. Many states and countries do not recognize it anyway.

How Time Flies!

wordpress logo

I was notified by WordPress of my 7-year blogging anniversary on October 31, 2011. Seems like forever, but I didn’t start consistently blogging until September 2014. Image provided by WordPress.

Another image denotes the passage of time in the form of temperature and seasons.

black and white thermometer
Outdoor temps in black and white

Time for Change

Speaking of time, there are some changes coming to the Sunday Stills Challenge.
Beginning January 1, I am discontinuing my InLinkz account for the link-up. Not all bloggers use the link-up, and I pay a small monthly fee to use the service. You can still link up through December 23. Let me know your thoughts on this.

I have not yet published the December dates, but due to extensive travel in late December and into January, there will be no challenge for Dec 30.

Because of this travel time, I’m also looking for a temporary host for the month of January. Since we will be on the road for 2-3 weeks, I’m betting the Internet connection will be sporadic, and honestly, I could use a little break from the computer screen.

Please PM me (see menu About Me/Contact) and let me know if you would like to host for one week or 3-4 weeks. I can provide more details for you. I will have the themes chosen and announced on my page in advance, and also short posts from my blog pointing to whoever will co-host. This also can be shared with 2-3 folks.

If no one is interested, we will just take that month off from the challenge.

Welcome 15 New Bloggers to October Sunday Stills Challenge!

A Young Retirement

Venezia E Il Veneto

Sharon’s Blog

Once Upon a Time and Happily Ever After

Donna Maria

Bend Branches

Over 50 Travel Blog

Musings from the Cold

River Valley Wanderer

Lady Lee Manila

Jodie’s Touch of Style

Deb’s World

Quaint Revival

Dandelion Fuzz

Frost on the Moose Dung

I am so happy you could join us today and all this week with your images, stories, poems, or anything that denotes the theme of TIME!

Link up here and/or ping back to this post. Use the tag time or #Sunday Stills when you publish and share!

Autumn SIGNature

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  1. You’ve provided much food for thought, Terri. I don’t know what the big fuss is about changing the clocks – it’e never bothered me though as a kid I didn’t realize that we change the clocks back in spring.

    Enjoy all your upcoming travels – I hope we get to see lots of photos when you return. Traveling and engaging in all those new experiences is a wonderful way to take time off from teaching and the rest of the daily grind.

    As for the note from WordPress reminding you of your anniversary – don’t know why, but WP has never, not once, notified me of my anniversary.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Hello my friend, here’s my fitness-inspired contribution, which I’ll also add to the link-a-think-thing (though I must say I agree with you that perhaps there’s no need to continue the subscription–I am not sure what the benefit of it is over linking in the comments, really):

    Fit to Fly

    Happy Standard Time to you … (I do like longer evenings, I also like light in the morning … so …) 😉

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Hi Terri, congratulations on blogging for 7 years, I wonder if I will still be blogging in 3.5 years time? Time is such a huge factor of our life isn’t it. We all have the same amount of hours in a day but it is the way we utilise them that is important. As always I love your photos and have a beautiful week. x

    Liked by 1 person

    • HI Carol! The DST is Prop 7. I will keep you in mind for January, which is great, because you post consistently. I’m just worried I can’t make comments while traveling, or even put together a post, so having a co-host will be super helpful. I might keep the link up but not use it in January. I have more thinking to do 🙂


    • Time is indeed an interesting interpretation today! I admit I thought of our looming time change. Will be dark here at 5:30–if you are still in SoCal, you will notice it! Since you posted about WP today, I had to share that today, although I set my post to publish at 7am, it defaulted to 8am (could have been a glitch in WP). I fixed it once, but it changed it again. So when I didn’t see my post in the reader, I investigated and had to post at 7:30–not my usual time. Good ol’ time just having its way with me today!


  4. We have about the same sunrise as you. I’m looking forward to driving to work with some daylight 🙏 Congratulations on your 7th year anniversary! You’ve done a great job passing on what you’ve learned!

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Well done on reaching 7 years of blogging. Gotta say, I really like the 24 Hour Fitness photo at the top of the page. There’s something weird and frightening about it. Sounds convenient to be able to work out at any time of day or night, but it also sounds like you should never kick back and relax. Here’s my offering for the theme: https://grahamsisland.com/2018/11/04/puu-oo-vent/. I’ll be in touch about InLinkz et al.

    Liked by 1 person

  6. I love your time images Terri, and it’s interesting about your daylight saving as we’ve changed the clocks forward an hour for our summer time down here. It’s a contentious topic in some places but I love it! I like your reminder about setting time for exercise into our schedules, we all need to remember to do that! Congrats on your blogging anniversary and thanks for all your efforts!

    Liked by 1 person

  7. SO PROUD OF YOU! Look how this series has taken off. I have not forgotten about Sunday Stills, just ran out of time to post! But will combine several Sunday Stills posts into one with my photos. Clever photo of 24 Hour Fitness for this past week’s theme. Had to do a double take at the rack of balls. Thought they were bowling balls on first glance. Lovely editing!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Aww, thank you, Leslie! Glad you liked those exercise balls, it was an inspired photo op several months ago (I had to ask permission to use my cell phone camera). I will look forward to your cleverness at combining the photos.


  8. I’m with you all the way on having lighter mornings, Terri. I’ve always enjoyed the mornings – the best part of the day for me. I don’t mind the darker evenings, especially when curled up in front of the TV.
    Time is one of my favourite subjects. I’ve written about it a lot, and it often features in many of my short stories. What I wish time would do, though, is to slow down a little. As I’ve grown older and slower, time seems to have gotten younger and faster. Or is that just me?
    Hope you enjoyed that extra hour you got back from the spring. I know I did.

    Liked by 2 people

    • You are not the first person who agrees with me about the lighter mornings, Hugh! I wasn’t a morning person until later into adulthood, but how I appreciate the quiet now. Time does fly too fast, here we are in November staring at Thanksgiving already! DST messed me up good! My dogs want their dinner at 5pm instead of 6; my stomach growls an hour earlier now. It will level out soon. Just had our election day today so we shall see how it all shakes out (another source of stress I can do without). Glad you are caught up with your time change 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

      • Yes, Toby and Austin had no regard for their extra hour. They still got up at their same time and demanded to have their morning walk. No surprise that we also saw many other dog walkers out at the same time (the ones we usually see every morning). It was great that the dogs went to sleep an hour earlier, though. Gave me time to catch up on some of my favourite TV shows.

        I saw the news about the elections this morning. I hope things went your way.

        Liked by 1 person

  9. It was dark by 5 p.m. yesterday! That’s not going to help me stay awake past 7!! I like your time pictures this week! I hadn’t thought of the thermometer as a sign of time passing but it sure it! I think that’s my favorite picture this week! 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

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