Aero at 2 months old

Me and My Aero: For the Love of a Dog

Shadow of the dog walker

In the shadow of the 2017 Westminster Dog Show and Valentine’s Day…

We’re talking about dogs and love today! Rumor, the German Shepherd, won the coveted “Best in Show” title.

If you have followed my blog within the last few months, you probably have seen pics of my dog, Aero. In honor of two blog features, the WordPress weekly photo challenge, Shadow and 51 Weeks; 51 Songs by Hugh’s Views and News,  I submit some photos of “me and my Aero.”

Oh, hey, isn’t that a song? Here is the YouTube clip as arranged by Harry Nillson from the animated short film, The Point. Check that out here.


“Me and my arrow
Straighter than narrow;
Wherever we go, everyone knows
It’s me and my arrow.
Me and my arrow
Taking the high road;
Wherever we go, everyone knows
It’s me and my arrow”

Me and My Arrow song and lyrics by Harry Nilsson from “The Point” peaked at number 34 on the Billboard Hot 100 in 1971. Did you ever see the movie? I still hear the song played occasionally.

If you haven’t guessed, Aero, a six year-old Boykin Spaniel/poodle mix, is my pride and joy. We go for walks nearly every day. I get some great blog post ideas on these walks. Speaking of shadows, Aero now has his own shadow.

But first, the back story.

Aero has several brothers that look nothing like him. When my daughter moved out and took Gideon with her, Aero was alone. Well, he has me and his “daddy,” but we talked about getting another dog.

Chappy, Boykin Spaniel
Beloved Chappy. Used with permission

Scrolling through the WordPress Reader, I saw a photo (on the left) of a puppy that looked just like Aero. As I clicked on the link I was astounded by what I saw…the spitting image of my Aero-perro! Joan at her blog MV Obsession posted a memorial to her grand-dog Chappy. As I tearfully read through Joan’s beautiful tribute and looked at the gorgeous photos, I knew instinctively that Aero was descended from this noble breed of water-fowl retrievers, known as Boykin Spaniels. You can see why Chappy became the inspiration for my puppy love. Better get some tissues!

Once I discovered that Aero was part Boykin Spaniel, not Cocker as I originally thought, I wanted to know more about this breed. Joan’s post has a link to the Boykin Spaniel Society at the top of her post, but you can check that out here.


Following this, I was just amazed that I had never heard of this breed of dog. Boykins were bred in the early 1900s as retrievers for duck and wild turkey hunters. Although Boykins can weigh up to 40 pounds, they are shorter, stockier dogs, perfect for fitting into a small boat. Boykin Spaniels are the South Carolina state dog, and are seen in the Southern part of the U.S.

Aero at 2 months old

Aero’s chocolate brown coat prompted people to ask “What kind of dog is that?” We naively answered Cocker Spaniel mixed with terrier and poodle. Cockerterapoo? Or “Oh, he looks like a miniature Irish Setter, or Portuguese Water Dog.”

I don’t know why I got so emotional over discovering other dogs that look like Aero. I guess I love my Aero so much, I wanted to know his ancestry.

When I showed my hubby the picture of Chappy, and the Boykin Spaniel website, he was as amazed as I was and he somehow found a facebook page of a Boykin Spaniel breeder in California…the ONLY one. Luckily for us the breeder is in Northern California near Mt Shasta. Then more luck, the breeder had just whelped a litter of pups in December. We contacted her and asked several questions. Only two were left. Within two days, we made an offer and got our Boykin Spaniel.

Meet Brodie. Hubby thinks he looks like the night fury dragon, Toothless, from the movie, “How To Train Your Dragon.” Brodie means “muddy paws” in the Irish/Gaelic language. His official kennel name is CR Shasta Chases the Wind. He certainly chases everything now.

Brodie is Aero's new shadow

Aero will never be as large as pure-bred Boykins, only weighing in at a svelte 14 pounds. His “cousin” Brodie, at 9 weeks (at the time of this post) already weighs 12 pounds and is growing fast!

Stand Up Paddling with the poochBack to the Aero’s new shadow. Brodie loves Aero and they tumble around the house and backyard all day long. Raising a brand-new puppy isn’t easy, but the timing for our active lives was perfect. By the time we head to the Sacramento delta in April for our weekends of windsurfing and stand-up paddling, Brodie will have had all his shots and be 4 months old…ready to rumble! Or retrieve an unsuspecting duck!

We now belong to a couple of Boykin Spaniel Facebook pages and have made some friends. I never thought I would see so many “Aeros!”

All this “for the love of a dog.”

paw prints


Are you afflicted with Puppy Love? Was this year’s Valentine a dog? WOOF!



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  1. Hi, Terri – Congratulations on your new addition. I can’t wait to read ‘Aero’s Perspectives’ soon and learn about the developing relationship between Aero and Brodie.
    BTW – Great tie in to Hugh’s 51 Weeks; 51 songs (especially with Nillson renting his flat to Mama C)
    I loved this piece!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Terri – I love your post and love that Chappy played a part in your finding Brodie and knowing about the Boykin spaniel breed. Chappy would be honored to know he is still a spokesdog of sorts for his breed. There are at least 2 other Boykin’s that he played a part in people finding.
    I am looking forward to following your adventures with Aero and Brodie and also finding a new friend in you 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  3. What a lovely post! And so the family grows. I have had dogs all my life, usually big breeds. Now my ‘Valentine’ is the most handsome little Chihuahua man with a gorgeous long silky coat. I know that people who aren’t into pets, don’t understand our affection. Actually their loss, isn’t it?! Who could love you more selfless and unconditional than your puppy does? I am glad, I found your blog 😊 “you had me at dog” .. doggies make my heart skip!

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Aero and Brodie are beautiful dogs!! (I’ve heard all kinds of good things about the Boykin breed). I’m sure they add more to your life that you could ever convey. Congratulations on your wonderful canine family!

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Got to start off by saying that I love the new addition to the family, Terri. Although I’ve never heard that Nilsson song before, it’s such a catchy tune. While listening to it, it did sound like the kind of theme tune you’d hear for a children’s T.V. show, so it was good to hear it has actually been used in an animated short film.
    As for puppy love, yes I’ve experienced it. Loved every moment even if there was a lot of house training involved. Life wouldn’t be the same without a dog (and the love he brings) in the house.

    Liked by 1 person

  6. I have never heard of this breed, but they sure are adorable. Pets add so much to our lives. I have a cat, why I am missing because we are away from home right now. I will look forward to your further adventures with the pups.

    Liked by 1 person

  7. They are both adorable! It’s always interesting to discover what (part)breed a dog is, it helps to understand them better. It’s though training a puppy, but so worthwhile. They grow up so quickly!

    Liked by 1 person

  8. Aero and Brodie are both adorable! I had never heard of Boykin spaniels until we bought our car last year and they dealer had them. I wanted to post a photo of one of them I took when we closed the deal but not sure how to do so on the comment so will send it to you on Facebook. Such wonderful dogs! Congratulations on finding them. Or maybe they found you?

    Liked by 1 person

  9. Such a small world and lovely story about how you found your beloved Boykin Spaniels. It was truly meant to be. I love how calm they are on the water. I have never seen one in the UK but I will start looking out for them . x

    Liked by 1 person

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