Life in a Washington Winter

Sunday Stills: Seeking to be Enveloped in #Light

I may put on a brave and happy face during the month of January but trust me when I tell you I REALLY need light to lift me out of the mild depression that comes with Seasonal Affective Disorder, aka SAD.

Most of us living in North America are under an arctic weather warning this weekend. More snow, cold temps, and little sunlight! Considering we have had snow on the ground since early November (!), I think I’m over winter. But the blanket of snow creates a brightness that I never had when living in Northern California for 40 years.

sunlight and snow
Low sunlight illuminates our backyard Christmas 2021

Tule fog for most of January and February made everything look gray, and not in a misty, ethereal way.

foggy delta river
Fog along the Sacramento River

Seeking Light in Water and Sunrises

While living in Sacramento, we typically spent the holidays in San Diego where most of our family lives. But in 2020, several families moved to Arizona probably seeking a different lifestyle. Seeking light was easier there.

From San Diego, we would travel after Christmas to La Ventana, Mexico (Baja) to enjoy light, 7am sunrises, warm air, and board sports.

Though we inevitably came back home to gray foggy weather, the trips buoyed our spirits to push us through to spring sunshine.

A sunrise brings a new day and a renewed chance of happiness.

Seeking Mountain Light

There is nothing quite like mountain sunshine and light. Even in my own neighborhood surrounded by mountains, the light is special.

Soft Alpenglow to the East from Sunset

Not only is alpenglow an amazing phenomenon, but John Muir described the Sierra Nevada Range as “The range of light.”

Alpenglow Yosemite Tuolumne Meadows

“Then it seemed to me that the Sierra should be called, not the Nevada or Snowy Range, but the Range of Light. And after ten years of wandering and wondering in the heart of it, rejoicing in its glorious floods of light, the white beams of the morning streaming through the passes, the noonday radiance on the crystal rocks, the flush of the alpenglow, and the irised spray of countless waterfalls, it still seems above all others the Range of Light.” — John Muir, from The Yosemite (1912)

Sometimes an outdoor fire in the firepit is enough to light the night!

Backyard Firelight
Backyard Firelight

Found! A Sun Lamp to Light My World

Sunlight Lamp

For now, I use my new sun lamp in the mornings to help reset my melatonin and serotonin levels that help combat Seasonal Affective Disorder.

What’s Been On Your Calendar?

What’s Been On Your Calendar is a new feature hosted monthly by Donna, Sue, Deb, and Tracy. I still ask myself, how am I so busy living a retired life? During the month of January, we mostly stayed home, working on interior projects and enjoying our winter wonderland.

How do I seek light in these activities?

Now that I am a part-time reporter, writing two articles each month gives me a purposeful writing focus, quite different from my blog. My most recent article was about SAD (as I mentioned earlier). I did more research on this common condition that affects millions of people in the US, including myself.

Coincidentally, our Pastor began a Mental Health series on depression which also addressed SAD as a cause of depression, as well as depression’s cousins, anxiety and worry. I used his messages as a source for my article as well as Blogger Sue Loncaric’s excellent post about “Worry.”

As for what’s been on my calendar, I walk or work out, as well as take my Duolingo lessons in German every day. Every Tuesday morning, we meet with our neighborhood’s weekly bible study group (sponsored by our church). Last Friday night I went line dancing with my neighbor—hadn’t done that in 40 years! Just this week, we went to my great-nephew’s high school wrestling match at the local high school in Nine Mile.

I also celebrate both of my daughters’ birthdays near the end of January. My daughters have brought me nothing but light these 30+ years!

Daughters in Yosemite
January Birthday Girls

Although I have a few wall calendars in key spots around the house, I really use and rely on my Outlook calendar to log my activities. Have you ever looked back at the previous year to remember a particular activity you might have done?


Three years ago, January 31 (2020 BC), marked the real beginning of our move north. I look back on that day with fondness because, on that date, I discovered the area that would later become our new property a few months later.

Looking back, I was struck by how little snow there was in the image on the left for the end of January 2020. Completely different in 2021-2023!

“You can’t see the future coming — not the terrors, for sure, but you also can’t see the wonders that are coming, the moments of light-soaked joy that await each of us.” — John Green

My Weekly Inspiration in Photo Challenges

Each week I am inspired by my fellow bloggers’ photo challenges. I enjoy incorporating these into my Sunday Stills weekly themes.

Sunday Stills Photo Challenge Reminders

The Sunday Stills weekly-themed photo challenge is easy to join. You have all week to share and link your post.

  • Remember to title your blog post a little differently than mine.
  • Please create a new post for the theme or link a recent one.
  • Entries for this theme can be posted all week.
  • Tag your post “Sunday Stills.”
  • Don’t forget to create a pingback to this post so that other participants can read your post.
  • I also recommend adding your post’s URL to the comments.

This Week’s Featured Bloggers

Sunday Stills is a wonderful community of bloggers and photographers who desire to connect with one another. Below are this week’s links from bloggers who shared their photos of LIGHT. I add these all week as new links are posted.

Themes for February are ready to view on my Sunday Stills Photo Challenge Page. Join me next week as we look at things that are frosty!

What images can you share that demonstrate LIGHT? Poems, stories, music, and other creative ideas are always welcomed!

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  1. I love ‘snow’ light (not fog so much) and your garden looks lovely under a white blanket. However, I can image after so long it’s worn out its welcome. Great idea for a theme and I love how you’ve translated it.

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  2. Beautiful post Terri! While I’m not affected by SAD, the resent 3-week storms and resulting dampness got into my body. I’m allergic to mold that is brought on by dampness. We’ve had a week to dry out and that feels good to me. I still say it should rain at night and be sunny during the day! I could handle that for a few months. Take care and enjoy your white winter.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. I used to get SAD when I lived in Vermont, Terri. The winters were sooooo long. Here it’s not as bad even though the days are mostly gray and droopy with loads of rain. I also used a SunBox and it really helped. The change was noticeable! Beautiful photos of the alpenglow. I love that. I even love the word! Lol. Enjoy the rest of the month and the all the good stuff going on in your life. Hugs.

    Liked by 1 person

    • I’m not surprised to read that more people than I though have experiences SAD. Vermont would be a state where sunlamps are a requirement to lie there! Isn’t alpenglow amazing, Diana? I never thought I would see it in my own backyard. Thank you for the lovely comments 🙂 Enjoy your week also and hugs back!

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  4. Oh my, the Sierra light!!! I love light, I’m always saying to my husband “Look at the LIGHT!” He gives me the side-eye most of the time…or rolls his eyes. I don’t care…just LOOK at the LIGHT!! 🙂

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  5. Lovely light in your photos. I get the darkness affecting people as we have some very short days. I do have a sun light but there are some medical concerns about the long-term effects on your macula so… with a strong family history of macular degeneration, I use it very sparingly. I’m much better with the SAD now that I don’t work in a dungeon.

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  6. Lovely light in so many of your photos, Terri. Sorry to hear about your SAD. I’m not sure I ever had that, though the gray skies of England and Western Washington finally seemed to catch up with me. No lack of light here now though we’ve had a couple of recent weather systems that have been very gray except when being illuminated by lightening. Here’s mine this week:

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  7. Hi Terri, I am sure I wouldn’t cope well in a gray environment. Sunshine is THE source of my daily contentment. At least you have researched SAD, you understand how it affects you and what to do about it. Some people are likely, (no pun intended), in the dark about what causes their depression this time of year. Hopefully, your article and posts like this will create awareness. Like Dawn says ‘ Look AT the Light, just look at it!’ I’ve included my own ‘take’ on light in my monthly wrap-up post. I think you’ll appreciate it.

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    • Thank you, Suzanne! Loved your post!! As I type this, the sun is streaming in my window and illuminates everything! Of course it is 9 degrees now, but the sun is OUT! I can wear a coat when I go outside! I hope that bringing more attention to SAD helps folks.


  8. Hi, Terri – Thank you for linking up with us for What’s Been on Your Calendar. I learned two new terms from your post – Tule Fog and Alpenglow. (I’ll pass on the first, but would be pleased to have extra portions of the latter). 😀
    Thank you also for sharing so candidly. Low sunlight, January and a myriad of so many other things cause difficulties for so many. It is a good reminder that we are not alone – and that support, friendships and shared strategies can be at our fingertips!

    Liked by 2 people

  9. I am all too familiar with SAD Terri – it was a major driver for our move to the south. When we lived in NJ I suffered from it terribly, and our son who lives in NY definitely has a bad case altho he scoffs at my suggestion that he get and use a specialized light. Are you finding it helpful? Loved your post which gives us lots of opportunity to enjoy sunlight even if just in photos. Wishing you a sunny week ahead!


    • Thank you, Tina! I’m amazed so many folks suffer from SAD. I discovered it in a magazine article I read in 1986–then the light literally came on! So far the light seems to help, although today we have a bright sunny day making the snow sparkle! Moving south definitely helps but I still got SAD living in San Diego! Glad it helped you!


  10. Wow, looking back, the last 3 years have been busy for you, and then to think of the past 30 years with those beautiful daughters, your heart must sing with such joy! Both of my daughters were born in July, it’s amazing how close they are even if they’re 3 years apart. I’m sorry I don’t know the answer…are your daughters’ twins? The photo of them can’t be taken in January in Washington 😉 As always, I enjoyed the photos you chose to share. I’m with you on being ready for winter to move on for the year!! Stay warm, and cozy, and keep shining bright with your words of wisdom shared here in the blogosphere.


    • Thank you, Shelley, I take pics of just about anything, so finding light in the archives and a few news ones wasn’t too difficult. My daughters are also three years apart, how funny yours are too, within the same month! That pic is of them in Tuolumne Meadows in the high country of Yosemite. My youngest is getting married in April–so excited!

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      • You’re welcome! I’m like that too – I take photos all the time. I aspire to have beauties like you take, maybe with more practice I’ll get there some day!
        Oh, wow…that’s so funny about us both having two girls in the same month. Your daughters are beautiful! My girls are 3 years apart, and my youngest got married first too! No wedding, just marriage, is the route they’ve taken…maybe they’ll have an anniversary party someday? 🤷🏻‍♀️ They’re so happy, that’s all that matters to me 😍
        I bet you’re super excited about the upcoming wedding…I hope you share your favorite photos from the day!!

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  11. Hi, Terri,
    I experienced SAD during my working days. I think a combination of grey days and work-related stress brought it about. Not much of a problem now, although we have had more rain this winter than in decades. Looking forward to catching the “light” in San Diego at the end of February. Great pictures! Joe

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    • Thank you, Joe! I believe you are right about stress adding to SAD. I knew when we moved to Spokane that darkness could be an issue. This much snow in 15 years is unusual, and it brings on fog during the day. San Diego is calling your name and mine too (in late March)!

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  12. Hi Terri, my word that is a lot of snow. We don’t get snow in Johannesburg and I have only experienced snow in South Korea and France/UK in 2009. I don’t like winter and used to suffer a mood swing at the end of Autumn. It’s been okay since the beginning of Covid, strangely enough.

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  13. You packed so much into this post that it’s difficult to organize my various reactions/thoughts. Lovely light photos, BTW. As you know, we now live in Arizona and yes, we have light, light, and more light. I relish a day with some beautiful clouds or even the very, very rare rainy day where the rain lasts long enough to make me think I could sit and read for a bit as we think of doing on rainy days. Any rain lasting more than half an hour is a blessing!! 🙂

    My s-i-l and b-i-l now live in Norway where SAD and not much light for many months is a thing. Candles are a national obsession there during those months and I’m sure some of those lamps as well.

    I remember days in the Midwest where the sun reflecting off the snow was so bright it was almost unbearable. I guess we often long for what we don’t have. 🙂 I love a foggy day sometimes (again rare where there isn’t much extra moisture) and such a day can be marvelous for photos even though having most days foggy wouldn’t be much fun.

    If I had more thoughts, these are enough. Happy Sunday!

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    • It is a busy post, Janet, made more so by the added calendar discussion. Thanks for weighing in on SAD. It really is a thing, and I knew full well I was moving into the lion’s den when we came here. Spokane is high desert/alpine, so all this snow and darkness is out of the ordinary this year. Happy Sunday!!

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  14. Most people think if you are from Cali, it is always sunny and warm. They have never been to northern California. Still stunningly beautiful, they do great the greys days much like we did in WA. Spokane if very different. So nice to see the brilliant snow. I am glad yo addressed SAD. When we were young, it was really addressed, was it. It was just a funk to get over. They no so much more about it now. Thank you for that.

    What’s been on my calendar sounds like a great monthly feature. Lovely photos lovely home, and toasty fire. Thanks for the love. Have a good week inspiring others. As always, love your energy.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Aww many thanks, Donna! Doing research for my newspaper article, I learned that a Swiss doctor “discovered” the condition in 1984–it was only 2 years later when I read an article in a random magazine that it made sense–that aha moment. With dark, gray days for several weeks, I’ve really felt that unmistakable pinch of depression–at least I know about it. In a few minutes, I’m bundling up and taking my dog for a walk–he needs sun too! 🙂

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  15. Hi Terri it is lovely to have you join us for What’s Been on your Calendar? I can’t believe it has been 3 years since you started your move to your new home. I remember you living in a caravan for part of the time, whilst it was being built. As I live in Queensland where it is hot and humid in summer and very mild winters, I sometimes crave the cold weather with snow and snuggling inside. I can however understand that SAD is real and constant gloomy days would make anyone feel low. Escaping to the sunshine would certainly help to lift the spirits. Congratulations on becoming a part-time reporter. You will do so well and a great interest for you. As always, I enjoy your photography. I look forward to you joining us next month and have a great February. xx

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you, Sue! You have an excellent memory. It wasn’t too bad living in the RV for 2 months, we got to know the areas of North Spokane much better. I remember that you visited Donna in BC not long ago…we’re probably a day’s drive from her. If you crave a bit of winter, we have a guest room waiting. 💕


  16. Wow, that’s a lot of snow! I guess I don’t know if I’m prone to SAD since we don’t have prolonged overcast here… but I am sad if it stays chilly for too long (which it is now). I’m glad that you have found that special lamp to be helpful. Hang in there, spring will be here before you know it.

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    • More snow than I expected would happen here, Janis! But them people also told me you don’t really need A/C here either…um really? Lots of weather conditions breaking records since we moved here, how coincidental! I actually suffered a bit from SAD while we lived in San Diego (1983-85) after I got married. For almost 2 years I worked 8-4:30 and in winter didn’t get outside to see the sun, so it affected me mildly. We’ve had two bright sunny days in a row so I’m good for a bit.

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  17. Hi Terri, this was an interesting read given we live on completely different sides of the world and you are over winter while we’re still ‘enjoying’ our summer. I loved learning the terms Tule Fog and Alpenglow which are great words but don’t feature too much in my environment!

    Your photos are stunning and show your tenacity and love of life and light. I like the idea of a sunlamp and think I’d need one too. Your daughters’ birthdays in January would be a light at the end of the tunnel in some ways for you, knowing warmth and sun aren’t too far away and having their celebrations to enjoy.

    I’ve just written my post and we’re celebrating the Mathematician’s birthday today in the rain after days of long hot summery days. Take care and thanks for joining us for WBOYC too, it’s lovely to have you with us.

    Be a Seeker of Light #SundayStills

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  18. Hi Terri
    Great theme of light
    And has your move been three years already?
    Wow – feels like just last year
    Time is flying
    And glad your light lamp helps – I have heard folks in Alaska use them often

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  19. Light! I am so longing for some more daylight right now! Longer days, and less ice outside. I can’t wait for spring to come this year. More than previous years for some reason. Perhaps it has ot do with the knowledge that we are about to move in less than a month, and everything now is kind of like in between? It probably has something to do with that. I normally enjoy winter a lot. I enjoyed your post very much. We’re almost there, at the light by the end of the tunnel. ❤

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    • Moving will do strange thing’s to your brain, Maria–at least it did to mine–probably because I hadn’t moved for 32 years! Thank you, Maria, spring gets closer every day–we already added 60 minutes of sunlight in the evening!


  20. Beautiful golden hour photos at the opening, Terri! We have left the cold for a while, looking for warm sun here in the Caribbean. I won’t miss those snowy images like in your opening photo, or the fogs… for that matter. >grin<


  21. I love looking back at what was happening a year ago, a couple of years ago etc. Timehop (the app) shows me this but also I keep one of those 5 year diaries. There’s only space for a few lines each day but it’s amazing sometimes reading things that stressed me out so much at the time that I can’t even remember now. Plenty of light in here and thanks for linking up.

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  22. The light that comes off the snow is fantastic, Terri, but especially at night when there is a clear sky and a moon on show.

    I’ve heard about SAD but never suffered from it. I tend to be more grumpy in the summer when it’s too hot and humid, although I do enjoy the light mornings (not so much the light evenings).

    I do like light flooding into the house, although I also enjoy warm, cosy evenings with the right amount of light in the room. Too much light at night doesn’t do it for me. It’s why I never turn on ceiling lights, preferring instead to use lamps to light up a room.

    You’ll see my entry in my Wordless Wednesday post, which is coming shortly.

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    • Thank you, Hugh, we enjoyed bright, but cold sunlight all weekend, which was a balm for my soul. It’s funny how each if us has different preferences how we get and need light. Since the winter solstice, we’ve already gained 80 minutes of evening light. We keep our evening lights low as well. Off to check out your post.

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  23. Beautiful, busy, light-hearted post, Terri. I love the pics of your daughters. They look so much like you, especially their muscular legs. I envy all of you with those strong legs!

    Don’t you love backyard fire pits? That’s cozy even in the winter. We had lots of light in CA and one fireside group at the after-party party for Alice.

    I also love your foggy picture and all the snow, but like you, I’m tired of snow. It felt good to get to Phoenix. There was lots of sunshine here in Prescott today, but it was 47 degrees, not sixty or eighty!

    I just got home from CA this evening and am trying to catch up on my blogging. The time flew by and I got to spend time with six friends and saw many many more at the different events I attended. It was a full week, but no blogging and not enough walking. Several of my friends and I did a few steps around property, neighborhoods, cemeteries, and the Rose Garden, but all in all a drop in steps. I just finished a half hour and got up to 9,000. So I’ve got another 1,000 before bedtime and the “lights” go out. I can’t wait to chat again. I have a small group organization meeting tomorrow night, and lots of blogging to do, but other than that my next few days have not filled up yet.

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    • Thank you for the comment newsletter my friend! Been missing you and can see that you were BUSY! Good for you for taking a break. I’m taking a break from Wordless Wednesday posts for a couple of weeks to focus on things I need to do like taxes, etc. I need a bit less screen time and February is the worst month for SAD. I look forward to reading your next post and chatting together this week. Glad you are back home safe!

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  24. I can totally relate to SAD and this year I’ve even experienced it to some extent in Ireland because the winter had been quite rough (and isn’t over yet). At least now with the arrival of February there’s more daylight. I’ve never seen any benefits with snow (only that I wanted it for Christmas when I was younger) because I just want to be able to go out walking without the risk of slipping on ice. But many people in Sweden love it. I moved away at least partly to get away from snow!
    All fog looks ethereal to me and that picture is beautiful. I also really loved the John Green quote – I feel the future right now looks very grim, but what a lovely thought that there may be more than terrors in it. That’s something I don’t think about enough!

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    • Hi Susanne, thank you for your thoughtful comments! Now that it is February, you are right about more light on both ends of the day. I’m not a fan of walking in snow, especially iced up roads, either. With still 8-10 inches of accumulated snow on the ground where we are in Northeastern Washington, its brightness helps disperse what light we have! Hope your SAD is mild and good thing you recognized it!


  25. You’re spreading light, Terri! Thank you! SAD is frequent in our country during November-February. A lamp and white sheets on the walls help. A room with that much light, 30 minutes a day makes a difference.
    Love your snow and sunrise pictures. I too long for the light.

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  26. I kept an eye on the arctic weather of USA, which was certainly mind-freezing. My city also experienced high level of chills but it wasn’t as severe as yours. And starting from today, the mercury has started to rise again.
    Good to know about your writing features and your lovely trips.
    Thank you so much for sharing this wonderful post with my challenge 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  27. [A week behind in Reader … again.] Snow since November is a lot of snow Terri. Your snow in your backyard does give off bright-white hues. I like your backyard fireplace. We had a wonderful Winter (for me anyway) until that heavy, wet snow on January 25th. Not only that mess, but two bouts of freezing rain since that. They never plowed the walking path this time at the Park where I go everyday – it’s treacherous, but I’ve been there about four or five times to feed the critters and get around by walking on the crisp snow. I went to see some ice sculptures this morning before the Winterfest began and it was so brutally cold (16 with a real feel of 0 and 18 mph winds), I went and took pics of the waterfowl in the frozen canal and beat a hasty retreat to my car!

    A friend of mine also suffered from SAD. He researched the place in the U.S. with the most sunny days per year and found that to be Las Cruces, New Mexico. He was in P.R. and worked from his home, so he rented an apartment on Winter and got a tutor to learn Spanish and loved it. His wife flew out to NM and they bought a house. I always thought San Diego had the sunniest, most-perfect weather, so this was a surprise to me.

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    • Hi Linda! First of all…Brrr that is some cold you have there. I stay away from ungroomed public trails, I will likely slip! The other day when I walked outside it was 6F, no wind chill but jeez! I do manage to get some decent pics– you’ll see tomorrow.
      As for SAD, I’m glad I identified it in 1986. I thought at the time it was delayed postpartum depression. The thing about sunshine is you need to get 30-60 minutes a day during winter to beat SAD. So yes, in San Diego, I began to notice the effect mostly because I couldn’t get outdoors due to my job. By the time I got off work, the sun was mostly down. Glad your friends figured it out!

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      • I would not have walked that path Terri, except for feeding the critters there at the Park. I know they are fine in the Summer, but no matter what my furry friends dutifully squirreled away (and it makes me smile how they hide two, eat one as Fall progresses), I know they can’t dig them up now in this frozen tundra. It is not always good to spoil them. I’m going to wait a few days before returning, though the 47-degree temps will not get rid of the ice. You’re lucky your fingers didn’t freeze. I usually can tolerate it better, but this was bad and the wind was strong … I am 5′ 9″ and could feel myself moving with the wind.

        It’s difficult to get that much sunshine daily – not these endless string of gray days, so you’re lucky you found the root of your depression. Yes, they were happy to go there.

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  28. Some of my favorite Bible verses talk about the light God shines on our path. That seasonal affective disorder is such an issue for some folks. My mom suffered with it through dreary, damp winters in Kentucky. We bought her a lamp that replicated natural light/sunlight to try to boost her mood in the colder months but she had so few plugs in her apartment (and was not allowed to use an extension cord or surge protector) that she couldn’t keep it plugged in long enough to see a real difference in her mood.

    Your first photos are so frosty and almost eerie. They make me shiver with a chill. And while they are beautiful, I prefer the sunlight of your beach and seaside photos. Give me all the sunshine and warmth.

    I am similarly blessed with 2 daughters. Yours are lovely. Our babies do bring such lightness and love and joy to our lives.

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    • Hi Leslie, thank you for the lovely comments. I enjoy reading the various light scriptures… “thy word is a lamp…PA 119:105–one of my favorites. I’m sorry your mom couldn’t do more with her lamp. I think in just the 10 days I’ve used mine in the morning when I wake up, it’s helped some. February here can be a dark month with storms, but the snow offers brightness which does help, especially on a sunny day. I’ve been missing your Sunday Stills post and hope all is well with you, my friend!


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