Hello deer

#WordlessWednesday: Walking Amidst Wildlife

For Wordless Wednesday, let your images tell the story.

Mule Deer Fawn

“My feet will tread soft as a deer in the forest. My mind will be clear as water from the sacred well. My heart will be strong as a great oak. My spirit will spread an eagle’s wings and fly forth.” – Juliet Marillier

Coeur D'Alene Bald Eagle

“We are part of the earth, and it is part of us. The deer, the horse, the great eagle—these are our brothers.” – Chief Seattle

Boykin Spaniel forelock
Brodie’s Golden Wild Hair

Sharing for Becky B’s Walking Squares and Lens-Artists: Wildlife

Wild chair pattern
Wild Chair pattern

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  1. Ahh, walk on the wild side Terri. I had a deer encounter about a month ago which I am going to be writing about (I’m quite behind sorting photos). It was amazing as we were all alone and one thing about deer is the intense stares as they size you up – friend or foe?

    Last year, the highlight of my year was at Lake Erie Metropark when a doe left her fawn with me – we were close to each other and the fawn was not spooked. Mom took off to eat and for a swim. I know I floated home that day and came home with about 50 photos that looked the exact same. The doe called to the fawn and the fawn trotted off after Mom, looking back at me just like your deer did here. I thought my heart would melt. I’ll send you the link in a separate comment … it was for Wordless Wednesday, so just pics.

    (I was so far behind in Reader, I’ve been concentrating on one blogger per night. Part of Hugh’s post on blogging stress was because he and I had commented back and forth about it a week before. I told him I hated breaching blogging etiquette by being behind. So this method has helped me to catch up. I love all your nature photos … without nature in our lives, our lives would not have any calm in these trying times.)

    Liked by 1 person

    • I’m certain any nature encounters are gifts, Linda. I never get tired of seeing all the deer we have around here. As for blogging, I get it. I post 1-2 times a week and comment on many posts. I can’t read one’s that post every day and I’m ok with choosing the interesting posts to read. Plus I run my photo challenge which keeps me busy most of the week. Like Hugh says blogging is not s sprint, its a marathon 😁

      Liked by 1 person

      • The deer encounters are special and I don’t always see them up close as they spook so easily and I have to go out to a large park to see them at all. I “get” it about time management and blogging and Hugh and I have chatted on this subject before. I’ve been blogging nearly 10 years and never had a single follower here on WP, just a few friends from the outside world, until November 2017. Yes, Hugh is wise about that and I told him I have to give up on the people who post daily, some more than once a day. I had to come up with a plan. I only post twice a week and sometimes a holiday post, but it’s still hard to juggle everything – I don’t know how you do it.


  2. Terri,
    Stunning wildlife pics–I love the eagle and that Brodie is a handsome fellow. I don’t have anything to share. A dolphin came within 100 feet of the shore while fishing yesterday, but he took a dive before I could get my camera. Again, great job. Have a great weekend. Joe

    Liked by 1 person

  3. I haven’t seen so many beautiful, wild things as you have Terri. I did see a fox from my kitchen window yesterday, that was the “wildest thing” I’ve seen in a while. It was a rather big fox. I sometimes see eagle howls on my walks, they are cool. Thank you for an inspiring post! Have a wonderful rest of your weekend ❤

    Liked by 1 person

  4. I’d love to live someplace where you can see deer. They’re amazing. But living in a place where wildlife is around can include wolves or even bears, which can be dangerous.

    Even in a crowded city, there are wildlife sometimes. Feral cats, for instance. They’re everywhere, and they’re beautiful, and they decorate the streets, and three of them are living in my apartment.


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