Pink Dawn

Sunday Stills: The #Pink Side of October

I know, I know, another color challenge, well, kinda…

I enjoyed all of your fabulous oranges last week for the monthly color challenge. But Elle Woods would argue…

“Whoever said orange was the new pink was seriously disturbed.”

Elle Woods, Legally Blonde

These “pretty in pink” adorable twins enjoyed riding the harvest train and frolicking all morning at the Stone Lodge Farms Fall Festival.

farm girls love pink
Farm girls love pink!

While we read a little about Breast Cancer Awareness, please think of ways to honor the month with your favorite pink images.

October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month

Pink Coffee

It has been a while since I posted something to acknowledge Breast Cancer Awareness Month which is typically recognized in October. With the focus on Covid, many of our wellness campaigns for illnesses and diseases we still encounter every day have taken a backseat to the pandemic.

Sadly, they don’t go away just because Covid so rudely took center stage for almost 2 years.

At the height of the pandemic, routine cancer screenings declined by 90%. Screenings have resumed and doctors are diagnosing later-stage cancers — things that might have been caught earlier, according to NPR Radio.

The familiar pink ribbon stands for prevention, detection, treatment, and increased breast cancer awareness and is recognized as the traditional trademark of Breast Cancer Awareness Month.

(image by Pexels)

Way Too Many

Do you know someone, a friend, colleague, or family member who has been diagnosed with breast cancer? I have.

Way too many.

Do you know someone, a friend, colleague, or family member who has died as a result of breast cancer? I have.

Way too many.

In the popular media, we are surrounded by images of pink ribbons promoting the fight against breast cancer. From the National Football League where players sport pink towels, shoe laces, socks, and other uniform accessories, to people wearing pink clothing, or sporting pink ribbons on their cars (and windsurf sails).

“In 2020, there were 2.3 million women diagnosed with breast cancer and 685,000 deaths globally. As of the end of 2020, there were 7.8 million women alive who were diagnosed with breast cancer in the past 5 years, making it the world’s most prevalent cancer.

World Health Organization

No matter who you are or where you live, understanding breast cancer is important. But the most important thing to know is this: a diagnosis is not a death sentence. Breast cancer can be treated.

Men can also contract breast cancer, too.

The Susan G. Komen organization is instrumental worldwide in fundraising efforts for the research and prevention of breast cancer, as well as the advocacy and support for those afflicted.

I hope you have given some thought to the victims and survivors of breast cancer. I personally know (and knew) over a dozen women who battled breast cancer…some won, some lost. A best friend and work colleague, both just over 50 at the time of diagnosis…survived. My daughters’ step-mom, 41, and another work colleague, 63…both lost their battles.

I traditionally get a mammogram during the month of October. If you are a woman over 40, please get one. If your health provider balks at 40-year-olds asking for mammograms, argue with them.

A young woman who worked for me a few years ago was diagnosed at age 31. The cancer was aggressive and resulted in chemo, radiation, and a double mastectomy. She is a cancer survivor at 38.

Years ago, when my daughter, Lauren, lost her step-mother to breast cancer, she wanted to honor her step-mother and help raise funds for research and prevention by doing a walk for the Susan G. Komen Race for the Cure event traditionally held in April, in Sacramento. She asked me to join her. I did.

And the 10,000 breast cancer survivors and their families?

Happily, that day, I walked alongside way too many.

The Pink Side of October

“I’m so glad I live in a world where there are Octobers.” – L.M. Montgomery

Pink and red Maple Leves
I blush pink and red!

Although we are focusing on pink, October is a prime month for some of the best Autumn colors as many leaves reach their color peak in the Northern Hemisphere. This took some getting used to as I recall my almost 40 years of Autumns in Northern California when the peak was typically between mid- to end of November.

Here in Northeastern Washington, we seem to be at the normal peak of colors now that maple trees have blushed their way into Fall. Hey, it’s almost pink, and I am saving the dark reds for November’s color challenge “ruby wine.”

Speaking of color, I’d like to share Sue’s 100-day project, Bringing More Color into My Life. Her blog Women Living Well After 50, talks about active aging for women over 50 and beyond.

Enjoy my pink images inspired by the pink ribbon that represents hope for the cure.

“Pink is a beautiful color, because it is one of the colors that the sun makes at twilight and in the dawns.”

C. JoyBell C

A pink dawn to inspire yet another day for breast cancer survivors.

Pink Dawn
Very little editing…cropped and adjusted contrast

Other Ways to Acknowledge Breast Cancer Awareness Month

  • Friday, October 22, 2021: Real Kids Wear Pink Day
  • Wear pink the rest of the month.
  • Share your pink images on social media and in the blogosphere.
  • Donate to your local Breast canceer awareness campaign.
liquid amber leaves
A mix of orange and pink leaves

So while we celebrate those who have survived breast cancer and remember fondly those who succumbed to it, think of something special in the color pink that holds a memory for you.

Photo Challenges This Week

“Orange” You Glad These Bloggers Linked Last Week?

Sunday Stills is a wonderful community of bloggers and photographers who desire to connect with one another. Below are the last week’s links from 27 bloggers who shared their favorite orange photos. I always appreciate those who visit other Sunday Stills participants and support our blogging efforts!

Always Write

The Bloggler

Blog of Hammad Rais

Bushboy’s World

Cath’s Camera

Cats and Trails and Garden Tales

Cee’s Photo Challenges

Dandelion Fuzz

Deb’s World

Easin’ Along Image shared in comments

Geriatrix Foto Gallery

Graham’s Island

Hugh’s Views and News Image shared in comments


Loving Life

Mama Cormier

Musin’ with Susan

Natalie the Explorer

Now At Home

Philosophy through Photography

Picture This

Retirement Reflections image on Instagram

This is Another Story

Travel With Me

Wandering Dawgs

Woolly Muses

Working on Exploring

I look forward to you all filling up the pages of WordPress with your pink images!

Camera graphic

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  1. I would never have imagined last October that in a year’s time I would have had a mastectomy and be on chemotherapy. I assumed cancer was going to happen sometime, but as my mother had been ninety and my aunt in her seventies when they had breast cancer I wasn’t expecting it so soon! I did go and get checked when I felt a lump, though I had gone past the 3 years since my last regular screening. I was diagnosed quickly and soon in the system. There are many breast cancer charities and they all help with research or gIving out help to women. It is hardest for younger women who have children, work and probably money worries to cope with.

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    • Aww, my heart goes out to you Janet, and to your mom and Auntie. I’m glad to read you are a survivor and among the “way too many” who are still here to tell their story. We have some cancer in our family, but skin cancer is the most prevalent. As I age I look more closely at my fair skin to check what I did to it in my youth. Thank you for sharing and for acknowledging the importance to self exams and screenings.

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Such an important topic. Here every woman age 40+ are offered regular screenings for breast cancer as well as tests for ovarian cancer. I make sure to keep my appointments every time.
    Lovely captures of pink! I went for flowers…


  3. Hi Terri, some fabulous pinks here but I’m not sure about that first quote – as a lover of orange!! 🙂 I’ve been away visiting 2 of my 4 grandchildren over the weekend and didn’t even take my computer away with me, so I haven’t done a post this week. I will however share this photo on Instagram, with you, showing me ‘in the pink’ (meaning in extremely good health and spirit) enjoying my first cuddles in over 9 weeks due to lockdown. It was fabulous to catch up with my daughter and SIL and cuddle these tow little munchkins again.

    Liked by 2 people

  4. An excellent moment for your challenge Terri, thanks for the beautiful reminder. Some 30 years ago my father was diagnosed with breast cancer. Until then I’d never heard of a man having it. For the next 15 years he fought one cancer after another but we all knew it was the botched treatment of his first, breast cancer, that led to all the rest. They just had no idea what to do with a man who had breast cancer. A good friend’s husband contracted it last year and thankfully responded very well to treatment. It does happen to men although not as often. I participated in an extensive study to determine whether the children of a man with breast cancer has the same increased likelihood as if it were their mother. It is. So I had the Braca test and fortunately did not have the gene. I’m religious about screening but sadly my brothers and my nieces and nephews dismiss is as unlikely despite warnings I passed along from my oncologist. Several of my friends have had it, none have succumbed to it thanks to our increased focus on vigilance. October is a great time to remind all of us to expect the best but do everything we can to prevent the worst.

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Beautiful, beautiful images – I LOVE the pink dawn and the gorgeous maple leaf – and all your other images too! 🙂 They brighten up a serious topic. I’m fortunate that none of my family members or close friends have had to fight this cancer. I’ve gotten my mammograms faithfully for years and was hoping I could finally stop! Um, no, was the response from my doctor. It’s scheduled for tomorrow.

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Beautiful photos, Terri. Thank you for bringing up Breast Cancer Awareness and for mentioning that this disease affects men as well. I know way too many breast cancer survivors, mostly good friends. Luckily, none of them (including my husband) have passed away.

    Liked by 1 person

  7. Your photos never fail to touch my heart but this time, it is also your words that moved me. I have known several very special ladies who have battled breast cancer. Some have lost their battle and are finally free of pain and at peace, others are either continuing their battle or holding their breath in ‘remission.’ The statistics you shared are disturbing. I had no idea. Thank you for opening my eyes to just how many lives are impacted by this form of cancer.

    I saw these pink landscapes on Instagram. Breathtaking. Love the evergreens, lacy against that fabulous pink sky. That pink hummer is a gorgeous capture, too. And I love the idea of pink and orange leaves. We have so few trees that change color here in El Paso but the thought that somewhere there are pink autumn leaves makes me smile. XO

    Liked by 1 person

    • Aww, your words are always so well chosen and meaningful, Leslie. I doubt any of us alive does not know someone who has breast cancer, has been treated or who has lost the battle. As bloggers we all have stories to share so that someone who needs hope can be encouraged by these conversations. As far as Autumn and pink leaves go, I’m used to Autumn peaking in Sacramento in mid November. The peak is this week in Washington, and the maples are deep red and so gorgeous. I drive down the highway and see Autumn in full swing and I know our Creator did not make junk. Many thanks, my friend.


  8. Terri, this is a wonderful post. Pink is precious!

    Thanks for honoring breast cancer month and reminding women (and men) to get mammograms and fight this aggressive cancer. Everyone’s situation is unique, but it does help to share with others what you go through and realize that you are not alone when you get breast cancer. Having a mastectomy was not nearly as traumatic for me as I thought it would be considering that it allowed me to skip radiation and chemotherapy. Finding the right medicine to follow up and take regularly for five years following the procedure has been very difficult for me.

    Not to rain on the breast cancer parade, but Deep Vein Thrombosis kills more people yearly than breast cancer, HIV/AIDS, and car accidents combined, according to my doctor who is treating mine. It is so hard to detect, but if you travel, wear compression socks and walk around every hour or so to prevent clots. Also, the public should be aware that both having Covid-19 or taking the vaccine Moderna can cause or exacerbate blood clots.

    Thanks again! I’ll be linking on Wednesday with WQWWC. 🙂 Miss you!

    Liked by 1 person

    • This is extra poignant coming from you, Marsha, I could have added you to the list of the “way too many.” Testicular and colon cancers are also treatable but sometimes difficult to diagnose. The stats for DVT are frightening. Great advice from you who has gone through this! We’ve had busy weekend volunteering at the fall festival in the neighborhood. How can I be busy? Miss you too!

      Liked by 1 person

  9. Thanks for this, Terri. A walker and TV personality whom I really admire, Julia Bradbury, has just had a breast removed. She has been very public in her campaign to raise funds for this terrible disease. So brave!.


  10. Terri – I enjoyed seeing the shades of pink and that beautiful leaf that you featured that blushes pink and red. I liked your L.M. Montgomery quote – October is my favorite month of the year. Ours has been beautiful and uncharacteristically warm and that has caused us to be a week behind with our leaf colors. Very few trees thus far. A high school friend died of metastatic breast cancer earlier this year, after battling breast cancer for a long time, in and out of remission. Someone please find a cure for cancer – it’s more important than sending people into space.

    Liked by 1 person

      • I get annoyed every single space journey Terri. At least the one trip was in conjunction with pediatric cancer, so I felt better about that trip. It spotlighted the woman who took the journey and battled pediatric cancer. Kids at St. Jude’s Research Center communicated with her on this journey – that’s good stuff. Yes, a tragedy for Pat just like the others – devastating, especially when young. Pat was 65, same age as me. Enjoy Autumn – every minute of it!

        Liked by 1 person

  11. Terri,
    I know we can’t do enough to bring attention to this dreaded disease. A member of our family is undergoing treatment currently, and it’s tough. There is a wonderful organization called “Casting For Recovery” that sponsors fly-fishing retreats and support for women diagnosed with breast cancer. The retreats are held in most states and information is available on their website. I love your color theme and wear the color a lot. I always say that it takes a real man to wear pink! My contribution was taken during the California fire season. The smoke added to the color of the sunset. Have a great week! Joe

    Liked by 1 person

  12. I’m glad you mentioned that men can also get breast cancer, Terri. It’s so important to say it.

    In the UK (following breast cancer awareness month), November is known as ‘Movember’, where men are encouraged not to shave their faces for the whole month. It’s all in aid of raising money for and highlighting prostate cancer, which is a big killer of men in the UK. Many years ago, I used to participate, and it’s good to see that many still do, mainly because many men won’t talk about their health issues.

    If you’re a man reading this comment, I encourage you to speak to your partner or member of the family about any medical concerns you have or make an appointment and talk with your doctor. Don’t think that talking about it is in any way showing weakness or feel embarrassed about it.

    Here’s my entry for this week.

    Our autumn and winter mornings are when we get the best sunrises.


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