Grosbeak Feeder

Sunday Stills: #Feeding Those Birds!

February is National Bird Feeding Month if you are wondering what inspired the Sunday Stills challenge theme this week.

Black-Billed Grosbeak

I shared a similar post last year about the need to provide food for the birds, especially in the winter months. By February in the northern hemisphere, seeds, grains and other feed are buried under snow and mud or already eaten.

In addition to sharing some images of birds at their feeders, I have a a couple of hawk images to share, in response to Lisa’s Bird Weekly challenge. The image is of the White-tailed Kite family we had living in our former neighborhood in Sacramento.

At twilight, as many as 20 kites would fly in search of their food–rodents, small birds, and small dogs (just kidding?). Make no mistake, these are medium-sized birds of prey, with wingspans from 35-40 inches.

Kites sharing the top of a tree

I posted this image of this Red-Tailed hawk flying high above the Valley of Fire State park near Las Vegas, Nevada. In search of a tasty rodent, no doubt!

Hawk flies over Valley of Fire state park

Now that the hawks are feeding, here are some images of birds in my former backyard in Sacramento.

No new bird photos yet from Spokane, except a few bald eagles.

Waiting is For the Birds

If we were having coffee today while waiting to feed the birds, I use the above expression to punctuate the slowness of waiting for our home to be built. Yep, every week I have an update, but this week, things finally got moving! Four weeks after our contractor scheduled the electrician to install the meter, the pedestal was set at the end of January. But, I still had to put in a new residential application with our electric company. I could not apply in early January because, as our address is brand new, it did not show up in Google Maps so the electric company had no way to verify the address. Um, really? What did the world do before Google Maps? This application process only took two days, but it took another two weeks to schedule a meeting with the engineer. On one of the snowiest days of the year so far, was the day we met him at the site.

During that time, the state of Washington inspected and passed the work. This week, the engineer approved everything, and gave our contractor the green light to install the conduit to the electrical box on the property, which was placed Wednesday. The crew was also busy working on the home, attaching plumbing lines and other work. I almost cried with relief to see work being done for a change.

I paid the construction fee Thursday morning to the electric company and the construction office called me an hour later and is in the process of scheduling someone to run the wiring. Keep your fingers crossed this happens within a few days. I still predict that it will be the end of March before we can completely move into the home. Did you enjoy some hot coffee while reading? Sure looks cold, doesn’t it?

Feeling Drained and Bird-Brained

As if this wasn’t enough, two major life events happened this week. Sadly, my mother-in-law passed away peacefully in her sleep on Valentine’s Day, at age 89, after suffering strokes and living with Alzheimer’s for several years. We attended a viewing on Saturday and a more formal memorial service is scheduled in March.

On a happy note, I started a new part-time job at Spokane Community College working with disabled students to help them integrate into the community. And you thought I was going to stay retired…nope! More about this in another post!

I’m adding this post to Denyse’s link up Life this Week!

Sunday Stills Photo Challenge Reminders

  • Please create a new post for the theme or link a recent one.
  • Title your blog post a little differently than mine.
  • Don’t forget to create a pingback to this post so that other participants can read your post. I also recommend adding your post’s URL into the comments.
  • Entries for this theme can be shared all week.
  • Use hashtag #SundayStills for sharing on social media.

Sunday Stills is a wonderful community of bloggers and photographers who desire to connect with one another. Each week I will share the links on the following post so you can continue to meet and support each other. And with that…

A Rosy Round-Up

Pease visit these 35 bloggers who shared their rosy-red images last week, and welcome our new friends to Sunday Stills!

Remember to feed the birds the rest of this month and beyond! I’m looking forward to your creative images and ideas!

Bitmoji Birding

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  1. We have a seed feeder and a suet feeder and this year i took part in the Great Backyard Bird Count and I amncounting birds every weekend for Bird Canada’s Project Feederwatch. We also have a lot of black and grey squirrels that pick up dropped seeds. This morning a hawk got onto of the squirrels. It took it to our back garden to eat it. Sad but its all part of survival. Thanks for the mention Terri.

    Liked by 3 people

    • I saw that post, Anne! Feel free to go back and link it to this week’s Sunday Stills! Yep, those big birds need a lot more than bird seed! I had seen a bunch of dove feathers in my backyard last spring–I had to assume an owl or one of the kites had a tasty treat in my backyard!

      Liked by 2 people

  2. Terri, Your blue-painted house looks beautiful against the snow. I’m glad to hear your appointment with the engineer went well and home-building progress is happening. I’m sorry to hear about your mother-in-law’s passing. And wow, you’ve already got a new part-time job. A lot can happen in a week. All your bird photos look fantastic.

    Here’s my entry:

    Lakeside Birdwatching

    Liked by 2 people

    • Thank you, Natalie! There were certainly some ho-hum days lately but this was a week for the books! I didn’t even finish this post until Saturday evening! I’m enjoying your WCS, I haven’t joined links in a while, so this has been fun!


  3. HI, Terri –

    I love your mixture of photography, as well as the updates to what is happening personally for you. I have my fingers crossed that the wiring for your new home will take place SOON. Congratulations on your new position (some people do never retire) :D. Warm hugs on the passing of your mother-in-law.
    I am greatly enjoying being part of the #SundayStills community. Thank you for compiling the roundup. This is an awesome way for us to meet new bloggers and to see diverse and creative responses to a shared prompt.

    Your image of the red-tailed hawk is especially amazing!

    Liked by 3 people

    • With this whirlwind week, I felt I had some news to share for once, Donna! Little bit in the February doldrums lately! I really appreciate your creative posts for SS and have been so pleased with the response lately! More “work” for me and I welcome it!


  4. FIrst off, yay on house progression, and your new job. That sounds wonderful. I’m so sorry about your mother in law.

    Love your bird photos. BIrds are just so beautiful. Our winters here in SW Washington are pretty mild. My father in law loves having bird feeders. I should have ventured to his house for some photos. I would have more, but my husband doesn’t like bird poop everywhere…lol. So I have to keep them away from the house, well except my hummingbird feeder.

    Here’s my post for the week.

    Liked by 2 people

  5. Good morning, Terri,
    Busy week, huh? Winter is a tough time for home construction, but it sounds like progress isare happening now. Your bird pictures are awesome! My contribution this week is a Yellow-Legged Honey Creeper we saw at a bird sanctuary in Key West last year. It is not native to America, but the colors are dazzling! Here’s to another productive week! Joe

    Liked by 5 people

  6. Sorry to hear about your mother-in-law, but glad to hear about the job and that the house is moving along again. Seems like any building project is doomed to delays at some point. The Big Island is notorious for the long time it takes to get permits and inspections. Hopefully, you’ll soon have your bird feeders up at your new home and be taking more photos like these.
    Here’s mine this week:

    Liked by 2 people

  7. Agency and Birdwatching in COVID-19

    I loved the different directions people went on this one. Especially Johnny is a Bird Dog. 🤣

    Bird Brained is certainly how I feel sometimes.

    I find WordPress is not very friendly when it comes to comments. Do you have any tips? It took me about 1/2 an hour on my laptop to open your page, Donna’s page and my page and post links in your comments.

    Liked by 2 people

    • That’s what is cool about these challenges, is seeing what creative paths folks take with their ideas and photos. I personally haven’t had issues with commenting except in Blogger. Maybe your settings need to be reviewed? Again, happy to have you aboard!


  8. Hi Terri the hummingbirds are my favourite as I’ve never seen one before. I’m so sorry for your loss. My mother-in-law passed away unexpectedly in late October at 94 so understand it is a difficult time for your husband especially. Great news that you are progressing with your home finally and also your new job sounds like just what you need at the moment. Thank you for #SundayStills and helping me to use my creative side of my brain. I hope you don’t mind that I try to link it back to the ethos of Women Living Well After 50. Here is my contribution for this week: Birds of a feather flock together and that goes for humans too

    Liked by 2 people

    • Thank you for your kind thoughts, Sue! With my MIL, it wasn’t unexpected and she lived a long life. But when passing happens it is final and our brains process realities differently. I’m happy you are being creative with Sunday Stills and linking to your life. I love the creativity and please make it work for you and your blog!

      Liked by 1 person

  9. Well goodness Terri, about time! So glad to read your construction is back underway but sorry to hear about your mother-in-law. To everything there is indeed a season. As for us, while I had nothing to do with the bird feeding, this week’s post shows how they feed themselves scavenging the work of our resident bottlenose dolphins 😊

    Liked by 2 people

  10. I’ll be back tomorrow with my post for the challenge but wanted to say meanwhile that I’m sorry to hear of the death of your mother-in-law. It’s never easy to lose a close family member but especially at the moment.

    Better news though about the house – I’m pleased to see things are finally moving ahead there!

    Liked by 2 people

  11. Wow, Terris, so much news o9n this post. I’m so sorry to hear about your MIL, we lost my MIL late last year at 89 also, such a sad time regardless of their ages, I feel for you.

    But there is progress on your house and you have started a new house, fabulous news!! Then there’s your amazing bird photos – so much WOW!!!!

    I didn’t know there was a National Bird Feeding Month (obviously in the US) but I’m always keen to know how you pick the themes so this made complete sense to me once I read it.

    Thanks again for all you do, I especially like the links to all the posts – so many joining in!! I do try to visit as many as possible during the week and either leave a comment or, at the very least, ‘like’ their posts, as it’s great to see how others interpret the prompts. Hoping for more progress on your house this week.

    Here’s my link to my post this week:

    Liked by 2 people

    • Thank you, Debbie for all your kind words! I’m excited about progress for the home and the job sort of insisted itself into my life and I look forward to its new challenges. I appreciate your support of Sunday Stills and the others who post as well. A true community! Birds are popular posts so we’ll have a lot of links to read this week!

      Liked by 2 people

    • Thank you, Tracey! We have family here in Spokane and Idaho, so it was a no-brainer to move here. We looked at stick-built homes but decided on a property to build a mfg home, which was less expensive. You might like that option since prices seem to be rising here.


  12. Good Morning from a sunny Central Coast of NSW Australia! We are in for some more rain today but right now, sun is shining and sky is blue. Your story, of building is universal I reckon. Bureaucracy is the sucker of all motivation…and joy for a while…waiting waiting waiting.

    Your news update of your Mother in Law’s passing and of a new job is ‘typical’ of the time of our lives heading towards retirement…I am both sad and glad.

    Take care of you…and thanks for your awesome place to share. You are most welcome to add your post today to my link up if you get the chance.


    Liked by 2 people

  13. […] The birds all flew off to the trees when the plow went by. But I was pleased to see it. It meant the road would be cleared of snow for me to drive to the barn to ride Biasini. This glimpse into my life is my response to the Lens-Artists Challenge #135. This week it is hosted by Sheetal and here is a link to a glimpse into her world. Do take a look. Her world is a long way from Snowy Ontario! I am also linking this post to Terri’s Sunday Stills Feeding those Birds […]


  14. Hi Terri, I did not know there was a bird feeding month. In your area, with all that snow, I’m sure that keeps them alive. My grandparents had their own bird community at the feeder outside their dining room window. I remember them getting so excited that specific birds would visit on a regular basis. I’m sorry about your MIL. You guys have had some tough times this year added to the stress of moving. Yet in all of that, you keep your sense of humor and keep on inspiring us. I have some birds for you, but I have to polish them up a bit for you. They are not nearly as colorful as your beautiful hawks and pikes. No one was flying. They’re like me, too busy eating to get up and fly around. 🙂 Congratulations on your new job. You won’t be lonely or bored now. 🙂 Sending lots of warmth and love up your way to melt some of that beautiful snow. 🙂

    Liked by 2 people

  15. Hi Terri, I have been thoroughly enjoying reading many posts today about Birds. You chose a great challenge theme. The Red-Tailed hawk are majestic and have a commanding presence. We seem to be in a hummingbird path and have hummingbirds visiting all year. I am happy to hear progress is being made on your home. I am very, very sorry to hear about your Mother-in-law. Take care.

    Liked by 2 people

  16. Well that looks really cold! I’m glad the government wheels ground on despite the cold. I hope it’s kind of on schedule. I am sad about your lose and happy that you have such a worthwhile part-time job. Kudos!

    Liked by 2 people

  17. I love all your bird pictures, especially the soaring hawk (awesome!) and the adorable hummingbirds!

    Your post inspired me to share my favorite little birds.

    I don’t know why, but anything handled by a contractor is always slow. We did an addition to our previous home and it was weeks behind by the time it was done. But your house looks so beautiful and you are on the home stretch so hang in there!

    And I’m so sorry to hear about your mother-in-laws passing. My condolences.

    Liked by 2 people

    • Thank you for the kind comments, Susanne! I suppose we were a little spoiled with our contractor back in 2015 when we added to the master BR. They broke ground in august and we moved back in in October. Quick work but hubby had to correct some of it! Life in the RV isn’t too bad now that it got “warmer.” 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  18. What beautiful birding photos! We put out a feeder after Christmas and are waiting rather impatiently for the birds to discover it. So sorry to read about the passing of your mother in law. Congrats on the new job!

    Liked by 2 people

  19. your job sounds like it will be very rewarding. Glad to hear the house is moving along. I use the same bitmoji for my gmail and so it always shows up on my ZOOM as the icon when my screen is off- everyone always loves it!

    Liked by 2 people

  20. I had to laugh at your story about the electric company and google maps, Terri. I had the same problem with getting broadband at the house we now live in. Although the phone company installed lines to the house, they could not supply broadband because our address was not on the system. It took me many frustrating days to book an engineer to come out and switch on the broadband connection.

    Great news about building movement with your new home, though. I’m glad that work is being done. It may seem like at a slow pace, but at least it’s all moving in the right direction.

    That snow looks wonderful. What a great picture.

    I’m so sorry to hear the news about your mother-in-law. My thoughts are with you, Hans and the family.

    I don’t have any photos of birds feeding. The best I had was of this bird, who I believe may have just been eating the berries on this branch.

    I may have cheated with this challenge, but I did not want to admit defeat this time.

    Have a love week.

    Liked by 2 people

    • Thank you, Hugh! Since birds feed constantly, this image works for me! I don’t feel so alone and helpless now that you mention your tale with the internet company. It’s a little ridiculous what homeowners and builders must go through. Believe it or not, most of that snow has completely melted already as some warmer temps have come through. Thanks again and have a great week!

      Liked by 1 person

  21. I admit that I believed that you were going to stay retired, but a part time job sound good. I sincerely hope that you will enjoy it. I think its wonderful that any construction work can be done in the dead of winter, that is rather fascinating to me. I hope you get to move into your new home soon. ❤

    Liked by 1 person

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