Sunday Stills Lifted Spirits

Sunday Stills: Lifted #Spirits

Last Tuesday, as I mused over what images I could use to depict this week’s theme “Lifted Spirits,” something wonderful happened which lifted mine.

April is usually the month we move our travel trailer to our windsurf campground for the summer. Of course, this is on hold since the campground is closed until further notice due to the California Stay-at Home order. I had driven to our local storage center to pay for another month on the trailer.

Feeling a little sad for the delay, as I turned the corner to my house, I saw a car parked in front and saw that it was our Pastor and his wife. They had just dropped off the Easter lily many of us had pre-ordered for today’s Easter Services.

Easter Lilies

Our Pastor creates a podcast of his message each week which is the smart thing to do in these times, so we haven’t seen each other in the last three weeks. Every Sunday, our pastor walks through the sanctuary and stops at each pew and prays for us…he knows where we all sit since we tend to be creatures of habit. He e-mails the link to the podcast each week with scriptures and words of encouragement

We sat in our cars and chatted for a moment and I thanked him for his efforts.

As they drove off to deliver more lilies, I felt so blessed to receive them this week, as the spring sunshine enveloped us after a weekend of rain. My spirits were lifted indeed!

For many, the beautiful trumpet-shaped white flowers symbolize purity, virtue, innocence, hope, and life—the spiritual essence of Easter.

Easter Lily Close-Up

The media has been buzzing over churches that are insisting on holding services during the COVID-19 pandemic. Not only did our pastor remind us to “Love Our Neighbor” by staying home from church services, another clergyman, Rev. Michael Curry, presiding bishop of the Episcopal Church echoed this important message about social distancing:

“This is one time when I believe that, frankly, we are doing God’s will by not going to church,” Curry told ABC News’ T.J. Holmes in an interview that aired Friday on “Good Morning America.” “In this pandemic, we are being called to show mercy and compassion, to love our neighbor.”

Rev. Michael Curry, via Good Morning America

My husband and I sat in the comfort of our home in our Easter pajamas listening to our church’s Easter service. Knowing that members of our congregation were doing the same thing today, also lifted my spirits.

Here are some other images that lift my spirits. Some of these are at the “TOP” of my list for inspiration this week!

I said earlier that we usually move into our Sacramento Delta campground in mid-April. This was last year’s April sunset.

Molten Delta Sunset

Does the Word of God lift your spirits?


Notice the words in the bottom left corner? Weird how the random page I chose for the photo has a warning against gathering…

Perhaps you are more literal with the word “spirits.” I’m told sales of alcohol are up while we are all staying home!

Bottom shelf of the alcohol cabinet. I see things I like!

It lifts my spirits to walk the trails in the Sierra Nevada foothills with my “top dog” Aero.

Walking in the Sierras

The Easter lilies are submitted for Cee’s Flower of the Day. Other images are shared for Becky B’s April Squares Challenge: Top.

What is something that lifts your spirits during these uncertain times? Show us in an image, poem, song, story or other creative ideas!

I pray that you find spiritual renewal during these trying times. Enjoy your Sunday and beyond. Happy Easter from my family.

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  1. Beautiful flowers, Terri! I’m not surprised that the sale of alcohol has gone up through these difficult times. In some countries, buying alcohol is prohibited during this pandemic to avoid upheaval. Having friends all over the world, it is interesting to read the different approaches of the officials and the residents.

    Yesterday, the sun lifted my spirits. Today, it’s cloudy, but our dog lifts my spirits. Happy Easter!!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. This beautiful post actually brought some tears to my eyes. There is a lot of love and kindness here. There is good in this world. Perhaps this horrible event of the virus will “allow” us ot be a little kinder to our neighbours in all the little things, even in the future?

    Your blog design looks extra beautiful!

    Happy Easter!

    Liked by 1 person

  3. What lifts my spirits? Why, the blogging community does, Terri. It doesn’t matter what is happening in the world or to ourselves; the support and encouragement from the blogging community never fail to lift my spirits. Even in my recent crisis of losing my writing mojo, the blogging community came together and helped me find it again. Now I sit at my computer most days and have no problem knowing what to write.

    Hope you’re having a lovely Easter and that there was also some chocolate involved.

    Liked by 4 people

    • That is so true, Hugh! My fellow bloggers lifted MY spirits this week with their wonderful images, comments, and support! What would we do without our online community? Your goofy pic brightened my day (although our spectacular weather is running a close second)! I’m glad your urge to write is back and we are all the better for it. Easter was unusual yesterday, listening to our pastor’s podcast in our PJs from our lounge chairs. There was chocolate involved… I hope your Easter was fun, by the pic you shared I have no doubt!

      Liked by 1 person

      • I cheated a little as that photo was taken a few years ago, Terri. I took it when taking up a challenge to write a haiku. I used to write lots of them back then, but they’ve all dried up now. Poetry is something I have the most trouble with when writing.

        Have a terrific week. I hope the sun continues to shine.

        Liked by 1 person

  4. Beautiful gesture dropping off the beautiful lilies.And yes, that quote was perfect. God understands about not coming out to church. He is also demonstrating to man what has become of his world. We are doing penance now and hopefully taking in lessons 🙂 x

    Liked by 1 person

  5. How lovely to find that lily on your doorstep, Terri. It would definitely have lifted my spirits. 🙂 🙂 A brief chat with my son on video link, while he cooked the supper yesterday evening, cheered me up a lot. Stay safe and content, hon! 🙂 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  6. That macro shot of your Easter lily is so lovely. The pollen on the flower, the texture of each petal so beautifully captured.
    We are enjoying church in our backyard on Sunday mornings. We are walking up to a corner market for doughnuts (with masks in place) and then come back home to enjoy them with coffee and the Word.

    Liked by 1 person

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