Street Name in San Francisco's China Town

Weekly Photo Challenge: Taking Names

The WordPress weekly photo challenge offers a new theme every Friday. This week it is Names.

This photo was taken in San Francisco’s China Town. My name: Webster Street, complete with Chinese characters.

Street Name in San Francisco's China Town


While in San Diego recently, I used my new camera (its name, by the way, is Panasonic Lumix FZ300) to get these shots of San Diego’s downtown from the Point Loma area, looking east.


Boat name Top Gun80 anchored near downtown San Diego

Upon closer inspection, using full zoom, I not only captured a nice boat name for the challenge, but I spied two sea birds in the photo: a seagull on the left, and a heron standing right above the #80. I just noticed this as I was preparing the post for publishing.

I told you this camera was fab!

Also in this photo, you see San Diego’s Embarcadero as well as the coastal mountain range in the background. It was a very clear Winter day!

A little less closer up is another boat with its name properly highlighted. The background shows us the beautiful downtown with San Miguel mountain in the background. If you don’t focus too closely with your eyes, you can even see a thin layer of smog seemingly hanging over the mountains. Oh well.

The "First String" moored at San Diego Harbor

Since we are on the subject of names, I discovered San Diego was named by someone other than European explorer, Juan Rodriguez Cabrillo OR Franciscan friar, Junipero Serra.

According to the San Diego Historical Society, Spanish explorer Sebastian Vizcaino arrived in San Diego in November 1602 after sailing from Acapulco the previous May. It took his fleet six months to reach San Diego’s bay. San Diego was the name of Vizcaino’s flagship (he had four ships, but only three made it to San Diego). He declared the area to be named San Diego, both in honor of his ship and for the feast of San Diego de Alcala (a Spanish Franciscan) which occurred on November 12. (from SanDiego

I hope you enjoyed the boats and sunshine!


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  1. I love these photos, Terri. Your new camera sounds wonderful. Thanks again for sharing another great weekly challenge!


  2. When I saw the WP photo challenge’s topic was “names”, I wished I had taken more photos of boat names when we were cruising. It’s a great subject for the topic. I decided not to join, since I have a bunch of other material to post. Maybe next week again. I love your photos, Terri, and I’m sure I would love your camera as well. Fancy showing it to me later? 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  3. They are great photos, Terri. I never noticed the birds until you said, but did you spot those two tiny objects in the sky to the left of the mountain in the second photo? I’m guessing they are planes but, on closer inspection, they could almost be UFOs. I then zoomed in on the photo and spotted another three of those tiny objects in the sky. I’d love to know what they are if you do know. 😀

    Liked by 1 person

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