Blue and purple hydrangeas

#WordlessWednesday: Garden Beginnings with a Cobalt Flare

For Wordless Wednesday, let your images tell the story.

Cobalt yard hydrant
Cobalt Blue Lawn Hydrant: Garden beginnings
New Blue Hydrangea Blooms
New Blue Hydrangea Blooms

Sharing for Becky B’s square renewal/beginnings, Cee’s FOTD, and Dawn’s spring festival.

Please join me this Sunday for May’s Sunday Stills monthly color challenge: COBALT BLUE 💙

signature purple floral

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  1. The colors are stunning Terri! My Twist-and-Shout Hydrangeas are periwinkle blue, with no pink, due to the soil content. They are gorgeous when they bloom. I have not turned on my water yet and yesterday I had my A/C tune-up and she worked in the pouring rain for 90 minutes. She said “your water isn’t turned on, I wanted to spray your condensor.” I said “we had frost last week and it only got to about 60 today, so I rarely turn it on before the Cottonwood flies!”

    (I am having some issues with WP and it is only displaying a few posts at a time in Reader … tonight I am able to go down, as opposed to my usual method of catching up by returning to where I last left off – if I do that, I am returned to the top of Reader after each comment – grrr. I am sure it has something to do with this new “Recent” category WP has added. I am awaiting a response from the Happiness Engineers as another blogger had/has the same issue. Time to think of changing to e-mail subscriptions.)

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you, Linda! I prefer the blue ones. We have a lot of acidic soil here and also where we lived in Sacramento. Although mine are now in pots. Cute name Twist and Shout.

      I read almost all posts via email. The Reader shows too many posts, some from those who post multiple times. I’ve changed my email and notifications settings and adjusted for certain bloggers. Better for me this way.

      Liked by 1 person

      • I prefer them as well Terri as they are much showier in blue. I remembered the name from the Beatles tune.

        I don’t know what is wrong with Reader, but it has been frustrating, so I will need to go that route as well and soon. I thought I’d stay here until midnight if need be since I could see more than a few posts at a time.

        Liked by 1 person

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