suburban pine forest

Sunday Stills: Under (And Over) the #Trees

Welcome back to Sunday Stills! I took a weekend break over the July 4th holiday, but I managed to publish two posts between July 2 and 7…whaaatt? I do like my once a week blogging schedule, but I enjoy mixing it up a little now and then, so thanks for reading.

Most of you know I love all types of pine trees, and finally moved to Eastern Washington last December where I am surrounded by Ponderosa pines. Having spent most of my childhood in San Diego surrounded by palm trees (which I love, by the way), my preference for pines was undoubtedly influenced by our two-year stay in Portland, Oregon. We lived on the corner of this Beaverton suburb and you can see the gorgeous view of the Sugar Pines (taken recently while there for a family memorial service).

suburban pine forest
Childhood home under the trees

While we were in the Beaverton area, we stayed in a lovely AirB&B and I discovered a wonderful suburban trail….

pathway under the trees
Suburban trail in Beaverton, OR

…That led to this pocket forest.

Suburban pocket forest

How wonderful to find a surprise forest in this neighborhood!

“Between every two pines is a doorway to a new world.”

John Muir

Tree images are shared for Johnbo’s Cellpic Sunday and Becky B’s July Tree Squares.

I am still inviting links to Marsha’s Writers’ Quotes Wednesdays Writer’s Challenge while she is out and about exploring trees! Please link to THIS POST until next Tuesday–your choice of theme.

“But Don’t the Trees Seem Nice and Full?”

You may have read last Friday’s Bird weekly post where I shared our neighborhood eagle “Journey,” and my former home’s sweet hummingbirds. Journey, the young eagle is still being monitored at the Birds of Prey Northwest facility in nearby Couer d’Alene, Idaho, and is progressing nicely. He is housed with another adult eagle who can mentor him until he is ready to be released. The temps are still very hot, in fact record breaking for this area and time of year, so he will stay at the facility a while longer. The parents are still visiting and maintaining the nest which is a really good sign.

Partially inspired by Lisa’s Bird Weekly (common birds found in your neighborhood), I have three species of birds that can be found over and under the trees.


On my morning walks with my dogs, I take a tree-lined path off the main road. A huge family of ravens inhabit the area and seem rather tame. They are certainly not bothered by my presence even when I creep toward one to take a pic! Of course one will scold me for getting too close! Now that I know the heat caused many young birds to fledge early, perhaps they were keeping track of the fledglings (none that I saw).

High Above the Trees

Birds of prey abound here in Eastern Washington and especially in our rural area of Nine Mile Falls, 20 miles north of Spokane. On any given day one can look up…way up, and see a variety of birds circling. The best times to see them are early mornings and twilight as they search for food.

Hoping to see more eagles, I was surprised to see this particular bird, the Turkey Vulture, also seen in California, circling the skies here. They soar over 300 feet up but I got this shot with my Lumix!

Turkey Vulture
Turkey Vulture

Another busy bird around these parts is the Western Osprey, a member of the hawk family. Lately a family of three soars the morning and evening skies, often heading back and forth between the forest and the nearby Spokane River (Long Lake). The osprey has distinctive face marking, like a black mask across its eyes. A really stunning bird and fun to capture in flight with my Lumix.

Western Osprey
Western Osprey

I’m always a little worried that these huge birds might see my little dog Aero as a tasty treat, but luckily, the Osprey prefers fish while the Turkey Vulture feasts on carrion.

So what does my heading have to do with this section? Let me explain:

The quote in the heading was inspired by an old Andy Griffith TV show from the 60s starring Andy Griffith as the Mayberry, North Carolina sheriff and Ron Howard as his son Opie Taylor.

In the 1963 episode “Opie the Birdman,” Opie accidentally kills a mother bird, then he becomes a foster parent to its three orphaned nestlings and hand-raises them, naming them Winkin, Blinken and Nod. After successfully releasing the birds, Opie sadly remarks, “The cage sure looks awful empty, don’t it, Pa?

Andy Taylor replies, “Yes son, it sure does… but don’t the trees seem nice and full?”

Awwww….I love that reply and the whole episode! And isn’t that how it should be with our birds?

Join me for Sunday Stills the rest of the month:

  • July 18 Monthly Color Challenge: Evergreen (yes, more trees if you wish)
  • July 25 Geometric–think triangles, lines, squares, etc

Great Outdoors Bloggers links

Sunday Stills is a wonderful community of bloggers and photographers who desire to connect with one another. With 32 link-ups, you ‘all seem to love the great outdoors! Previously shared on last Wednesday’s Writers Quotes Wednesday, in case you missed the list.

Have a wonderful week!


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  1. I am in awe of all types of trees, Terri. Many years ago I read about the oils trees emit which add to our health. Ergo, hugging a tree. The suburban trail looks awesome…covered by a canopy of leaves on your walk. That raven definitely has something to say. Many turkey vultures and eagles on the Island. I loved Andy Griffith shows and Opie. Thank you for the reminiscing and the quote. And sharing the beautiful photos!

    Liked by 2 people

  2. Love your photos Terri. Especially the birds flying. I haven’t been very successful at getting flying birds on camera. I also love a tree lined street in the city. I was surprised I didn’t have more photos since I’ve been on quite a few. In Vancouver, there is a spot by the community college that is called Officers Row…that area is around Fort Vancouver, and the tree lined streets, old buildings and barracks are so enjoyable to walk through. I did it many times when my daughter was recovering from ACL surgery and I had to drive. her to school. I must not have brought my camera along. Shame on me. Lol.

    Here’s my link.

    Liked by 2 people

  3. Stunning tree and bird shots, Terri. This heat has been incredibly difficult for all kinds of wildlife and ocean creatures (especially at low tide).Thank you for keeping us updated on Joruney’s journey. I was delighted to read that he is doing well.

    Liked by 2 people

    • Thank you, Donna! You have no escape from the heat either, other than home AC. It’s gone on so long, that I’ve developed new habits out of necessity–like walking the dogs super early in the a.m., watering plants twice a day, and getting errands done early. Crazy, huh? I check FB every day to hear about Journey, as soon as I hear more I will share.


  4. What a lovely walk and what a great post about trees. Gosh we need them don’t we? Here in Australia magpies become very territorial as spring arrives and the male ones spend their time swooping at and menacing any human who gets in the way of the area where thge Mum is on the nest. We have one such family in our housing estate and we respect them! Magpie’s beaks are very sharp and they have been known to dive into people’s eyes. Sorry, long story that came after seeing your bird encounter.
    I enjoyed collating this post very much.

    Liked by 1 person

  5. I love the thought of a pocket forest, Terri. That was a great find at the end of that trial.

    Trees are so important for our planet, yet we humans still cut them down and not keep up with replanting them. I especially love the trees that feed us with their fruits. Next month is the beginning of the plum season in the UK, the best time to eat as many plums as possible. We don’t have a plum tree, but I’m trying to convince someone to plant one.

    This week’s entry is a photo of a line of trees that have a path that takes you to another world. You can get there by bike or foot but end up in different places depending on how you get there.

    Sorry to hear the temperatures in your part of the world are still crazy hot. It’s getting hot here on the weekend, but only a mere 79f.

    Enjoy the rest of your week.

    Liked by 1 person

  6. First of all, I really like your profile photo. The light in your hair and your radiant smile. Very pretty.

    Those sugar pines look like flechas or arrows that one would shoot with a bow. Almost feathery. And so straight and tall. Beautiful captures of the birds. I do not know how in the world you get such crisp detail on an object that is moving and at a distance. Speaks to your talent!!

    Liked by 1 person

  7. I love your bird pictures particularly the raven. he or she definitely has sass.
    Here is mine shared with Becky’s tree squares.

    Liked by 1 person

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