Weathered sun

Sunday Stills: A #Weathered Look

If you have been blogging long enough, you might remember the WordPress weekly photo challenge. I thought it would be interesting to revisit the theme “weathered” for Sunday Stills. Weathered was last seen in January 2018; take a look.

It is fascinating to go back and look at the weekly photo challenge and see how many bloggers are still going strong as well as how many did not weather the storm of changes made by WordPress.

The prompt then and now says, “Show us the effect of time and the elements.”

A weathered exterior can be caused by nature or through the inactions of humankind. Sometimes we pay good money to buy an item that is appropriately weathered or “antiqued.”

Weathered sun

I can’t remember if I bought this sun this way or if several years hanging outside has weathered it to this state.

More often, around our homes, we repair those walls and fences that look too weathered. As we finalize repairs on our current home, these weathered shingles on the front porch dormer won’t do much for the house. Hubby will be fixing and repainting these this weekend!

weathered shingles

Sometimes a weathered stump lends interest to a pastoral reflection scene.

Quiet Delta Morning

Tens of thousands of years have weathered the face of Half-Dome into the recognizable iconic symbol of Yosemite Valley

Half Dome View from Glacier Point
Half Dome View from Glacier Point

Lava rock on the Big of Island of Hawaii becomes soft black sand after eons of weathering and erosion.

Hawaii's Black Sand Beach
Black Sand Beach

I found a snowy egret weathering a little breeze while standing on the weathered rocks of Point Loma in San Diego. Submitted for Lisa’s Bird Weekly Challenge: Shorebirds

Snowy egret stands in grace
Egret enjoying San Diego

Weathering Uncertainty

While we are on the subject of “weathered,” I must share that I just weathered a mild case of Covid! I was likely exposed to my dear niece and nephew on our drive north three weeks ago. Once home a week later, both hubby and I felt like we had mild head colds. My nephew called Sunday, October 25 to announce they both tested positive. By Thursday, I noticed I completely lost my senses of taste and smell and immediately contacted Kaiser and took a test that day. I got the results last Sunday.

Photo by Polina Tankilevitch on

This photo was taken of me and hubby last October 2019 BC (before Covid), when families could still safely get together!

celebrating a birthday

The quarantine process is complicated, but I stayed home for 10 days from the onset of symptoms. My hubby did not test, because, by the time I got my results, his symptoms were long gone. Our doctor said he would not test positive since very little viral load was left in his system. Because I tested positive, hubby had to call work and was told he had to be off of work for two weeks while receiving emergency medical leave pay. Score! Plenty of time to work on the house!

Once you test positive, your medical provider must share information with your local public health organization. Sacramento County Public Health texted me to complete surveys. Not only did I become a statistic here in Sacramento, but medical staff also phoned several times to check on me. They continually asked me if I had a fever or shortness of breath, hallmark symptoms of Covid, but which I never had. Other than the loss of taste and smell, I would have never suspected I had joined the Covid Club.

What sort of uncertainty have you weathered lately? Let’s leave politics out of this for now and just enjoy this photo challenge! I wish you all good health and a swift goodbye to 2020 in a few short weeks!

TErri Signature

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  1. Terri, talk about silver linings…sorry you got sick but happy you gained a project partner. I like your representation of the challenge and will see if I can come up with something. We are ‘beaching’ for a couple of weeks, so there must be something ‘weathered’ around here. Take care and best wishes for a complete recovery.

    Liked by 2 people

  2. Eek, sorry to hear you had Covid and glad it was a mild case. The upside is Hans is able to get some additional work done on the house. My SIL works for the local county health dept in WI and is the one doing all the calling. Talk about a stressful year for her including lots of overtime work. Let’s hope this gets better sooner rather than later.

    Liked by 2 people

  3. A very lucky couple. I was amazed at the number of responses to the Daily Post challenge 638!!!! imagine going through all those after posting the challenge.
    Stay well and healthy you two 🙂

    Liked by 2 people

  4. Well getting COVID is awful BUT a)you might now have antibodies, b)thankfully your cases were mild and c)hubby gest paid time off to work on the house. SCORE indeed!!! So glad to hear you’re ok and have no continuing after-effects. Definitely dodged a bullet. These are frightening times, so happy you’ve weathered the latest storm (see what I did there?!).

    Liked by 1 person

    • Heehee, Tina, glad you weathered that post! I still have a little congestion as if I have an allergy and I almost have my taste back. The key is to rest and not overdo physical activity, so I’m content to just walk the dogs and not visit the gym for another couple of weeks.


  5. Wow, I’m so glad your case was mild, Terri. And it gave you a chance to get things done! I have heard that you can lose your sense of smell. We had a friend who had no sense of smell. It was a handicap because his wife had early onset Alzheimer’s and he couldn’t smell that she did not change her clothes. The rest of us could. I love your theme here. My entire yard is weathered. I will post tomorrow. 🙂

    Liked by 2 people

    • Your entire yard is weathered, Marsha, LOL! We had a huge yard waste pickup last week, got rid of a LOT! My taste and smell are gradually coming back but that loss was the trigger for me to get tested. I’m glad I did!


  6. I’m so sorry to hear you had covid! But I’m happy that you weathered it and didn’t experience the most serious symptoms.

    Thanks to you and others for carrying on the photo challenges when WP stopped. I love your photos and hope to drop by later with some weathered photos of my own. 🙂

    Liked by 2 people

  7. Hi Terri, I’m dreadfully sorry to hear that you had Covid, but so thankful that you, and hubby, have been okay. Loving thoughts for a rapid return to normal. I loved your weathered photos – and the lovely one of you both. Toni xx

    Liked by 2 people

    • Honestly I was more annoyed than scared. Janis. Today, 12 days later I can taste again. This wave catches everyone indoors, glad I got it over with, but still staunchly practicing social distancing, face covering, sanitizer, etc. If I don’t know someone, I wear a mask.

      Liked by 1 person

  8. Terri,
    We’re heading to the South Carolina beaches for the rest of the month and I’m just now catching up. One positive of having COVID behind you is that all of those antibodies will let you ditch the mask for a while. Cute picture of you and Hans.

    Here’s my contribution–a weathered Tetons, with weather on top of them. Have a great week! Joe

    Liked by 1 person

  9. So sorry to hear some the family have been hit with COVID, Terri. Thank goodness you all seem to have weathered the virus and have all recovered. We’ve just come out of our second lockdown in Wales, so all the stores, libraries, community centres, bars, etc. are open again. However, they all remain very quiet.

    Due to a recent (non-covid) death in the family, I’ve not been able to find a photo for this week’s theme. However, I’ll be back next week.

    Take care.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thanks, Hugh. I’m glad I’m recovered, but our realtor was just admitted to the hospital today with Covid. He’s been sick several days 😪 Our county went back to the highest tier meaning all indoor activities will cease. Way too cold to eat outside or workout. The hospitality industry is majorly pushing back against this decision since most covid issues are brought on by family gatherings and those who are at risk. Take good care of yourself!

      Liked by 1 person

  10. Thanks for sharing Terri. So many ways the word “weathered” can be shared about. I love your photo of the Half Dome. One place I would love to visit some day.

    I am sorry to hear of your encounter with COVID. Glad it was a mild case. It is interesting about the smelling. I’m always feeling fine, but when I make my tea in the morning (it is a very fragrant loose green tea with ginger, orange peel and marigold blossoms), I always smell smell the tea when I open the tea tin to make sure my sense of smell is still good.

    Thanks for sharing! 🙂

    Liked by 2 people

  11. Bless your heart. So glad you had a fairly mild case of Covid and are recovering. Reading that you have tested positive took my breath away for a second. I am just terrified of this virus.

    Always enjoy your interpretation of the prompts for Sunday Stills. Weathered…the rock face. Would not have thought of that but it is perfect. And our mountain range in El Paso is a constant reminder of weathering.

    Have fallen behind on all things blog-related. Surely 2021 will be a better year and I will get my act together. Surely.

    Liked by 2 people

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