two-headed hummingbird

Sunday Stills: Is Anything #Scarier than a Two-Headed Hummingbird?

This week’s theme is all about “something scary” since Halloween is right around the corner. Aside from the requisite ghouls, ghosts, witches and other scary things we associate with the season, I admit that there are scarier things!

To answer my own question, “is anything scarier than a two-headed hummingbird” I would have to answer…probably!

Out in my backyard recently, this little hummer was trying in vain to guard the feeder. She perched in the pine branches near the feeder and flitted around when the male would fly in. She even puffed her tiny feathers to make herself appear larger. But she usually lost the battle as she seemed to be more scared than he was.

Hummer puffed up

These Anna’s hummingbirds are pretty tame and will fly very close to me even if I’m standing near their feeder. This image was hard-won since when they do feed, they seem to hide from the prying lens.

Later, she gazed down at my dogs as if to say “I’m not scared of you.”

Male Allen Hummingbird

In my attempt to capture it all, I set my camera to “burst” and got a strange set of images. Yes, I am still working to figure out these settings, but the resulting shots gave me multiple images layered in one.

SQ 2 headed hummer

Are you scared yet? No? How about the Halloween version?

two-headed hummingbird

I’m also scared of this!

candy closeup

What else scares you? Tell us all about it this week with your photos, poems, short stories and other creative ventures!

Just a few days left to join Becky B’s Lines and Squares Photo Challenge. My scary hummingbirds are lined up to play!

Next month’s themes will be posted on my Sunday Stills page shortly!

Enjoy your Halloween!

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  1. Well done, creating a scary photo for this challenge and with hummingbirds! I’m not easily scared. I’m trying to think of something scary I experienced. The only thing I can think of is going in for oral exams, or other exams. That stuff makes me nervous. Funny enough, I had a few of these over the last couple of years, getting my US drivers license and doing my citizenship interview.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. I am figuring out my settings too, and once set the camera on what I thought would be a series of shots and it, too, layered them all up into one. It turned out kind of neat, like your hummer, but I have no idea how I did it, so I haven’t done it again. I didn’t get the series of photos figured out either. Sigh.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. That’s a fun photo effect. We’ve had a male hummingbird a few years in a row that does that same thing – hoarding the feeder and scaring away others. So fierce for such a small bird. Are you scared of gumdrops because you want to keep your fillings in your teeth or the memory of the first scary movie you watched when you bought them for the first time? Thanks for the opportunity to play along – I posted earlier than you did so here’s the link – I appreciate you stopping by to check it out, you’re such a dear!!

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Anything two-headed would scare me, Terri, especially if it were a snake.

    I never used to be scared of anything but snakes, but as I’ve grown older, I can’t even watch some of the horror movies I used to watch when I was in my 20s and 30s. I may write some scary stuff, but reading or watching somebody else’s scary stuff isn’t fun for me anymore. I find myself having to close the book or switch off the TV and blow into a paper bag.

    I’ll be joining the challenge shortly, with something slightly different. But then it is me.

    Liked by 2 people

  5. I was truly scared or at least kind of creeped out by the 2 headed hummer. So glad it wasn’t a natural phenomenon but just a double exposure or burst shot. It is crazy how close the birds allow you to get. I guess they don’t want to ‘bite’ the hand that feeds them. Nice that they are so cooperative. Beautiful shots.

    Liked by 1 person

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