What are you doing for National Pet Day?

Celebrate National Pet Day!

What are you doing for National Pet Day?

Celebrate National Pet Day, April 11th!

national pet day logo

Of course, you love your pets! And they love you for giving them their forever home.

Leon, my 12 year-old pussycat
Leon, my 12 year-old pussycat

But what about those animals in need of homes, vet care, food and shelter?

Once you have appreciated your own pet, and lavished your love on it, please consider donating your resources to many of the good causes available to helping animals in need, or volunteering at a local animal shelter.

Can you spare some love for a pet?
Free image from Unsplash

Better yet, adopt a pet!

My brother has adopted several dogs over the years. He and his wife used to volunteer by walking dogs at their animal shelter near San Diego.

If you are not a pet owner, consider making a donation. Many pet retail stores have in-store gift-giving options. Petsmart’s “Buy a Bag, Give a Meal” is just one charity program designed to help pets in shelters and in low-income homes.

PetSmart Charities will distribute the meal donations to pet shelters, food banks, animal welfare organizations or other similar organizations based on the needs of these recipients.

kittens wrapped in a towel
free image from Unsplash

Janis of Retirementally Challenged donates old linens to her local humane society.

“I am so grateful for our local Humane Society for the compassionate work they do. They provide vital services by sheltering and adopting animals, providing positive reinforcement training classes, investigating animal cruelty and neglect, and presenting education programs.” Janis Heppel

I think this is a great idea and I am gathering up some old towels to drop off to the Sacramento SPCA this week!

Like Aero asks Brodie in the featured photo, “What are YOU doing for National Pet Day?

paw prints

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  1. I’m glad there is a national pet day as well as an international pet day, which, I believe falls on October 4th. The more attention pets get, especially in shelters, the better off the world will be. 🙂 I’m a big fan of adopting dogs, since there are plenty of amazing animals in those shelters, needing a forever home. No need to breed more of them, in my opinion.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Hi, Terri – Thank you for this important post. My husband and I just came back from our regular Tuesday dog-walking at our local SPCA. I agree that local Humane Societies do amazing work towards the vision of ‘Humane Communities’. For people interested in helping out, even in small or one-off ways, local Humane Societies and SPCAs have numerous ways that people can assist (usually this information is listed directly on their websites). Wishing all pets a little extra love on National Pet Day!

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Didn’t know about this until I saw your tweet, Terri. Of course, I had to get Toby to tweet a photo of himself to celebrate the day.

    I recently donated £100 to The Dogs Trust charity, after nobody won the first prize in my recent Glimpses competition. I also donated £250 to The Dogs Trust after the charity Christmas Tree Toper challenge I held a few years ago. However, it was Sally Cronin who selected The Dogs Trust to benefit. A very worthwhile charity, though.

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  4. We foster for the local rescue. It helps because a foster parent can get rid of some of those pesky habits that cause the pets to be dumped back in shelters. It’s usually short term so people who travel a lot can commit for a few weeks, and the economic outlay is not too much. And we are rewarded with love! Can’t be beat.

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