San Diego's Skyline

Sunday Stills: Your Daily Dose of Sunrise and Sunset

Colorful dawn in the mountains
Early pink dawn from our front door

“There’s a sunrise and a sunset every single day, and they’re absolutely free. Don’t miss too many of them.” ~ Jo Walton

The Summer Solstice officially arrives this Thursday, June 20.

We continue our exploration of the Great Outdoors with the onset of the mid-year solstice. Tell us more about your winter solstice for those in the Southern Hemisphere.

  • June 16 Sunrise/ Sunset (this week)
  • June 23 Plant Life in the Great Outdoors
  • June 30 Landscapes

The summer months find us choosing to stay home here in Eastern Washington. In June, we get our first light at 4:00 a.m., while our last light ends at about 10:30 p.m. We can get a lot done around the home and property while staying close to air conditioning and cool lakes. Between sunrises and sunsets, we see birds and wildflowers enjoying the sun.

Sunny birdfeeder
Finches Enjoying Breakfast

“A perfect summer day is when the sun is shining, the breeze is blowing, the birds are singing, and the lawn mower is broken.” — James Dent

The Sun Shines in the Wildflowers

When we moved here in early 2021, I was pleased to discover that sunflower season begins in April and lasts until mid-October. For the sunflower lover I am, this was good news. When I took this photo in April, I wanted to capture the sunflowers and the raging river behind them to get a sense of spring here in Eastern Washington.

Arrowleaf Balsamroot Sunflowers
Spring’s Arrowleaf Balsamroot Sunflowers Seek the Sun

In June, the Common Blanketflower (aka Coneflowers or Gaillardia Aristata) replaces the Arrowleaf sunflowers, soon to be followed by domestic sunflowers that bloom in July through mid-October.

“Sunflowers know the secret of life is to follow the sun.” ― Clifford Thurlow

A Dog’s Sunset

My daughter reminded me that it was two years ago this week that her sweet dog Gideon died from injuries from a coyote attack. This is her photo. While we focus on Gideon, we also see the beach scene and sunset behind him.

Dog on beach at sunset
Gideon at Avila Beach

My little Aero, Gideon’s younger brother, left us four months later from cancer. The two dogs spent many happy years together, especially at the Sacramento River Delta. We still miss them.

Sunrises and Sunsets of the Windy Kind

Our interests in wind and paddle sports often dictated where we could see a sunrise or a sunset. At the Sacramento Delta, sunsets were the norm. We watched the sun sink into the western sky, a well-deserved treat after a long day on the water.

In these images, while we focus on the detail of the wind turbines or the paddlers on the water, the setting sun from behind has stolen the show.

The sun sets on stand-up paddlers on the delta

“Turn your face to the sun and the shadows fall behind you.” ~ Charlotte Whitton

Over several winters, we had the itch to join our fellow windsurfers in Baja Sur, Mexico, near La Paz, which fronts the Sea of Cortez. The winter sunrises were there to be seen if one arose by 7:00 a.m.

But a rare Baja pink sunset was always welcomed!

La Ventana pink sunset
Pink Baja Sunset

The Summer Solstice Portends Summer Smoke

The Summer solstice, unfortunately, brings the onset of wildfire season in the American West. Smoky sunrises and sunsets are the norm for many summer days.

“One way of celebrating the Solstice is to consider it a sacred time of reflection, release, restoration, and renewal.” – Sarah Ban Breathnach

Note: This post was curated before I was aware of the Lens-Artists challenge BEHIND. I’m always thrilled when I can combine both themes.

Also sharing for Johnbo’s Cellpic Sunday.

Sunday Stills Photo Challenge Reminders

The Sunday Stills weekly-themed photo challenge is easy to join. You have all week to share and link your post.

  • Remember to title your blog post a little differently than mine.
  • Please create a new post for the theme or link a recent one.
  • Entries for this theme can be posted all week.
  • Tag your post “Sunday Stills.”
  • Don’t forget to create a pingback to this post so that other participants can read your post.
  • I also recommend adding your post’s URL to the comments.
San Diego's Skyline
Pastel sunset of San Diego’s Skyline

As the sun sets on this post, I wish a Happy Father’s Day to the fathers, sons, brothers, uncles, and grandfathers in your lives and mine.

I can’t wait to see how you interpret this week’s theme! Creativity is encouraged, so please share your photographs (old or new), poems, original short stories, and music inspired by the theme. Join me next week as we explore Plant Life in the Great Outdoors. Have a wonderful week.!

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  1. Aw…I teared up reading about Aero and Gideon. Such precious memories of them.

    I love the finch couple enjoying their spot for dinner. You’re in a place like heaven with all those sunflowers and long days to enjoy them! You have captured so many breathtaking sunrises and sunsets. I’m in awe – it’s fascinating to see how a vivid one can be as gorgeous as a pastel one. Ahh… And, bonus, you joined in on several prompts. Yippee! 🥳🎉

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you, Shelley! My daughter thought after two years of losing Gideon, is was time to get another dog. Her cat misses Gideon as well, so she got a new puppy from a rescue organization.
      Glad you like those sunsets and sunrises. I commented earlier that I need to collect a few more of each!


      • You’re welcome! Aw…that’s so sweet of your daughter to adopt a rescue dog. I’m sure the doggie is bringing her joy.
        It’s so nice you’re up for both the sunrise and the sunset. I’m guessing you’ll find many opportunities to capture many more of each. 😊

        Liked by 1 person

  2. Sunset, sunrise, golden hour or the blue moment, great opportunity for a great shot. You have several hear. I love this time of the year here in the north, the sunset at the moment 22:49 . sunrise at 3:56. Thanks Terri for joining 🙂


  3. Absolutely lovely.

    I’m surprised that such a big dog as your daughter’s was attacked by coyotes. Was he out along or with her?? That’s crazy.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. You’ve got some stunners there, Terri! It’s impossible to pick a favourite. Love the quote about the broken lawnmower but also the one about enjoying the finite amount of sunrise/sunsets we have. Bernie

    Liked by 1 person

  5. […] Sunday Stills: Your Daily Dose of Sunrise and Sunset The End Of The Oregon TrailJune 13, 2024Alice DeForestThe Devils SlideJune 12, 2024Alice DeForestOnce A Site Of Thriving IndustriesJune 9, 2024Alice DeForest […]


  6. Terri, here in SE Michigan it feels like Summer has already arrived and I made the most of this weekend before the big heat wave descends on us tomorrow and lasting through next Saturday. The heat and humidity are bad enough – I just worry it will bring volatile weather. Tomorrow we get to 97 degrees.
    I like the length of your day right now; more time for Summer fun. I also like how long your sunflowers last. Ours really don’t arrive until August depending on the variety and if they arrive late and then we have harsh cold or an early frost, they are gone.
    That’s a beautiful photo of Gideon, a very nice memory to treasure now that he is gone.
    I was able to get an unusual early a.m. photo a few years ago when the smoke from the west coast wildfires permeated our skies for weeks and moonrise looked orangey.
    I still don’t have any sunrise/sunset photos to contribute, however I have done a little spin on this themed Challenge.

    Liked by 1 person

  7. So sorry to hear of the two pups, Gideon and Aero. So hard to lose them to senseless situations.

    Your sunflower pictures are gorgeous and to have them around for so long is wonderful!

    Oh and lets not forget your sunsets! Wowza!

    Thanks for another beautiful post!

    Liked by 1 person

  8. Your sunrise and sunset times are almost the same as ours, Terri. You get longer days, as although the sun rises simultaneously, our sunsets are at 21: 37 at this time of the year. It’s still light when I go to bed at 10 p.m., but I’ve noticed how quickly it gets dark after 10 p.m.

    Sunrises are my favourite. Because of our location, we don’t get to see sunsets. However, my Wordless Wednesday post this week is about a sunset I took during the summer solstice last year when we were on holiday.

    The wildfires are terrible. I’m glad we don’t get them in the UK, although climate change could change that, especially given that we had the heating on last week because it was like November! The summer clothes were put away for a week. I’m pleased to say no signs of any heat waves hitting the UK yet.

    Liked by 1 person

    • I’m sure our homes are in the same latitude with the long light we get, Hugh. Winters can be tough though.

      We’re a bit land locked to really see sunsets or rises, but I can capture good dusk or Dawn pics. Our summer is shy this year. I also turned our heater on this a.m. for an hour! On solstice Thursday we’ll be back in summer mode. I’m looking forward to your WW post!

      Liked by 1 person

  9. Wow, your sunset pictures are so gorgeous. I love the San Diego sunset. How fantastic it would have been to be basking in it on one of those boats. mmmm. Dreamy. Pastels do that to me. Pastels seem to erase the harsh heat of summer, and warm up the cool spring and winter weather. I love some of your quotes – especially the one about the broken lawn mower. Fun post, my friend. Hope your summer is making you feel light and breezy. 🙂 xxxxxxx

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you, Marsha! I was so excited to capture that San Diego sunset back in 2016. The lighting was perfect and pastel. I forgot to use it for my pastel color challenge. I think summer might have shown up. It’s been cool and rainy since Saturday. We have to chat soon!

      Liked by 1 person

      • Summer is definitely here – even in Prescott. It’s been perfect the last few days. I’ve spent a lot of time on the patio visiting with our neighbor, meetings are now in the park instead of inside. Walking the dog at 5:30 in the morning isn’t such a chore now. Talk to you soon! xxxx

        Liked by 1 person

  10. I love all your gorgeous pictures of sunrise and sunset, and sunflowers, too! And your sweet remembrance of the doggies once part of your life! I’d hoped to make it back to join in the challenge, but we were gone camping this week, and there were no sunrises or sunsets to share from there! Hoping to make it to this coming week’s challenge! 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

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