
#WordlessWednesday: A Grand Opening

For Wordless Wednesday, let your image(s) tell the story!

“Bring me the sunflower crazed with the love of light.”—Eugenio Montale

partially open sunflower
Prospective Tenants
partially open sunflower
Stretching its petals toward the sun
Sunflower's Grand Opening
Sunflower’s Grand Opening

“Let the sunflowers of thy soul bloom in the sunshine.”—Lailah Gifty Akita

Sunflower Open for Business
Cherry Tomatoes
Cherry Tomatoes — Last on the card

Sharing for Brian’s Last on the Card and Cee’s Flower of the Day.

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      • With all the heat and rain we’ve been having lately, everyone’s flowers and veggies should be doing well too. I was feeding the Cardinals safflower seeds in my yard since the squirrels don’t like them. The seeds kept dropping into the lava rock garden and I worried about mice. I cleaned it up, blew the tiny seeds away, but some remained mbedded in the lava rock garden so now I have safflowers a couple of inches high (which look like weeds). I switched to shelled peanuts and got Chickadees too, but the squirrels took over the feeder so I have to come up with a new plan after my trees and bushes are removed later this Summer.

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  1. As I mentioned on your last sunflower post, I love them too. I enjoyed the sequence but I wondered for a moment when I got to the delicious looking tomatoes just exactly how they fit in. 🙂 Then I saw the reason they were there and my mind relaxed.

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