Suburban pocket forest

#WordlessWednesday: Have You Walked in the Great Outdoors Yet?

For Wordless Wednesday, let your images tell the story.

Rural road walk
Early morning walk

“Nothing is more beautiful than the loveliness of woods before sunrise.” – George Washington Carver

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  1. I agree Terri. Morning is best for critter viewing and peacefulness too! I like walking in the Park when it is so quiet I can hear the munching of peanuts and their shells falling to the ground. That is my idea of peace and tranquility.

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  2. No woods for me because there aren’t any nearby, but I did walk outside this morning at 5:30 a, when it was still a “cool” 85, certainly better than the high of 108! Thanks for letting me enjoy a moment n the woods here.

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  3. You have some great walks there and early morning is probably the best time to take them. I love the early mornings here because the temperature is great and it’s so peaceful, before everyone is up and about.

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  4. Beautiful walk you have! Hoping for a walk today. There has been lots of rain and then lots of smoke from the Canadian wildfires. It was gorgeous yesterday, so I spent it in my gardens planting and transplanting, then I cut the grass. So I spent time in nature a little differently.

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