brown frog

#WordlessWednesday: 20 Froggies Went to AI School

For Wordless Wednesday, let your images tell the story.

Small frog in garden
Macro frog
Froggies love living in the hydrangea

“If we can discover the meaning in the trilling of a frog, perhaps we may understand why it is for us not merely noise but a song of poetry and emotion.” – Adrian Forsyth

Coqui Frog
Hilo, Hawaii’s Vocal Coqui Frog
AI-Generated green frog

and Lens-Artists: AI & Photography

green frog teaching little green frogs

Please join me beginning June 9 as we explore the outdoors in PASTELS for the Sunday Stills Monthly Color Challenge.


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  1. I like the “real deal” frogs and I like your AI-generated frogs as well Terri. How fun that you have recreated this poem your Mom read to you with the rapt attention of 20 little frogs. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Gotta love frogs. We were hearing an increase in coquis for a while, but it seems to have dropped off the last few months. Don’t know why, but I’m not complaining. They’re loud!

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Cute pics of frogs, Terri. There is a green frog, (we named it Frankie) that has lived on our balcony for several years. It sings along with the visiting birds, and when it rains. Nature’s symphony.

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  4. I still have some of the Childcraft volumes from when I was a child, mainly those with poems. I can be hard to spot frogs but you did well. The top AI image looks pretty good; the other one is quite obviously AI.

    Liked by 1 person

    • How cool you have the volumes, Janet. Apparently I colored in the one book, and who knows where they ended up?
      My frogs were lucky catches. The first frog was generated by WordPress, the other two from Copilot, which tends to be more fantasy- based. A fun prompt in which to explore.

      Liked by 1 person

  5. Your photos, always, although the AI generated images would be lovely as illustrations, but credited as such. I still think illustrators have more to fear than photographers from AI content, and writers.

    Liked by 1 person

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