Swallow on a break

Wordless Wednesday: Swift #Swallows in the Great Outdoors

For Wordless Wednesday, let your images tell the story.

swallow in flight
Fuzzy swallow in flight
Swallow in the Birdhouse
Adult swallow checking things out
violet-green swallow
Violet-green Swallow
Baby swallow about to leave the nest
Fledgling Violet-green Swallow demanding food

“True hope is swift and flies on swallow’s wings.” ~ William Shakespeare

Sharing for Marsha’s WQ

Bitmoji Birding

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    • Thanks, Cathy! When they sit still for a moment you can really see their colors. I had seen mama swallow sitting at the birdhouse opening before. But it was just last week when I walked by my she-shed, I saw the baby sitting in the opening with his mouth open. He just sat there, I’m thinking because it was hot that day. Someone told me on Facebook the swallow babies fledge fully able to fly but they go back into the nest.

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  1. Lovely colorful swallows, Terri! I haven’t seen one or I don’t recognize one. We have quite a few birds in my backyard now.
    It turned out we’re fully occupied with the grandkids in the summer. Have fun the rest of the week.

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    • Thank you, Anne! I’m really excited about that picture. My birdhouse is above the barn door to my she-shed. I had walked out to it then looked up and saw the baby sitting there. Captured it with my phone at close range. Brave little thing!

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  2. These are pretty swallows Terri. We don’t have Violet-green Swallows in Michigan. I like all the photos but the swallow giving you the side eye and the chick demanding food were my favorites.

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    • Side eye, that’s funny Linda. That’s what my dog does and he knows he’s doing it. I got so lucky with the swallow chick. He was only a couple of feet away when I approached my she-shed. I thought he would squeeze back in but he stayed and posed. I think it was getting hot in the birdhouse.

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      • Animals and birds are funny with the side eye or a backward glance. It’s like they’re thinking “you’re not pulling any funny stuff with me – I see you there!” That swallow chick is getting too big for the birdhouse, like when chicks are ready to fledge and sit on the side of the nest, like they can’t endure staying there a minute longer! 🙂

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  3. There’s still lots of work to do. The engineering of the retaining walls is so different here. We got several quotes and they seemed to use the same company for pavers and blocks. The blocks for the walls are hollow in the back and they poured river rocks behind the blocks to hold them. In CA, they use rebar and pour cement in the center of the blocks to build the walls.
    Well, the river rocks are mixed with the soil. I had to dig down more than a foot to remove the river rocks and mend the soil with sand, bark chips and good soil. After that, and good soil on top before planting. It was labor intensive work. I’ll wait until the end of summer to do more digging. In the meantime, I have some flowers to look at.

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