purple lavender flower

#WordlessWednesday: The Relaxing Scent of Lavender

For Wordless Wednesday, let your images tell the story.

lavender field

“Lavender – the color and scent of relaxation, youthfulness, creativity, imagination, optimism.” — Unknown

lavender closeup
Lovely Lavender

“Forgiveness is the smell that lavender gives out when you tread on it.” ― Mark Twain

Evening Light Lavender Farm
View from Local Lavender Farm

Sharing for Marsha’s Wednesday Quotes: Relaxing and Cee’s Flower of the Day

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purple brushstroke
signature purple floral

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  1. Awww, I love the Mark Twain quote. Our friends Jill and Gaylord have the most beautiful lavender bushes. The huge one we had in CA was sprawling across our driveway. It had to forgive us many times. I almost took pictures of it the other day, but I like the background and colors in yours better. I didn’t have the lighting or the grass that makes your picture pop so much!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Possibly my favorite scent. Beautiful shots that remind me of visiting the lavender fields in Provence some years ago. Even though the harvest had happened, the scent was still intoxicating! Lavender was so inexpensive at the French markets there too. Love the Twain quote.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Pretty images and I am imagining that scent as well … I could use with a little aromatherapy right now. We are under a tornado watch, maybe turning into a tornado watch after midnight (sounds like a Cinderella story). I would normally be sound asleep.

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  4. What a gorgeous photo! I can almost smell the lavender from here. It looks so peaceful and relaxing. I love how you captured the light and the colors of the flowers and the sky. You have a talent for photography and a passion for leisure. I enjoy your wordless Wednesday posts.

    Liked by 1 person

  5. I love lavender and your photos are so beautiful. We are not sure we can get it to grow here in Ireland. We are still figuring out what belongs here, what we can bring in and what we better leave. There is,always pots. 😇

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Sorry Ter, your ‘like’ button hasn’t been working for me for awhile. But just to let you know, I’m sitting here with the wonderful waft of a lavender and white sage candle. 🙂 ❤

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