student bicycles line the sidewalk

Variations of Higher Education

student bicycles line the sidewalk

The Weekly Photo Challenge does just that: it offers a challenge to photographers and photo-bloggers to find or take pictures of people, places and things of interest.

This week, my challenge was going back into the classroom to teach a new set of university students on the subject of management. I really wouldn’t say it was challenging, as in difficult, in that respect, but I faced the challenge of settling into a new routine after a long semester break that included extended travel.

The photo challenge this week is Variations on a Theme.

Have you guessed my theme yet? Education!

The photo above shows a variety of colorful bicycles all lined up as the spring semester begins. This represents a very cold, cloudy day at Sacramento State University (yes, I know it’s not as cold as what the rest of the US is experiencing). Students will still ride their bikes in the cold and rain.

This next photo is of my new classroom (the calm before the storm of 40 students gathering for class). This is a high-tech classroom with cameras, audio and microphones set up to record the lecture in order to stream it for the online section of students.

University classroomAs I teach my classroom of face-to-face students one night a week, the online section with another set of students watches the video of the class. All 80 students in both sections complete the same assignments. Someone is a genius for creating this variation on the higher education theme.

This semester will be a walk in the park! I get to lecture once a week, which counts for two separate classes! I only have to be on campus one day a week and I will only have 80 students instead of 130! Nice variation on this theme!

Just for fun, as we long for warmer days ahead, this next photo shows my former Friday morning class having their day at the Sacramento State Aquatic Center. A variety of kayaks, colors and levels of skill and enjoyment.

College students kayaking for first time

Experiential Education is another variation of a teaching technique of which I am proud to be a part. I will miss those classes…a little!

For now I will enjoy this new challenge of teaching management theory and practice!


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  1. It sure is a different world from my college days. How nice that you can teach “two” classes at the same time! I’m curious, are the 40 students in-class and the 40 online taking the same class with the same assignments and tests? If so, are there studies on what type of teaching works better (i.e. are the students’ grades similar)? I’m pretty sure that I’d do better in a classroom situation (but I’m “old school 🙂 ).

    Liked by 1 person

  2. It’s so interesting to see your classroom and to learn about all the high-tech. I prefer face to face, but the online class certainly has its advantages… even for the professor 😉👍 Great application of the theme.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. It’s wonderful that educational opportunities are increasing imaginatively so more people can participate. Still, I’d love to go back and sit in a lecture hall and listen to a professor, or better, take art classes.
    Or maybe just ride that yellow bike.

    Liked by 1 person

    • I’m surprised that this core class has so few people who can teach it. I’m honored they chose me and I find the online format a good challenge. I do prefer the classroom, because of the interaction, and I know students prefer it, but the online format works for many students.


  4. You make me homesick for college classes, Terri. I always loved the beginning of the semester, before I was behind in any reading or worried about a test. Haha! I love the new world of flexible and creative learning options. Your one day/week is the perfect balance for retirement. Great photos.

    Liked by 1 person

  5. I love your photo of the bicycles, it makes me long for spring when we can get our bikes out again. Currently I teach only on line. It took some getting used to, but now I find that I can build relationships with students. I like the freedom of teaching wherever and whenever I want during the week.

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Sounds like this new semester is already a success, Terri. I love the excitement you are showing and the double-productivity without needing to do more effort. A win-win! Hope it warms up soon in your neck of the woods. We are enjoying two perfect days here in San Diego.

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