How far will walking take you?

How Far Will Walking Take You?

How far will walking take you?

In the world of physical activity and exercise, how far will walking take you?

This quote by Ellen DeGeneres, all kidding aside, implies people who walk daily will reap a host of health benefits.

Sources agree that walking boosts memory and battles obesity. In addition, walking helps address other health concerns like diabetes, high blood pressure and cancer. Other physical benefits include toning the rear and legs, as well as enhancing balance.

Two bloggers share their own ideas and benefits of walking.

Donna of Retirement Reflections, recently shared Building Walking into Your Lifestyle as a guest post on Sizzling Toward Sixty.

Tony, long-time blogger at One Regular Guy Writing about Food, Exercise and Living Past 100, shares a wealth of information on his page Why You Should Walk More

Some benefits I have experienced is how walking de-stresses me and elevates my mood. Often times, walking simply helps me solve a problem or think of a great blog post!

Original image by
Arek Adeoye
Courtesy of Unsplash

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  1. Hi, Terri – Thank you so much for linking to my recent guest post on walking. I am currently in Spain getting ready to begin my 700 km walk on the Camino Trail. I’m excited and nervous all at one time. Ill keep you posted!

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  2. I agree that walking is an easy and enjoyable exercise with great rewards, one of them that I don’t have to go to a gym or “health spa” – something I intensely dislike. But a word of caution. My mom walked several miles for many years – until her Alzheimer’s made it too dangerous. Living a healthy lifestyle as you promote is a great regimen for everyone, but some awful things may happen anyway. Not a reason not to walk – or do anything good for body and soul – just a suggestion to be sensible.

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  3. I used to love to walk. Now, I can go about a block or two before I have to stop for a rest. However, I do swim three days a week and it feels great! This morning I walked all over Walmart and it did me in for the whole day. I begin my new MS infusion on Tuesday. My neurologist and I have discussed the increase in my fatigue and will wait and see if the new medicine makes any different. I’ve heard good things about it so far!

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  4. I used to walk every day until my feet and knees started to make it much harder. I miss it. I can feel the difference not walking is making in my energy. What I need is someone to walk with. I feel insecure continuing to go out alone to explore the way I used to because I never know when my knee will decide to act up. The neighborhood also isn’t as safe as it used to be. I hate walking on a treadmill at the gym, but I have to go there for the stationary bike to help my knees. Wanting to be out in nature is what motivated me to walk. The scenery at the gym just doesn’t cut it.

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    • Barbara, I’m right there in sympathy about your knees. I wrecked mine (patella & cartilage) a few years ago after years of running. The elliptical and bike really help keep my knee in line (twisting is bad). When hiking we use the trecking poles for stability on the downhill slopes. Hope you find something that works for you, thanks for stopping by 🙂


  5. For a long time walking was difficult for me, my knees would swell up and I was in a lot of pain. A knee replacement definitely helped that, I now I enjoy walking again. I still can’t walk long on heavy surfaces such as thick concrete, but that is what nature trails are for!

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  6. Ya gotta love Ellen! I get out of sorts quickly when i don’t get a daily walk in. I’ve begun fashioning walking sticks (that are necessary in our area – lots of loose dogs).

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  7. I walked to work every day when living in London. That was a 7-mile round trip. Then, when I retired, we got our dog, Toby. I agree with everything you say about the benefits of walking, Terri. Not only that, but I’ve also made some great friends while out walking, but that may have something to do with Toby.
    Many of my blog posts and short stories have also come to me while I’ve been out walking. I walk every day, even if to get away from the computer or TV, to go and get some fresh air and take in that other world out there. It’s a great place. 😀

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  8. Firstly this interesting post and conversations are on the most clicked list for a feature on the Blogger’s Pit Stop. In fact, your posts have taken out the top two spots. Congratulations.

    When I was young I thought I don’t drink or smoke so I will be healthy. Not so! I would be considered ‘over the hill’ but I have never felt better in my life. I certainly walk every day. Four days a week I challenge myself with very steep hill walking, a benefit of living on a mountain. Health is an all round thing, not just diet or exercise, as vital as they are but include mental health and spiritual health for a great outcome.
    Blogger’s Pit Stop

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  9. I love talking walks. It makes my dogs happy, it makes me happy–so much so that the exercise is kind of a side benefit. Totally agree with your sentiments here (except maybe the bit about Grandma wandering off.) 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

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