Welcome to Waikiki

Lusting for Travel

Welcome to Waikiki

Why did the traveler cross the road? To satisfy her wanderlust, of course! If that is even possible.

I have barely been off the North American continent, the furthest travel spots being Mexico and Hawaii. But I am willing to pack for any kind of adventure!

Referring to the “Polaroid” above, it has been over 10 years since I visited Hawaii and stayed on Waikiki Beach. That was the view from our balcony. Not a fancy place, but who hangs out in a hotel room all day?

View of La Ventana, home to windsurfing and kiteboarding.

In 2010, I flew solo to Baja, Mexico by way of Guadalajara. I almost didn’t make the hopper that took us to Baja. From this view you can look down into La Ventana Bay which is home to several resorts that cater to windsurfing, kite-boarding and all things water-sport! My hubby (then boyfriend) was already camped there. He had driven in his truck over 1200 miles from Northern California. This is a popular winter spot for wind-sport enthusiasts to get some warm sunshine between November and February.

This week’s photo challenge asks us to share our visions of Wanderlust. Here are a few places I have been.

I am hoping to visit Hawaii or Mexico in January. My hubby and I are making plans to visit Europe in a few years. The road is open!

Where has the road taken you?


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  1. My goodness, this post is wonderful! My wandering heart is always yearning to go…. mainly into the wilderness and as high up on mountains as possible but there’s literally a whole world of possibilities!! Thanks for sharing!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Oooo – I love the way that you have (gorgeous) pictures as links to your previous adventure posts. Baja, Mt Hood, Lake Tahoe and Yosemite are all on my bucket list thanks to you. You’ve captured them beautifully. Tough decision whether to travel to Mexico or Hawaii next. Can’t go wrong with either. And I would love to see you photographing in Europe. Perhaps we will get lucky and you will add SE Asia to your travel list :).

    Liked by 1 person

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